I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 354 Book Your Marriage

Chapter 354 Book Your Marriage

The flames flew, white light shot everywhere, and the surroundings of the cold pool were in chaos!
The trees are burned, the flowers are gone, the grass is gone, and there is a mess of fire and fierce light everywhere!

Master Penglai and all his disciples retreated again and again, hiding and hiding.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!"

There was nothing he could do except the ineffective sound transmission begging, and he was afraid of becoming an innocent fish in the pond, so he hid and hid far away.

The real Penglai looked at the fierce battlefield in the distance, his face full of anxiety.

"Oops! Oops! Why is it so fierce this time... Sigh! If the fight continues like this, the entire forbidden area will suffer!"

At this time, a disciple rushed to report: "Master, it's not good! A big fireball from the fire unicorn fell into the fairy spring pool - we can't put it out!"

"Ah!" Master Penglai turned pale with fright, and hurriedly asked, "Is the Ganoderma lucidum under the fairy spring all right?"

While wiping his sweat, the disciple replied, "I'm fine for the time being...but the fireball is still burning, if I don't pounce on it, I'm afraid the water ganoderma will suffer as well."

Immortal Penglai was extremely anxious, squeezed his hands, and said: "Hurry up and call everyone together to cast spells to put out the fire! Go!"

All the disciples in the rear rushed to put out the fire. Master Penglai raised his head, and begged again through sound transmission: "God tortoise! ​​Fire unicorn! Stop fighting! Please! Don't!"

Suddenly remembering something, Master Penglai said via voice transmission: "Xuan Shangxian, where is your honor?"

The next moment, a cold voice transmission replied: "I believe that the celestial being and the apprentice are on the opposite side of you."

The Penglai real person looked at the raging fire, and there was white light everywhere in his eyes, so he couldn't see the specific situation on the other side clearly.He asked anxiously again: "Shangxian, are you and Little Fairy Xuanshi all right?"


"That's good...that's good."

At this time, a black and numb disciple flew back and shouted: "Master! It's not good! We are all legal, but we still can't extinguish that huge fireball! Already!"

Master Penglai's face was pale, and he murmured: "What should I do? Unless there are people with extremely advanced skills, the fireball of true qi cannot be extinguished... You two still can't do it together... Advanced skills—that's right! Xuanshang Immortal!"

He hastily sent a voice transmission: "Xuan Shangxian, the head of the sect has an urgent request."

"What's the matter?"

"The Immortal Spring Pond in the south of Immortal Island was burned by the Fire Qilin's true energy fireball, and the water ganoderma in the Immortal Spring is in danger. The disciples' efforts to save them are ineffective, please help Immortal Xuanshang to put out the fire!"

After a pause, he hurriedly said again: "If the water ganoderma can survive, I will give you two as a thank you for the great kindness of the Shangxian."

It was quiet, and there was no sound transmission from the other end.

The real Penglai was sweating profusely, waiting anxiously, rubbing his hands together.


The next moment, a mysterious light flashed, and the handsome man in white robe flew away at high speed and disappeared into the air.

The real Penglai was overjoyed and shouted happily: "Great! Great! Immortal Xuanshang will definitely be able to extinguish the fireball and save the water ganoderma!"

However, looking back at the extremely fierce battlefield, he shook his head helplessly, sighed and covered his eyes.

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant voice rang out from all directions in the cold pool.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Mrs. Red! Pause!"

Master Penglai stared in surprise, and put down his hands.

"It's... Little Fairy Xuanshi?!"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?Mrs. Red?Are these horses?

What surprised him even more happened—the battlefield in Hantan stopped!The fire is no longer surging, and the white light is no longer flickering.

At this time, an exquisite laugh sounded: "Don't play around! Look - I made a lot of juice and nectar, it's delicious! If you see it, come and drink it!"

"Haha! Really? Xuanshi, why didn't you get it earlier, say it sooner! It caused me to waste so many true energy fireballs!"


He greeted with a warm voice, and said with a smile: "You're welcome! Come and drink!"

"Damn tortoise! ​​That's yours! It's all mine, Mrs. Red!"

"No... I... still... want to..."

"You're looking for death again, aren't you—"

The crossbow sword was swung, and the exquisite voice sounded again.

"Stop playing! If you play any more, I'll drink it up myself!"

"No! No! Mrs. Red doesn't play anymore. She doesn't play with dead turtles. Give me a drink!"


The pleasant laughter sounded again, and said: "This is so good!"

Master Penglai listened carefully, and watched from afar that the calm was finally restored, and smiled pleasantly!
"This little fairy - what a blessing! Even Huo Qilin listens to her... Tsk tsk!"

He said to the black disciple behind him: "Your skills are low, you can't get close, and go to help the brothers and the others."

"Yes, Master."

The disciple flew away in a hurry.

Master Penglai cast a spell to create a solid barrier, and flew towards the cold pool.

I saw a black piece, a red piece, and a mess by the pool.A delicate and beautiful woman in a snow-white dress was lying on the back of the turtle, eating grapes with a smile.

The tortoise swayed the reed pole, and drank in front of a large water tank, with a satisfied face and narrowed eyes.

Huo Qilin lay on another large water tank, buried his head deeply, and let out a satisfied sound.

The real Penglai glanced at the fire unicorn, timidly, and flew towards the turtle.

Huo Qilin is hot-tempered and arrogant, and often damages things in the forbidden area wantonly.Not to mention other rare birds and animals, even the gentle tortoise is not pleasing to the eye.

He secretly swallowed his saliva, approached the tortoise, cupped his hands and shouted: "Little Fairy Xuanshi."

Yushi blinked, stared at him, and asked with a smile: "Excuse me, is your Excellency...?" As soon as he flew over, she saw him.Seeing that he was wearing a Taoist robe, with a clean air and a gentle face, she was not too vigilant.

"I'm the real person of Penglai."

Yushi smiled, bowed his hands and saluted: "Meet the real Penglai." This old man has a kind face and kind eyes, it seems that it should not be difficult to get along with.

Gentleman Penglai caressed the beard on his chin, nodded repeatedly, and said, "Good! Good!" His eyes scanned and his face was full of joy, as if he picked up the expression of some big baby.

Yushi couldn't help frowning slightly, and when the other party asked, he responded politely.In the sound of gurgle, baji, baji, the two chatted.

"Little Fairy, this little student has an extraordinary demeanor and a noble status. He is indeed a rare hero!"


There is a large black line on the jade forehead.This real person in Penglai is very kind, but why is Baili Aofeng better than talking?

I remembered that Baili Aofeng was injured and unconscious in Beihai in order to save himself.Mingguaiguai later told her that he was rescued by the turtle and should be fine.She was relieved.

Although he was rude to him before, he helped him after all, so she asked twice with concern.

Unexpectedly, Master Penglai laughed loudly: "Little Fairy cares about him very much, and Aofeng also loves you deeply. You are really a match made in heaven! Why don't you take advantage of this moment to make an appointment for your marriage?"

Yushi was dumbfounded!

What is this talking about? !

At this moment, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles turned his head, opened his mouth slowly, and asked curiously, "What is... kiss... matter...?"

(End of this chapter)

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