I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 341 Teach Your Father The Way To Teach You

Chapter 341 Teach Your Father The Way To Teach You

At this time, a burst of exquisite laughter interrupted his doubts.

Yushi smiled and said: "Actually, I taught your father this method before!"


Everyone was surprised.

Yushi explained: "Back then my master and Uncle Ren healed Ren Jiaoer's wounds, and your father was there to help protect the Dharma. I was so bored, so I chatted with him. While chatting, he talked about his relationship with your mother and concubine. He sighed. He said, he originally had only your mother and concubine. But your mother and concubine ran away, and he searched hard for many years to find him. His self-esteem couldn't bear it, and he took in dozens of concubines in one go, filling the Beihai Palace. It's full. But he only cares about your concubine mother in his heart, and he has no mood for those women at all."

"I just told him, then quickly find the princess and come back! He sent a lot of grapes and jade dew to please me, so I taught him a way. Not only did he find the princess smoothly, but he also took the opportunity to get rid of those women in the harem .”

Mo Heijian swallowed his saliva, and obvious terror flashed in his eyes.

How could he have forgotten about his father and mother!God!Being mentioned by Xiao Yushi, he suddenly realized——he almost made history repeat itself!
No!cannot!If he is like his father, he has waited for his mother and concubine for tens of thousands of years.The little bug is not by my side...

His heart ached to death just thinking about it!
He ran forward quickly, not daring to hold Yushi's little hand anymore, and said anxiously: "Little Yushi, teach me quickly! Hurry up!"

Yushi smiled and nodded, and said: "That's what I taught your father back then. After he returned, he informed everyone in Beihai that he had an incurable disease, and his time was short. As soon as the announcement came out, your father's harem would be destroyed. It was a mess. Your father told them that according to the tradition of the Dragon Palace, he is willing to give them a lot of property so that they can be buried for him in the future. If not, each of them can also get a small property and leave Beihai to find a place to live. You may remarry or do other things as you like, but you must not be involved with the Beihai Palace."

"Those women have never been favored by your father. They are not willing to be buried for your father. They each received a share of property and left the Beihai Palace. Later, when your mother and concubine heard the news that your father was seriously ill, they rushed to the palace immediately. Go to see him in the palace. Your royal father opened his heart, explained to her what happened back then, and finally succeeded in getting your mother and concubine's forgiveness."

"Later, your father announced to the public that the concubine cured his incurable disease. He was so grateful that he would spend the rest of his life loving the concubine. The two of them no longer care about Beihai affairs, and retired to travel around the world."

"Clap clap clap!"

Ming obediently clapped at the side, and said with a smile: "My girlfriend, this is a great trick! It's just a good show to test true love and true feelings!"

Mo Hei couldn't help but nodded and laughed.

"This is a good idea! It's wonderful!"

Xuan Wuchen looked at Ke Ren'er beside him approvingly, and whispered: "Xiao Shi'er, where did you come up with so many wonderful ideas, as a teacher, I can't help being curious."

She was only five or six years old at that time, and he was really surprised that she could come up with such a wonderful plan!However, I have to say that this strategy is really good!
His little Shi'er can always bring him surprises.

Yushi giggled, blinked mischievously, and secretly said: "Master, I have a lot of wonderful ideas! So, you must not offend me! Otherwise... hum!"

Xuan Wuchen stared at her dotingly, and echoed: "If you give you three points of color, you will wantonly open the dyeing room. Look back and see how the teacher treats you!"

Yushi opened his eyes wide and blinked, looking like a dead pig who said "I'm not afraid".

A certain master looked at her cute look with a smile, and said in a low voice: "Aren't you afraid? Don't beg for mercy next time, as a teacher, I will never let you go again."

Someone's face turned red!Shyly bowing her head, she stretched out her small hand to the side of her strong waist, just about to squeeze it hard--the big hand reached out calmly and wrapped it tightly, leaving no room for her to struggle.

Yushi blushed, lowered her head obediently, and stuck to his side.

I couldn't help roaring in my heart: Master, how could you become so bad!People are afraid, and you will always be afraid, right?Huh... It's just that you are so bad, is it really okay?
Xuan Wuchen stared at her, with a smile on his lips, and his handsome face was full of pride.

He finally found a way to cure the little one, and he found--he really liked it!

As for whether it was bad or not, Shangxian Xuan Wuchen said secretly—it doesn't matter!

"Uh... Where's Mo Heijian?" Yushi blinked, looked left and right, and asked, "Why did it disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Ming obediently sat in the corner, continued to drink tea elegantly, while explaining: "He said that he must hurry back to Beihai to get rid of those women, and then prepare for a grand wedding, marrying your little bug."

Yushi listened, smiled, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief——


The caterpillar screamed, mourning unceasingly, miserable and desolate!
Everyone was shocked!

A strong feeling of bad premonition cast over her heart, Yushi bit her lower lip, and rushed inside in a hurry!
Xuan Wuchen and Ming obediently looked at each other and followed behind Yushi.

In the inner hall room, Mo Heijian stood by the bed, anxiously shouting: "Little bug! Little bug! How are you? Don't scare me! I lied to you just now... I lied to you! Wake up! do not scare me!"

His face was pale, and he hugged the caterpillar tightly, clasped his hands together, and hugged him tightly.

Yushi rushed in and asked anxiously: "What's wrong? Let go of her quickly, let me see!"

Mo Heijian didn't seem to hear it, he hugged her tightly, his face pale.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Yushi didn't care about anything else, and reached out to take the caterpillar's pulse—she was petrified!
"Quick! Put her down!"

Xuan Wuchen was the first to approach, flicking her snow-white sleeves, Mo Heijian let go instinctively, the caterpillar fell, Yu Shi caught it, laid the caterpillar flat, stretched out her hands and kept pressing her heart, relying on memory, she Changed a gesture and continued to press.

As she rescued her, she murmured anxiously: "Caterpillar! I am the little master! You just can't lift it up in one breath, and you will be fine! You have to think about the child in your stomach! You wake up and save the baby quickly." Your child! Wake up!"

Xuan Wuchen stretched out his hand to take his pulse, frowned, and asked coldly: "What happened? How did it become like this?"

Mo Heijian closed his eyes and fainted suddenly!


Ming guaiguai has sharp eyes and quick hands, hurriedly stepped forward and hugged him.

Xuan Wuchen's handsome face was cold, and he turned his head to see the little apprentice's tears dripping down, but his hands kept pressing on the woman's heart on the bed—the crystal tears made him feel a sharp pain in his heart!
"Xiao Shi'er, let me come as a teacher."

After speaking, he waved a mysterious light and rushed towards the caterpillar's face.


The caterpillar faintly moaned, and passed out again.

Yushi hurriedly let go of his movements, trembling his little hands, testing the woman's breath on the bed, heaved a sigh of relief, and then checked her pulse, completely relieved.

She was almost scared to death just now!The caterpillar had no pulse—how could she remember any exercises, so she was so nervous that she instinctively started CPR for her.

Xuan Wuchen stretched out his arms to hug her, and comforted her: "The caterpillar was extremely surprised and overly sad, which caused her heart to stop. It's okay, she recovered."

"Xuanshi! Shangxian! Come quickly!" Ming obediently shouted loudly: "Mo Hei is not good for him!"

 Dear friends, a million updates for everyone this weekend.No, I'm exhausted... Tomorrow can only be up to four more... Meh!I love you!
(End of this chapter)

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