I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 371 Ren Xiaoyao and Xuanshi were hacked to death by random knives!

Chapter 371 Ren Xiaoyao and Xuanshi were hacked to death by random knives!
In Tiangong, on the long corridor, two guards ran in a hurry, galloping at a high speed, with pale faces and anxious eyes.

Generalissimo Pengyuan strode forward, leading a team of guards, walking slowly on patrol.

Suddenly, he saw the two people running in a hurry, their brows were furrowed, and they shouted in a deep voice, "Stop! Why are you running around in the Heavenly Palace in such a hurry? What happened?"

He yelled at the two guards, stopped in their tracks, and ran towards him panting.

"Generalissimo! It's not good!"

"Generalissimo! Something happened to Fanglin Garden on the west side!"

Marshal Pengyuan widened his eyes and asked, "What happened?! Tell me!"

The guard gasped and replied: "Fanglin Garden has been enchanted by an unknown person, and all the guards have been fascinated!"

Marshal Pengyuan frowned, and asked anxiously, "Where are Sage Ren Xiaoyao and Fairy Xuanshi? Are they all right?"

hateful!How dare someone do such a dirty thing under his nose!He must investigate to find out the truth!

Fanglin Court held two extremely important figures, and he made regular inspections every day to check on the guards who changed their shifts.Why did this happen all of a sudden!

The guard's face was pale, and he stammered: "Generalissimo...they...they..."

"Say it!" Generalissimo Pengyuan was anxious and couldn't help shouting loudly.

The other guard lowered his head and timidly cupped his hands: "Generalissimo...don't be angry...they were fascinated...killed..."

"Ah!" Generalissimo Pengyuan's eyes widened, and he stumbled!
Then, he anxiously shouted: "How is it possible!"

The two guards knelt down and answered in a trembling voice: "General Marshal... People who have been hit by Mixiansan will be powerless and unconscious, and their exercises will also be restricted... When the subordinates went in to change the guard... they saw them fall on the tree. His body was covered with knife marks, and blood flowed all over the ground... he had already lost his breath..."

Generalissimo Pengyuan was dizzy, and his vision blurred!
"Generalissimo! Generalissimo!"

The guards at the back hurried forward, supporting him from left to right.

Marshal Pengyuan held his forehead, thinking of that cute and funny words, his cute and cheerful appearance... The little fairy who was still saying hello to him yesterday, how could he say it's gone!

There is also that evil and noble Ren Xiaoyao, such an incomparably handsome handsome man—how could it be possible!

"Quick! Order to go on, the whole Tiangong is on alert!"

"Quick! Go to the apse and report to the Queen Mother!"

"Go over and check out all the suspicious people who are close to Tiangong!"

"The rest of you, all of you go to Fanglin Garden with this Marshal! Hurry up!"


Tiangong, which had been peaceful for countless years, finally became restless.

Immortal world, Yunmeng Valley.

A delicate woman frowned, walking back and forth anxiously.

"How to do how to do……?"

Mo Heijian finally couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help coaxing: "Little Chongzi, don't go anymore. You take a rest first, let me discuss it with Ming obediently, and see if there is any way..."

"You've been discussing for so long, why haven't you come up with a solution yet?!" The caterpillar stared at him with his hands on his hips, interrupting him and yelling: "Can't you think about it quickly! You don't even know how the little master is doing now! Everyone is so worried ! Why are you such a turtle!"

Mo Heijian shrank his neck, and said in a low voice: "We... have been thinking about it! We just haven't figured it out yet, don't worry, Xiao Yushi will be fine."

The caterpillar rolled its eyes impatiently, and muttered: "If the little master is here, she is so smart, she will definitely think of a solution in no time!"

Mo Heijian shrank his neck again, and nodded his head.

Mingguaiguai who was at the side finally couldn't stand it anymore, and hummed lightly: "If she is here, why should we rack our brains to save her?"

After hearing this, the caterpillar pursed its mouth, sighed, and lowered its head.

Mo Hei took a look, leaned forward in distress, comforted him in a low voice, and secretly turned his head—he took a hard look at Ming obediently!
The latter rolled his eyes, snorted coldly, and cursed in a low voice, "My wife is strict, she deserves it!".

Then, he made a cup of hot tea, sipped it slowly, and ignored them.

The caterpillar looked outside and murmured, "How come Yunshangxian has been away for so long and hasn't come back yet?"

Mo Heikan frowned slightly, and explained aloud: "The journey to the Heavenly Palace is far away, and Yun Shangxian may have been delayed on the way." He stretched out his hand and gently lifted the caterpillar, and helped her to sit under the cool shade of a tree.

Suddenly, a ray of white light flashed quickly - a handsome figure flashed out of the water and clouds.

The three people who were waiting had joy on their faces and walked towards him quickly.

Unexpectedly, Shui Yunjian's face was livid, his expression was inexplicable, and his brows were full of sadness.

The three of them looked at each other, feeling that the situation was not good, fearing that it might be bad news, they didn't dare to ask.

Narcissus glanced at them, his lips moved slightly, but he couldn't speak.

Mo Heijian and Shui Shangxian had a strong relationship, secretly swallowed his saliva, and asked in a low voice: "Shangxian, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"

Asked carefully, and did not forget to reach out and hug the shoulder of the caterpillar next to him.

They couldn't find Xiaoyushi in Xiaoling Mountain that day, so they anxiously asked around.Unexpectedly, they received the news—Xiao Yushi was imprisoned by the Queen Mother!
What's even more strange is that Xiao Yushi and Ren Xiaoyao Shengjun were imprisoned, and Xuanshangxian and Wuliangxianren disappeared!

Everyone was very anxious, everyone was very worried.Shui Shangxian advised everyone not to act rashly for the time being. He first went to Tiangong to inquire about the news and see why he was imprisoned, and then he came back to discuss with them how to rescue them.

But - judging by the appearance of the Narcissus, I'm afraid there is no good news.

Shui Yunjian sighed deeply, finally choked up and said: "There is news from Tiangong...Xiao Yushi and Ren Xiaoyao were hit by Mixiansan and were hacked to death..."

The surroundings suddenly became terrifyingly silent, and the silence was terrifying!
"Ding ding!"

The jade cup in Mingguai's hand fell to the ground, making a crisp jade cry!

Mo Heijian was stunned - he couldn't react!

Suddenly, the arm sank heavily - the caterpillar fainted!

He suddenly came back to his senses, stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly, and obviously wanted to speak—but he couldn't make a sound, he could only hug the caterpillar tightly in front of him, and hugged her tightly.

"How is it possible?!" Ming obediently turned pale, and it took a long while to recover his voice from the extreme fright.

He rushed forward, stretched out his hand to grab the collar of the water fairy, and shouted loudly: "Impossible! My best friend, she won't die! She won't die! She is Xuanshi! How could she die! Impossible! !impossible!"

Narcissus understood his agitation at this moment, let him pull on his collar, and shook slightly.

"The news from Tiangong is absolutely true..."

Ming obediently staggered and fell to the ground, his face pale.He shook his head wildly, kept shaking, gritted his teeth, stared and murmured.

"No! What broken news! How could she die... Impossible! Impossible!"

Suddenly, he closed his eyes abruptly, and the white light flickered in his eyelids.

Then, he smiled, stretched out his hand and wiped his eyes indiscriminately, and spoiled and cursed: "Damn it! This king just said it—that guy Xuanshi is a scourge for thousands of years..."

(End of this chapter)

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