I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 338 My Highness and Concubine Ji are making out, she misunderstood!

Chapter 338 My Highness and Concubine Ji are making out, she misunderstood!
"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and he fell to the ground.

It was an exquisite stone bench!

I saw the front of the corridor, and there was something smashing out!Chairs, stools, celadon vases... With spiritual power, they flew around, bumping back and forth, making a mess all over the place.

Yushi was dumbfounded, and couldn't help being surprised: "Damn it! Is this the rhythm of house demolition? Or the rhythm of house demolition?"

Xuan Wuchen frowned slightly, created a barrier for the two of them, led her to walk beside her, and stepped forward gracefully.

"Ah! Get out! Get out!"

"You dead black dragon! I don't want you anymore!"

It was the sound of caterpillars!

Yushi was startled, and hastily quickened his pace.Xuan Wuchen cooperated with her walking, glanced at the things that kept flying outside, and carefully protected her.

"Go to your Sannomiya Sixth Hospital! Go to your Huaxin Daluo!"

"I've already told you that I have nothing to do with you anymore! Get out! Get out!"


As soon as I walked to the door, I saw the caterpillar flying around the hall without stopping, picking it up and throwing it, picking it up and smashing it, its hair was messy, and its face was stained with tears.

Mo Heikan's face was gloomy, his eyes were full of anxiety, he dodged left and right, and kept avoiding the flying object.The big mouth was tightly closed, holding back, and did not speak.

Ming obediently hid in the corner, only seeing a faint phantom, arms folded, watching everything that happened in the temple indifferently.

"Stop! Caterpillar!"

As soon as Yushi stepped in, he immediately scolded.

Her dragon egg is not stable, and she is still making such a fuss, something will definitely happen soon!

Mo Heijian and Mingguai obediently looked over at the same time, one avoided her glaring, while the other remained indifferent.

When the caterpillar was drunk by her, she shrunk her mouth in grievance, and dropped the huge vase in her hand——


The vase is broken!
The caterpillar's face was as pale as paper, and he stood there in a daze, his mouth pouted, tears streaming down his face.Suddenly, she burst into tears with a "wow!"

Seeing her crying bitterly, Mo Heijian frowned, and whispered in distress: "Little bug..."

"Ah! Don't call me! I don't know you! Didn't I tell you to go away? Why don't you go away!" The caterpillar screamed, stared at him with red eyes, and cursed: "You bloody black dragon—— Get out!"

Mo Heijian's face was gloomy, he lowered his head and dared not speak again.

Yushi stepped forward, walked around Mo Heijian's side, grabbed the caterpillar's arm, and persuaded: "Caterpillar, if you have something to say, speak up."

"Little master! Wow... woo woo..."

The caterpillar burst into tears, threw itself into Yushi's arms, and cried.

Yushi hugged her with one arm, and quickly helped her feel her pulse with the other, her delicate brows were frowned.

"Caterpillar, sit down!"

Mo Heijian lowered his head, walked around the mess, and handed him a stool.

Yushi helped the caterpillar sit down, took out two pills, and fed her to swallow.

While lecturing: "Your dragon fetus is not stable. You took the elixir yesterday, but you performed a big martial arts like this! The pulse of the dragon egg is a lot weaker, swallow it quickly, sit down and rest."

The caterpillar nodded obediently, and leaned against her, sobbing silently.

At this time, Ming walked out obediently, and his figure recovered.With a wave of his hand, white light flashed in the hall, and the cleanliness and order were instantly restored.

Xuan Wuchen stepped forward and sat down gracefully.Ming obediently conjured up two cups of hot tea and handed him a cup.

"Shangxian, please use tea."

Xuan Wuchen nodded lightly, and reached out to take it.

The two tasted tea elegantly, their faces were cold, and they didn't speak.

Mo Heijian leaned forward, glanced at the sobbing caterpillar with closed eyes, and looked at Yushi who was hugging her, hesitating to speak.

Yushi sighed helplessly, half-closed his big eyes, and said: "If you have something to say, please explain it clearly."

When she heard her speak like this, Mo Hei looked delighted!
Very good!Xiao Yushi can still forgive herself.With her tone like this, she will definitely help persuade the caterpillar.She is the master of caterpillars, and she will definitely listen to her.

Mo Heijian was happy, and nodded gratefully to her.

"Little Yushi, little bug, she has some misunderstandings about His Highness..."

The caterpillar interrupted him with a sob, and said, "What a misunderstanding! I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears—how dare you call it a misunderstanding! Get out! Get out!"

Seeing that the caterpillar became excited again, Yushi quickly hugged her and advised, "Don't get excited, just listen to what he has to say. Don't worry, the little master is here!"

The caterpillar sniffed and threw itself back into her arms.

Mo Heijian coughed uncomfortably, and continued: "A few days ago, Xiao Chongzi was pregnant. We were all very happy, and the whole of Beihai was beaming with joy. My Highness also specially sent a letter to the father and mother, and they were all overjoyed. Very soon, I will go back to the Dragon Palace to help take care of the little bugs."

"But Xiao Chongzi's dragon fetus is a little unstable. The imperial doctor told her to rest more, and also prevented His Highness from getting too close to her. It takes at least a year for a dragon egg to be born, and it takes about three years to hatch. Your Highness Don't dare to be careless, and have been telling the imperial physician to take good care of the little bug."

"Father and concubine mother have not come back yet, and Beihai's affairs can only be handled by my highness. My highness is also busy, and I occasionally go to see her at night, and the little bugs have fallen asleep. So... my highness rested with other concubines In the palace."

Hearing this, Yushi finally understood!

However, she didn't ask any questions, but just motioned him to continue.

Mo Heijian swallowed his saliva secretly, and said again: "Unexpectedly, Xiao Chongzi rushed to find my highness, and even saw my highness making out with concubine Ji... She was furious on the spot and hit my highness. Later, she left without saying goodbye, flew away Out of the North Sea."

He hurriedly added: "My Highness found that she was not there, and looked around, feeling very anxious! Yesterday, I received a letter from the dead ghost, and only then did I know that she came to the demon world to look for you. My Highness came here non-stop, but I didn't expect that she hadn't entered the door yet. , she would throw things around."

He glanced at the caterpillar's belly, pursed his mouth, and persuaded, "You can beat or scold me if you want, but you can't ignore the child in your stomach... Whatever you want, my highness will listen to you."

Ming obediently listened to his last words, raised his head and gave him a cold look, turned his head to the side, and met Yushi's eyes unexpectedly, both of them looked downcast with obvious displeasure.

The caterpillar couldn't help shaking its head, shaking its waist while holding the jade stone: "No! Little master, he doesn't dare to tell the truth at all! He lied to you! He lied to you! As long as I was pregnant with a dragon egg, he told me Much colder. Busy during the day and busy at night. I lie in bed every day, drinking bitter and smelly tocolytics. I feel very uncomfortable! But he is always gone!"

"That night, I heard that he was looking for his concubine Ji in the back, so I wanted to find him. Who would have thought that when I walked to the door, I heard him say..."

"Little bug! What I said at that time was not true! Your Highness is just trying to make her happy! Why don't you believe it..."

Yushi glared at Mo Hei, patted the caterpillar's head, and said, "What did he say? It made you mad like mad?"

(End of this chapter)

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