I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 332 Don't Be Greedy, Just Mu Tianzhu!

Chapter 332 Don't Be Greedy, Just Mu Tianzhu!
Moluo was stunned, and said: "The holy aunt is the woman approved by the scepter, and the third year...he can't be it at all!"

At this time, Yushi smiled, took out the scepter from the storage bag, and said: "When the thunder and lightning come, let the junior have a try, and we will know for sure!"

Moluo was puzzled, but seeing her confident look, and hearing that Junior was the first person to discover the condensation, he didn't dare to doubt or say anything, but just nodded.

"Your Excellency, the demon god, the junior and his poor mother..." Yushi deliberately pulled out her voice, waiting for his answer.

Moluo replied earnestly: "If he is a person recognized by the holy aunt's scepter and the master of the demon world recognized by Ningluzhu, this deity will never treat him badly. Later, this deity will personally pick up his mother and child."

After hearing this, everyone smiled and nodded.

Seeing that his attitude had changed drastically before and after, Yushi smiled secretly.

Suddenly, the man hugging her squeezed her slender waist secretly, and whispered: "Mu Tianzhu."

oh!Almost forgot another important event - this is the only purpose of their trip!

Yushi smiled and said, "Your Excellency, the demon god, have the poison on your body been cured? Is there any other discomfort in your body?"

Moluo smiled gratefully, cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, little fairy, for your concern. This deity is all well. Fortunately, you helped me at that time, otherwise this deity might be in danger! Thank you! Thank you!"

Yushi sneaked a glance at Immortal Wuliang, who immediately understood, pointed at her with pouted lips, shrugged his shoulders, expressing that he was helpless.

She understands that if Momoo Cow can't get into the water, then the wooden Tianzhu can't be lifted up.And whether Moomoo can go into the water depends on her to figure out a way.

Yushi frowned, and continued: "Yes! It was so critical at that time, if I hadn't arrived in time and sent a drop of condensate into your mouth, it would have been too dangerous! Boy, we became your Moroccan My savior!"

Mingguaiguai and her are best friends, and the two of them have been together for a long time, so they can more or less guess her mind.

Hearing her words like this, he smiled secretly, but on the surface he nodded solemnly, and said: "Yes, thank you for your timely action and saved Morocco. If he is poisoned, the demon world loses the demon god, and there is no successor, the entire demon world will be in chaos .Actually, we have saved the entire demon world!"

Yushi's big eyes have long been cracked with laughter!
Secretly giving Ming obediently a thumbs up—today she suddenly discovered that her good ghost honey is really cute!Not only did they re-emphasize their life-saving grace to Moro, but they also took advantage of the situation to magnify this grace and expand it to the entire demon world.

The image is instantly taller, and the brilliance soars instantly!
Ghost honey, you are so cute!

Moluo is a demon god, and the person who entertains and handovers is also a master.Hearing their words, he understood in an instant, and cupped his hands and said, "Molo will always remember the life-saving grace of the two of you. If you need something in the future, please give me an order. No hesitation."

Yushi laughed so hard that she couldn't even see her eyes—this is what she was waiting for!
"Your Excellency, Demon God, you are really generous and enthusiastic! In fact, on the first day we came to the Demon Realm, we stated the purpose of our trip. We are not greedy, as long as Mu Tianzhu is enough."

The corners of Moluo's brows twitched slightly—is it greedy to ask for Mu Tianzhu?

This Little Fairy Xuanshi should not be underestimated, she has profound martial arts at a young age, is smart and intelligent, not only successfully entered the forbidden area, but also broke through each level, hitting the inner treasured area.

According to the ancient records of the demon world, there is only one person in history who can successfully pass through the barrier.In the end, this person should be entrusted by the demon god of the time to set up the ninth level to help protect the treasure land.

The treasure land of the demon world, even if he is a demon god in the demon world, he can only take a look at it from a distance, but she rushed inside and emptied the precious and peerless medicinal materials stored in the treasure land.

The peerless woman in front of her can even break through the ninth level of that expert, which shows that her ability is extraordinary.I have to say that he is really admired and jealous in his heart!

Such a big change in the demon world this time may be due to God's will!That being the case, he shouldn't be too persistent.

Thinking of this, he smiled relievedly and explained: "Everyone, in fact, everyone knows that Mu Tianzhu is an evil thing in the demon world. In the deep pool in the center of Treasure Land."

"To tell you the truth, this deep pool is unfathomable, and the Mu Tianzhu is huge and incomparably heavy. Unless it is an ancient giant beast, it cannot be shaken at all. It is said that the Mu Tianzhu can not only absorb demon power, but also When it collides, it can even give him the demon power technique contained in the body."

Yushi yelled and couldn't help but praise: "Wow! It's so amazing!"

Moluo nodded, smiled darkly, and explained: "It's a pity that neither the deity nor the master of the deity is its predestined person."

Yushi blinked her eyes, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "The things must be used to the best of their ability. Letting them be trapped in this deep pool will also bury it! Your Excellency, since you are not its predestined relationship, then give it to us! Would you like to give it up?" Go through fire and water for us, we know. Or help us get it out!"

Going to the deep pool can also be regarded as repaying a favor!If their demon gods can get it down, they must also be able to get it up.If this is the case, she doesn't have to work too hard!
After hearing this, Moluo frowned in embarrassment, and apologized: "No... To be honest, although I understand the nature of water, the depth of this water pool is unfathomable. Mu Tianzhu's."

When everyone heard this, their faces were unspeakably disappointed.

At this time, a crunchy voice sounded: "It seems that I still have to use my method!"

Mingguaiguai's eyes lit up, and he said: "My dear friend, didn't you say that there was a way to get Moomoo into the water? What is the way?"

Everyone looked over together and stared at her closely.The moo cow doesn't know the nature of water, and even the demon god who knows the water nature is not sure, she can actually make the moo cow fall into the deep pool!

Yushi turned his head and thought about it, and after thinking about it, he finally said, "Wait a minute!"

Everyone was waiting curiously, and waited and waited, and waited and waited, but they couldn't think of such an answer, so they couldn't help laughing.

But Yushi flew out, and with a swipe of Xuanguang, the snow-white figure disappeared.Xuan Wuchen was worried, tapped his toes, and flew out.

After a while, the master and apprentice came back with some things.

Everyone looked at it and leaned over, full of doubts—it turned out to be some long and huge rattans, and two big iron balls!

What are these things for? !

Xuan Wuchen shook his head lightly, giving everyone a calm look.He didn't know what to do with these things, but Xiao Shi'er was clever and clever since he was a child, maybe he could really think of a way.

(End of this chapter)

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