I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 555 Monster beasts attack the Qingyun faction, in a dilemma

Chapter 555 Monster beasts attack the Qingyun faction, in a dilemma
The blue waves of the sea are churning, the wind is surging, and the waves are rolling.

On the outer sea surface of the Qingyun faction, huge and ferocious monsters twisted their bodies, sprayed fire on the formation, hit it, and screamed loudly.

Inside Fengshan formation, Zi Yuan and other juniors stood at the gate of Qingyun sect, their faces were livid and gloomy, their hands under their sleeves clenched into fists.

Behind them, rows of disciples lined up neatly, each of them clenched the long sword in their hands, nervously staring at the densely packed monsters outside the formation, their eyes full of fear.

But they didn't dare to retreat, and they didn't allow themselves to be timid. One by one, they stood in each other's positions, holding their long swords tightly, ready to fight at any time.

At this time, the disciples guarding the formation in front hurried over, looking flustered and pale.

"Reporting to the sect master, the Fengshan Formation is about to fail!"

Everyone was shocked!

Master Ziyuan was a little surprised, then took a step forward, and said: "Uncle Grand Master's mountain-closing formation can last for such a long time, which is very rare. According to the earlier deployment, what should be defended and what should be defended As long as they break in, we will fight them—to fight!"

The disciple clasped his fists together, gave a salute, and replied loudly, "Yes! The disciple obeys!" He flew out in a hurry, his back firm and fearless.

Immortal Zi Yuan raised his head and raised his chest, looked at the monsters outside the formation with his hands behind his back, and narrowed his eyes.

At this time, Zi Xin stepped forward and reported with her arms folded: "Brother Sect Master, we have sent out all the letters to all sects asking for help."

Hearing this, Zi Yuan sighed, and replied: "It's too late... Besides, even if they come, they are not a match for a monster, and they will only die in vain. This sect leader would rather they not come."

Hearing this, Zixin also let out a long sigh, and said: "Senior brother, we have also sent a letter to Grand Master and Junior Master Uncle, but I don't know if they will be able to come back."

Zi Yuan nodded, and replied: "If they receive it, they will definitely come back immediately. It's just that there are so many monsters outside, even if they have advanced skills and even have three heads and six arms, they can't stop them!"

After a pause, he looked up at the sky, sighed faintly, and murmured: "The ancestors of the Qingyun sect, Zi Yuan is incompetent, and I am ashamed of my trust in you!"

Zi Xin took a step forward, put her hand on his shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Senior brother, don't do this. Everyone of us can see your dedication and hard work for the Qingyun sect. You are our good senior brother, and you are also a good brother." Our good leader!"

A drop of tear fell from Zi Yuan's eyes, but she smiled on her face, reached out and patted the hand on the shoulder, and said, "Thank you! Thank you..."

Then, he turned his head, looked at the disciples behind him, who were standing upright, and smiled.

"You are all disciples of the Qingyun Sect. You have grown up here since you were young and practiced exercises. Now that the Qingyun Sect is facing the greatest crisis in history, the head does not force you to stay here. The Fengshan Formation will soon be unable to survive. Now, if you want to save your life, quickly back away."

He pointed in the direction of Xuanlin Peak, and explained: "You go to Xuanlin Peak to hide and look for opportunities to escape. This head and your master will never blame you, I only hope that you will do more in the mortal world in the future." Good deeds and practical deeds, punishing evil and promoting good are enough."

As soon as he finished speaking, the disciples below shook their heads one by one and shouted loudly: "We vow to live and die with the Qingyun faction! Live and die together!"

Real Ziyuan's loving eyes filled with tears, he couldn't help nodding, and said with a sob: "Good! Good! You are all good disciples of our Qingyun sect!"

Zixin and several juniors all stepped forward, surrounded him, and raised their voices: "Senior brother, don't worry! We will never give up on the Qingyun faction! We will live and die with the Qingyun faction, and we will live and die with you!"

Zi Yuan couldn't help nodding, quickly wiped away the tears on her face, and stared at the periphery of the sea with wide eyes.

One by one, the monsters flapped their huge wings and kept slamming forward, some of them kept breathing fire, roaring one after another.

Slowly, cracks began to appear in the sealing formation, one after another, appearing rapidly.Horrific roars and roars rang out in every corner of the Qingyun faction.

At the back of the head hall, in a somewhat dim room, they jumped up and sat up in unison, looking out in surprise——

"What's going on? Where are so many monsters shouting?!"

Tongtong kept looking out, only to find that the two juniors who were guarding the gate were gone, and the entire hall of the master seemed to be empty.

"Junior! Junior! Uncle! Master!"

Unity kept yelling and shouting——

Suddenly, he found someone calling him not far away—it was Qing'er's call!He quickly stopped shouting and listened carefully.

"Unity! Unity, are you okay?"

Tongtong was overjoyed and raised his voice to answer: "Qing'er, I'm fine! I'm fine! What about you? Where are you?"

Qing'er shouted: "I'm in the room on the other side of you! I'm fine!"

At this time, there was a huge roar of monsters coming from outside again, making Tong Tong's eyes widen.

Qing'er's voice came: "Unification! Don't panic! It should be my mother who came to save me! Don't worry, I won't let her hurt you!"

Tong Tong was surprised, and shouted: "What's going on?! The roar of these monsters - is it your mother who made it?"

He hastily cast the spell, smashed away the formation that locked him, and jumped out.Then, he ran towards Qing'er.

As soon as she jumped into the door, Qing'er inside the formation was startled, and called out in surprise: "Unification! Unification! Have you been released?"

Tong Tong shook his head and replied: "I came out by myself. Master taught me these formations - he was reluctant to imprison me, he just used the formations as a show to deceive people's eyes and ears. The juniors guarding the gate are not there either, it should be the master Called away."

Qing'er was very happy, and shouted: "Tongtong, then you rescue me out quickly! Hurry up! My mother is here! I will go out to find her now!"

Tong Tong frowned when he heard this, and asked, "Are you still hiding something from me?! What's going on with the chaos outside?!"

Seeing that his anger was hidden, Qing'er's face was ashen, and she quickly explained: "No! No! I didn't know that mother would come - I only knew when I heard the screams of monsters! Mother told I, she is helping to take care of the monsters in the demon world, and I have hundreds of big monsters on hand, and they all listen to her. I just guessed it too..."

Tong Tong's face was pale, and he murmured: "Oops! Oops!"

Qing'er kept waving at him and shouted, "Tongyi, let me out quickly! Hurry up!"

Tongtong raised his head, stared at her closely, and asked in a deep voice: "Qing'er, I want you to give me an affirmative answer - are you going to stand on your mother's side or on my side? ?”

Qing'er was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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