I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 318 Big Three's Life Experience!

Chapter 318 Junior's Life Experience!
Inside the entrance of the Condensation Hall, a wrinkled old lady, leaning on a cane, waited anxiously and kept watching the sky.

Until a small somersault cloud flew over and instantly came to the top of the palace——

The old woman laughed in surprise, and hurriedly stepped forward leaning on a cane, shouted "Xianzun!", and knelt down on the ground.

The little somersaulting cloud stopped, and flew back slowly, the little fairy frowned slightly, looked at the old woman on the ground, and asked: "Are you...?"

The old woman trembled, kowtowed respectfully, then raised her head and called out: "Immortal Master, it's an old slave—Grandma Mei!"

Immortal Immeasurable stared at the wrinkled face, nodded slowly, his loving eyes showed no surprise, and said, "Grandma Mei, come in and talk."

After Xiao Xianweng finished speaking, somersaulting clouds floated into the hall in an instant.

The old woman stood up with difficulty, leaned on her crutches, and strode towards the main hall.

As soon as she entered the door, the old lady knelt down again with a loud "Plop!", crying, begging: "Immortal... help me!"

Immeasurable Immortal flicked his sleeves lightly, sending out a wave of spiritual power to help her up.

"Grandma Mei, speak slowly if you have something to say."

Granny Mei burst into tears, nodded her head and choked with sobs, and said, "Immortal Venerable, Aunt Jingxin, her life is suffering! Suffering! Please save her! Please! Please..."

Immeasurable Immortal sighed softly, and said: "She is a holy lady in the demon world, she has her own responsibilities and responsibilities. She knows what she did wrong, and she is willing to bear it. This immortal is a person from the fairy world. The six worlds do not interfere with each other. No interference. This immortal will definitely not interfere with the internal affairs of the demon world."

When Granny Mei heard this, she shook her head in tears and said: "No... Immortal Venerable, even though you said the same thing back then, you still extended a helping hand and saved our great sage Jingxin with compassion! If it wasn't for your protection, How could she escape the hunt of the demon world and give birth to Lin'er... If it weren't for your kindness, the little prince would not have survived..."

"Immortal Venerable, please... Jingxin's child is suffering! For more than 1 years, she has suffered and suffered in the forbidden area. She has lived a hard life. It has been more than 1 years. Is it possible to continue to endure it? Time is a head! Woooo..."

"Immortal Venerable, please save her! Please! You can understand that child in meditation. Although the child is gentle and peaceful, her heart is extremely strong. She would rather Enduring the pain of being separated from family and family, handing over the infant child to the immortal, and returning to the demon world by himself to be severely punished."

"She has been tortured a lot, but she refuses to open her mouth. She insists that her child died of dystocia, and she is willing to suffer any punishment, as long as the rest of the family are not involved. Wuwu... What a miserable child! Immortal Venerable, she is here I have been tortured in the forbidden area for more than 1 years... that should be enough... woo woo..."

Suddenly, Granny Mei raised her head and asked with a worried expression: "Immortal Venerable, you haven't mentioned the young master's matter to the demon god, have you? You can't say that! You can't say it!"

Immortal Immeasurable shook his head, and said: "I promised her to hide it for her, so naturally I won't mention it to others." The little baby that was born, this Immortal Venerable finally couldn't bear it, helped her to pick up the baby, and agreed to her."

"For more than 1 years, he has lived a very stable life in the fairy world. Although he is a bit dull and slow to respond, he is also considered happy and healthy. This time, the immortal also brought him here."

Granny Mei showed surprise on her face, and asked tremblingly, "Really?! Immortal, young master... Where is he? Can this old slave see him? Just take a look from afar, just one glance..."

Immortal Wuliang nodded slightly, and said: "You can also be regarded as his mother-in-law. Back then, you almost lost your life because of his smooth birth. Go in and see him."

"Thank you...thank you!" Granny Mei followed the direction he pointed, walked quickly twice, but then backed away, and said timidly: "Xianzun, in case the young master asks about the identity of the old slave... but It’s not good...Although Great Sage Jingxin misses him, he still doesn’t know his own background.”

Immortal Wuliang explained softly: "Don't be afraid. After he came to the demon world, the strong demonic energy here disturbed the demonic power and demonic energy sealed up in his body, and he was still unconscious."

Granny Mei turned pale with fright, and asked anxiously: "Then... what should I do then? Will the young master be fine? Immortal Venerable, you must help him!"

The little fairy shook his head slightly, and said: "It's okay, as long as we leave the demon world, he will naturally not be disturbed, and he will naturally recover as usual. It's just that he will feel more uncomfortable for a while. You go in and have a look while he's unconscious. .”

Granny Mei was so grateful, she bowed to him and walked inside tremblingly.

After a while, she walked back while wiping tears.

"Xianzun, thank you! Thank you for taking care of the young master for more than 1 years! Thank you... But, why does the young master still look like a child?"

Immeasurable Immortal answered indifferently: "He is the child born of the combination of a demon and a mortal, so he is born different. He grew up in the appearance of a human for many years at first, but he was always just a little baby. Afterwards, he grew vigorously for several years. The height of a five- or six-year-old child has successfully formed the alchemy, and it has been maintained at the time of the alchemy."

Then, he sighed softly: "The combination of a human and a demon is a matter against the law. Back then, I also advised that girl Jingxin, but she was determined and insisted on giving birth to the child in her belly. With such a result, I also It was explained to her, but she still insisted on leaving a bloodline for the one she loved."

Speaking of this, Granny Mei on the side began to cry again, choking with sobs, and said, "Ah! Injustice! Instead of being a good saint in the demon world, she wants to love a mortal she can't love! What's so good about a mortal! There has never been a good relationship between a ladyboy and a monster since ancient times..."

Immeasurable Immortal was noncommittal and silently did not answer.

After a long while, he slowly opened his mouth: "That's right, that mortal died young because of being close to her, and the evil spirit entered his body. He was deeply saddened by meditation, and regretted it in his heart - just when she decided to destroy her own soul." When I was in Dan, I found out I was pregnant."

"In order to leave a lineage for the one she loves, she ran around to avoid being hunted by the demon world. You and girl Jingxian protected her and took care of her. With the help of this immortal venerable and my apprentice, you can spend those years safely."

Granny Mei begged again: "Immortal Venerable...she would rather go back to the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Realm and be punished for many years in order to see her child in the future, and for the sake of preventing her child from being discovered by all the monsters in the Demon Realm. Immortal Venerable, please do your best and save her again." Just once! Please..."

Immeasurable Immortal lowered his head, his face darkened, and he did not respond.

At this time, a dull voice sounded: "Master, I beg you, junior, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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