Chapter 513
I saw a tall, pretty and stunning woman Yingying standing in front of them, blinking her big bright eyes and smiling at the two of them.

Her face was still pale, but her eyes were shining like stars, radiant and full of vitality, and there was a smile as bright as the sun on her face.

After they were pleasantly surprised, they all grinned with excitement!



The stunning woman nodded mischievously, and said in a crisp and pleasant voice: "I brought the jufangpan, or I should carry it with me!" After finishing speaking, she patted her storage bag.

Ren Xiaoyao was overjoyed, stepped forward, and hugged her into his arms.

"Little guy! Great! You're finally awake!"

Yushi also smiled, reaching out to hug him back.

"Sorry for making you worry..."

She didn't know how long she had slept, she only knew that she fell into a deep sleep, as if she had slept for a long, long time.

Ren Xiaoyao hugged her head excitedly, and said: "Uncle Ren knows that you will be fine! You will definitely wake up! You will...haha! Haha! Great! Great! "

Elder Min stood aside, also full of surprise and excitement, and kept smiling while wiping away tears.

Ren Xiaoyao pulled her away, and said happily: "It will be fine if you wake up! We will have hope! If you continue to sleep, Xuan Wuchen will collapse and die..."

Having said that, he stopped his voice in surprise, and looked to the other side - the handsome man still maintained the posture just now, fell asleep deeply, his brows and eyes were full of deep fatigue.

"Hush..." Yushi made a booing motion, turned to look at his own master with a smile, and said, "Master, he is too tired, let him take a rest."

Ren Xiaoyao heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and smiled, "Okay, let him sleep for a while. He has stayed up for more than a dozen days and nights without rest. These days you have been sleepy, and he is not undressed. He will never let go of you for a while." You have been sleeping, he is suffering and worrying, but he is still struggling..."

Then, he stared fiercely at Xuan Wuchen at the other end, and said angrily: "This demon lord persuaded him early in the morning, saying that you would be fine, but he refused to listen to life or death! I really wish I could punch him unconscious and let him die!" It's good to sleep for half a day!"

Yushi looked back at Master and saw that even though he was deeply asleep, his hands still held her, and even his head was still in the position of snuggling with her - the tears in her eyes couldn't help but drip down!

"Master... I made him worry too much..."

Unexpectedly, she slept for such a long time, causing Master to worry about being like this.Just now she vaguely heard him whispering in her ear, as if she heard him telling her to wake up quickly.

At this time, Master's voice vaguely echoed in her mind, low and soft, continuous, as if she had been talking for a long time...

Crystal tears trickled down, and the delicate little face was covered with tear stains.

Ren Xiaoyao's heart softened, and he stretched out his hand to help her wipe away the tears, and said softly: "Yes, you made him worry, you made him worry - that's because his heart is on you. Little guy, do you know what happened just now? What did he say? He said, if you don't wake up, he will have nothing to love. He will take you back to Xuanlin Peak, to your home, and will not care about anything in the six realms. Everything in the world will no longer be with you He is related, because only you are the most important and only important to him."

Yushi listened, and the whole person cried like a tearful person.


Ren Xiaoyao saw her like this, in order to make her happy, he deliberately laughed and said: "Okay, don't cry. If your master wakes up and finds out that it was the devil who said these things to make you cry, he must be desperate with the devil! "

Then, he raised his eyebrows and smiled charmingly, and whispered: "He once said that you are his most precious little apprentice, even if you lose a hair, he would not bear it. But what the devil said made you lose your hair." So many tears—could he not beat me to death!"


Yushi couldn't help breaking his tears into a smile, looking at the sleepy handsome man, he was moved to tears and smiled again.

Ren Xiaoyao laughed, and continued to tease: "Little guy, maybe you don't know yet? Your master's words have already become the most classic words in the six realms! When anyone talks about your master and apprentice, the first The first reaction is—is that Xuan Wuchen Shangxian who loves his apprentice so much? He even said that even if his apprentice loses a hair, he would not bear it. Your master has already become the most exemplary role in the six realms My dear master, how about you—the luckiest precious apprentice!"

While talking, Ren Xiaoyao pretended to be serious, and continued to mutter: "Nowadays, when people come to learn art from a teacher, the first thing they ask when they come to the door is that the master can be like Xuan Wuchen, the No. 1 immortal in the world of cultivating immortals. Do you love me like a baby? Your master is a model of the Six Realms, how can they compare to him! He is Xuan Wuchen, but many immortals are envious and jealous, and even more heartbroken!"

"Hehe..." Yushi was amused by him, and smiled cheerfully.Then she looked at the handsome man on the other side, and said: "My dear master is unique, a peerless master that no one else can compare to!"

Seeing her smiling again, Ren Xiaoyao put his arms around her shoulders, breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly, "Little guy, Uncle Ren believes that everything will be fine once you wake up."

Then he turned his head to look over and said, "Let him rest for a while, and you stay here with him. Uncle Ren and Elder Min will go out and look for it."

Yushi sent them to the gate of the enchantment, seeing that it was still snowing heavily outside, and there was a thick layer of ice and snow all around, she told them to be careful, and walked in.

There is Master's technique in the enchantment, which is warm and comfortable, but the coldness at the door is still there, she wraps up the cloak, steps forward lightly, and gently covers Xuan Wuchen with a quilt.

She leaned against him and stared at him quietly, her expression moved.Suddenly, the polypot in the storage bag seemed to move!
She was puzzled, took it out of her arms, and stared at it carefully.

A little bit of time passed, but Uncle Ren and Elder Min still didn't come back.Yushi carefully put away the square basin, looked at the handsome man in front of him, and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

The handsome and handsome facial features are as exquisite and perfect as a knife carving, every inch and every width is just perfect, beautiful and outstanding, especially the jade-like thin lips, which seem to have magical powers, attracting her eyes from time to time. light gaze.

"Master, you look like the Sleeping Beauty in fairy tales... Tsk tsk! The Sleeping Beauty in fairy tales is waiting for Prince Charming to kiss her awake. What about you? You are waiting for Xiaoshier to kiss you wake up?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the thin lips that she was staring at seemed to move, rising slightly, and the movement was extremely graceful.

She blinked her eyes, but realized that she didn't have it—did she read it wrong just now? !
"Hee hee...Master, you should have had enough sleep. Or let me, a white beauty, wake you up, a sleeping beauty, with a kiss!"

(End of this chapter)

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