I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 352 Named Mrs. Red

Chapter 352 Named Mrs. Red
At this time, Ke Ren'er, who had been rolling his eyes all the time, became angry and angry!
Damn!Don't bring such a bully!
Staring with his hips on his hips, he shouted loudly: "Come here! Let me bite you to death!"

The big red guy gave a sudden pause, leaned back, widened his eyes in shock.

But Ren'er didn't intend to let it go like this, so he flew forward and cursed: "Damn you! Don't think that you are red, I am afraid of you! Tell you - I am still very white!"

"Who said I would choose to die?! Who asked you to give me a hand and eat me?! You have bad ears, your face is flushed, and you put gold on it! Tell you, red and Gold doesn't match, it will only make it more ugly!"

The white and tender little finger just stuck to the big nostril of the turtle.

"I'm a good friend of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles—Xuanshi! Do you understand? I didn't choose to die! Such a beautiful name, why don't you know how to appreciate it! It means that the juice is delicious, not that it really is delicious , understand?"

The big red guy continued to pause, continue to lean back, continue to widen his eyes, and continue to be shocked.

Yushi waited for a long time, but couldn't wait for a reply, and saw that it was like a huge doll, posing in a funny pose without moving for a long time.

She waited and waited, waited and waited, and finally had to growl: "Are your ears bad again? Do you understand?! Do you understand?"

The stunned big guy blinked his big bulging eyes, nodded hastily, and nodded again.

Yushi let out a breath, and spoke very quickly: "Since it was a misunderstanding, forget it. I have something to do, let's talk another day, I'll go slowly and you don't want to see me off!"

"and many more!"

The snow-white figure that was about to fly away at extreme speed was blocked by the big red figure, barely stopping!

Obediently!No way—isn't it the speed of escape?How could this red guy run faster than her?

Didn't it get bluffed just now?Why is the reaction so fast again?

If she had known earlier, she would have slipped away just now when it froze for the first time—it would be bad luck!It's coming!

Just when she was wondering whether to lose her arms or legs first, the big red guy smiled and said, "Xuanshi... right? What did you call it just now? It's that dead turtle! What did you call it?"

Yushi's big eyes slid back and forth, feeling that there was a way out, and quickly answered, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! The name I gave it, it likes it!"

The big red guy murmured a few times, and heard her say that this was her name, his big bulging eyes instantly widened, glowing brightly, and he was very excited.

"Xuan Shi, you named it Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! That's not a bad name!"

Ke Ren'er smiled triumphantly: "Yes!"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles slowly pulled out a smile, Hanhan said: "Yes... nice... I like it..."

The big red guy turned his head away, raised his head, spit out a huge fireball, and went straight to the turtle——

"What's there to show off! I can definitely find someone who sounds better than you! I'll definitely like it better than you!"

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles didn't answer, turned around quickly, and started blowing out the fireball again.

The big red guy ignored it, turned his head, and smiled at Yushi with a big smile that was uglier than crying.

"Xuan Shi, why don't you give me a nice name too!" The tone of the question was not like a question, but an unquestionable rebuttal tone.

Yushi hasn't reacted yet——

It immediately added hastily: "No matter what it is called, it must be better than that dead turtle! It must be! It must be!" The roar was so loud that Yushi's eardrums hurt slightly.

She covered her ears and shouted, "Don't be so loud! I can hear you!"

"Oh." The big red guy stopped and added: "You are louder than me, understand?"

Yushi chuckled, and praised: "It's so smart! I learned my classic words all at once, and I can use what I have learned now, and even my tone of voice has been learned!"

The big red guy smiled, and gave her a proud look of "That's needless to say!".

But the man shook his head and muttered, "The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is called the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle because people always call it the Teenage Mutant Turtle, so I added the word ninja to it. What about you? What do you all call you?"

The big red guy pursed his mouth, and answered with a pale face: "I am self-conscious. Occasionally, when someone comes in and meets me, I always turn pale with fright, even my feet tremble, and I scream loudly—'Fire Qilin'!" Then I ran away. Actually, I don't like being called 'Fire Qilin'."


Jade has three black lines on his forehead.

The big guy in front of him hastily added: "I like majestic names, ones with connotations, and special ones! Hmm... the most important thing is to be special, and more importantly, it should sound better than that dead turtle."

What the hell!

Taking a name requires so many requirements!
Unexpectedly, the big red guy turned his head and said with a smile: "Also, it must not be as dirty as your name."

Yushi's anger rose slowly, but he thought that he would become a piece of meat in someone's stomach at any time, so he could only hold back and hold back.

Her name—well, she had to admit, it was quite earthy.Thinking of this, the anger in my heart can barely be suppressed.

"Huo Qilin is not actually a name, it should belong to your category. It must be special, good-sounding, and connotative - it's really hard to find!" Keren'er murmured, looking at its huge red body .

Suddenly, a name quickly flashed through her mind, and she clapped her hands "Ah!" and said, "Yes! Or you can be called Red Wolf!"

Huo Qilin blinked his round eyes, repeated it several times, shook his head and said: "The first two are okay, but the wolf behind this one is not so good."


The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles suddenly let out a sneer, and pulled its big mouth to the maximum extent.

"A unicorn...becomes...a wolf...hehe..."

Huo Qilin's eyes widened, he spit out a huge fireball, flung it over, and turned his head again, expecting to look at her.

Yushi secretly rolled his eyes, but on the surface he pretended to be too serious.


Shake and shake.


Shake and shake.

"Hongtai... fire?"

Shaking his head and staring.

"Hong Tai... is paralyzed..."

Shaking his head and staring again, the fireball in his mouth was also brewing.

"Red too...too..." Someone was thinking hard, feeling that his brain cells were constantly dying, and his life was being tortured by threats.

At this time, Huo Qilin blinked and blinked, eyes filled with surprise.

"Aha! Mrs. Red! I like it! It's really special!"


Yushi had three black lines on his forehead, he could only laugh "haha, haha..." and it took him a long time to pull out a very exaggerated smile.

"Okay! It's so... so... so good!"

Mrs. Hong nodded happily, and said: "I also think it sounds very good, and it's pleasing to the ear! Haha... Ouch! The bun on my head hurts so much!"

After a pause, it licked its mouth, and said: "I have a name, but my bag is still hurting! Xuanshi, I'm hungry. Come here, let me bite you to death."

(End of this chapter)

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