I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 527 Kawaii was taken away by barbarians!

Chapter 527 Kawaii was taken away by barbarians!
The two chatted happily until Mo Heijian flew over in a hurry, his face pale and urgent: "It's not good! Kawaii is gone!"

One person and one ghost were stunned, unable to react.

Mo Heijian explained again: "Earlier when we were fighting the big devil, Kawaii was still helping. But then we fell into a coma... Kawaii was thrown away by the big devil! Then we woke up and were busy I was busy dealing with the big devil, and I was too busy persuading Ren the big devil, and I forgot about it..."

Yushi frowned. Although his heart was in a mess and worried, he still asked calmly: "Have you ever looked for it? Looked around Kawahara Castle?"

Mo Heijian replied: "My Highness almost searched the entire Chuanyuan City, but I couldn't find it. Later, my Highness searched for a long time in the nearby mountains, but I couldn't find it."

Ming obediently frowned and said, "That guy must have been injured, otherwise he would definitely have followed us to Beihai. It's just that where did he get thrown by the big devil?"

Yushi bit her lower lip lightly, feeling the same in her heart.I just don't know if it hurts badly or not, and where it is now!

Suddenly, she thought of the Moo Moo cow, grabbed Ming and obediently asked: "Ghost honey, where is your Moo Moo? We left it near the big waterfall, is it still there? Kawaii has always been close to it, will it Won't you go find it?"

Ming obediently closed his eyes, searched carefully, opened his eyes and explained: "Momo, it's still there. Your kawaii is your pet, do you keep your consciousness on it?"

Both pets and mounts are spirit beasts. Although they have spirituality, they cannot escape the characteristics of beasts.Animals will occasionally run out wantonly, looking for something they like to eat, and they don't want to leave.Therefore, in the world of immortals and the world of cultivating immortals, there are many cases where pets and mounts are lost and separated.

The owner will usually leave a touch of his own consciousness on the pet mount to ensure that he can quickly find their whereabouts.

Yushi frowned in embarrassment, and muttered: "Master taught me at that time, but I only left it on caterpillars... Kawaii didn't."

With a cold and handsome face, Mo Heijian reminded: "Don't tell the caterpillar about its disappearance just now. She is so close to it, if she knows what happened to it, she will definitely run out to look for it. My Highness walked in the world just now , the soldiers were in chaos, the corpses were everywhere, and the entire Kawahara City was ruined! She has a big belly, so it is really not suitable for her to go now..."

Yushi and Ming obediently nodded in agreement.

After thinking for a while, Yushi left a voice transmission for his master, and hurriedly flew to Kawahara City with Mo Heipan and Ming obediently.

A dragon, a man and a ghost searched for several hours, but they found nothing.

Yushi couldn't help frowning, and said: "It is reasonable to say that Kawaii is huge and so eye-catching, even if he is injured and unconscious, he will be easy to find."

Ming obediently pulled her, motioned to the foot of the mountain ahead, and said, "Let's go over there and have a look."

Jade walked on the wind, looking for it in a hurry.

Suddenly, she heard someone shouting from below: "Uncle Grand Master! Uncle Grand Master!"

She raised her eyes in surprise, and saw the unified Yujian flying up towards her, with an anxious expression on her face.

Mingguaiguai and Mo Heikan also heard it, one left and one right, and flew down together with her.

"Unification, why are you here?"

Tongtong cupped his hands and saluted slightly, and said anxiously: "Uncle Grand Master, have you forgotten? I was ordered by Master to lead disciples of Jiedan to help the victims!"

Yushi nodded "Oh" and finally remembered this matter.

Unity gave up and said: "Uncle Grand Master, let's not talk about anything else! Are you looking for the kawaii little golden dragon?"

Yushi nodded quickly and answered yes, and asked pleasantly, "Did you see it? Where is it?"

Uniform raised his hands forward and said anxiously: "Just now I saw a strange-looking man riding a giant beast and dragging Kawaii away!"

"Ah?!" The three of Yushi stared in surprise.

Ming obediently asked in a cold voice: "Are you sure it's a human? Isn't it a fairy or a demon?"

Tong Tong looked at him in surprise, saw that he had a handsome appearance, elegant and noble demeanor, and knew in his heart that a person who could stay with Grand Master Uncle must be of extraordinary status.

He bowed his hands politely, and replied: "That's really a human being, but he looks very thick and has weird facial features, and he looks stiff..."

Yushi couldn't help raising his eyebrows and muttering: "Could it be a barbarian?!"

Ming obediently nodded slightly, and replied: "It is very likely. There are many spirit beasts and beasts in the Cangbei Forest, and some barbarians have strong beast control abilities."

Mo Heijian was angry but helpless, glared at Tongtong, and shouted angrily: "Since you know Xiao Jinlong, that person is just a mortal, why didn't you stop him?!"

Tong Tong felt very aggrieved by his sudden yelling, so he glanced at Mo Hei and turned his head away.

He is an incoming disciple of the head of the Qingyun Sect. Although his status is not very noble, everyone greets him with a smile wherever he goes.It's fine if this person doesn't ask questions politely, and the tone of his mouth is reproachful, and he gets angry when he hears it!

Seeing him like this, Mo Hei became even more angry, and raised his fist to beat him——

Yushi grabbed hold of it and persuaded him, "Don't, don't, don't... save your strength to deal with that barbarian."

Turning around and asking what happened to Tong Tong, he explained: "As soon as I saw the little golden dragon, I hurriedly flew up to stop him. He was sitting on the back of the giant beast, and there was a comatose person lying on top of him. How is it so clear. I asked him why he dragged the little golden dragon to follow him, saying that it was the pet of Grand Master Xuanshi of our Qingyun sect."

"After that man listened, he threw out his whip without saying a word. I hurriedly avoided—who knew that the spiritual power of Dantian was suppressed. I couldn't fly with the sword and fell from the sky."

"That person is obviously a mortal, and has no spiritual power at all. I don't know what's going on. It's strange to say that Kawaii also knows me, and we used to play together...but it doesn't know me anymore Same. Fly behind the giant beast, and fly away with the strange man."

After hearing this, the three of them confirmed their guess in their hearts again.

"It really is a barbarian!"

Some barbarians are very good at controlling beasts, so they must have used some method or poison to make Kawaii fly away with him.

Tong Tong's face was slightly pale, and he frowned and said, "But don't the barbarians only live in the Cangbei Forest? How did they come to the Cangnan Continent?"

Yushi and Ming obediently looked at each other and shook their heads.

Mo Heijian said anxiously: "The speed of the giant beast's flight is not as fast as ours flying through the clouds! We will chase after it now, and we will definitely catch up! Hurry up! Bring Kawaii back!"

Ming obediently nodded, just about to agree——

"No!" Yushi stopped in a deep voice: "Let's not be impulsive. That barbarian has a strange technique to restrain the spiritual power of the dantian, and even Kawaii can be driven by him, which proves that he is by no means an ordinary barbarian. The barbarian is mysterious and unpredictable. Let's go back first, discuss it with Master, and then make plans."

Mo Heijian frowned and said: "But, in case Kawaii is in danger..."

(End of this chapter)

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