I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 574 Wufeng was actually injured by a barbarian!

Chapter 574 Wufeng was actually injured by a barbarian!
Yushi raised his eyebrows in surprise, his eyes asked with concern.

Wufeng smiled and explained: "I was injured a while ago, hurt my chest, and caused a cough. Don't worry, everything is fine."

Yushi suddenly remembered, frowned and asked, "Brother Wufeng, how did you get hurt?"

They live in a remote mountain with few people, except for some animals and beasts, there should be nothing that threatens his safety.Before that, his kung fu has returned to the level of forming alchemy, no matter how big or ferocious a human animal is, he can't resist his easy slap!

According to what Mo Wen said, it was Brother Wufeng who was seriously injured and no one could heal him, so he acted like a good person and took him to the hot spring palace to recuperate.But she hasn't asked carefully about the truth of the matter.

Wufeng Immortal Venerable frowned and said, "It's because of a barbarian."

"Ah?! Barbarians?!" Yushi was astonished, thinking of Kawaii's disappearance before, and his mind was full of thoughts.

"Brother Wufeng, just wait!" She turned her head to greet Xuan Wuchen, and shouted: "Master, come quickly!"

Xuan Wuchen turned his head gracefully, gave her a calm look, and turned to the two people who silently remembered his advice: "That's all for now. If there is anything to add, Ben Shangxian will talk about it in detail later. You know."

Ren Xiaoyao was dumbfounded, blinked his slender evil eyes, and nodded.

Ming obediently was dumbfounded, glanced at the thickness of the paper in his hand, swallowed his saliva, and seeing his brother-in-law nodding beside him, he also nodded instinctively.

Seeing this, Xuan Shangxian turned around in satisfaction, stepped into the little apprentice who was sitting, and asked softly, "Little Shi'er, what's wrong?"

Yushi grabbed his big hand and said anxiously: "Master, brother Wufeng said that he was seriously injured because he was injured in the chest by a barbarian!"

"Barbarian?" Xuan Wuchen frowned slightly upon hearing this, and looked at Wufeng Immortal Venerable, waiting for him to continue.

Wufeng Xianzun thought for a while, and said: "I have been to the Cangbei Forest several times, and I have passed by a few times when I went to the wilderness. I am no stranger to the habits and appearance of the barbarians. Although the man is riding a giant beast, his facial features Not outstanding, but his face is stiff and his limbs are thick, which is clearly the appearance of a barbarian."

Yushi nodded, quickly told him the story of Kawaii's disappearance, and repeated the unified rhetoric.

"That guy is also tall, riding a giant beast. I don't know what kind of witchcraft he used. Kawaii was also bewitched, and followed him to the north."

Xuan Wuchen's handsome face sank, and he explained: "The barbarians almost never come out of the Cangbei Forest, and I have never heard of any barbarians coming to the Cangnan Continent. I guessed it before, according to the man's ability to tame animals and manipulate others Judging from the means of dantian spiritual power, he should be the chief or elder of a certain tribe."

Yushi frowned, and asked speculatively, "Is that barbarian who hurt Brother Wufeng the same person as this one?"

Xuan Wuchen thought for a while, nodded and said: "It's not impossible." He turned his head to Wufeng and said: "Master, please tell us carefully."

Wufeng Xianzun narrowed his eyes and said: "I remember that day when I went hunting on the mountain, I caught a few hares and walked back. When I was almost at the door of the house, there was a monster's cry from behind. I turned around and saw that barbarian riding On a giant beast, I was looking down for something. As soon as the giant beast saw me, it screamed. The barbarian stared at me for a long time, and then threw poisonous gas at me without saying a word. I flew away and yelled at him What are you going to do. But he deliberately didn't speak, and he was going to attack me again."

"In order to protect myself, I immediately waved my palm, but unexpectedly he controlled the spiritual power of my dantian, stretched out his hand and punched me in the chest a few times, and the monster's wings slammed over - I vomited blood and passed out .”

Yushi thought for a while, then interjected and asked, "When did you wake up? Mo Wen just followed? Or did you just find it after a while?"

Wufeng Xianzun was slightly stunned, and replied: "When I woke up, it was already evening. I looked around, and the barbarians and monsters were gone. I was worried that something would happen to my lady, so I rushed home, but the chest injury It was too heavy, and I vomited several mouthfuls of blood at once. At this moment, Mo Wen and Mo Ni flew over... He said he would take me to heal my injuries quickly, but I refused, saying that I would go home to see how my wife was. "

"Mo Wen yelled at me for not wanting to die, and then told Mo Ni to take me away - I was about to struggle, but passed out again. After waking up, I was in the hot spring palace, and Mo Ni was guarding the door. He said , His master wants me to recuperate well there, and he also said that there is no need to worry about my wife, and that someone has been arranged to take care of her."

"I said I was going to see her, but Mo Ni and Mo Wen always refused. When I walked down, I found that there was a formation in front of the door. It turned out that he had put me under house arrest. The formation was very strange, and I couldn't solve it no matter what , but had no choice but to stay inside. You will all know what happened afterwards."

Xuan Wuchen and Yushi looked at each other, both of them had puzzled looks on their faces.

The surroundings fell silent, and the three of them were speechless in thought.

Suddenly, Wufeng Immortal Venerable raised his eyebrows and asked: "Do you think... Mo Wen colluded with that barbarian and used the opportunity to conspire to imprison me?"

The master and apprentice on the opposite side did not answer, but nodded in unison.

Wufeng Xianzun's handsome face sank, he frowned, and cursed: "Damn it! This fellow is too cunning - too despicable!"

He was very angry, recalled the whole story, and felt that the whole thing should be Mo Wen's conspiracy!
Xuan Wuchen put his arms around the little apprentice beside him, and both of them fell silent.Mo Wen's thoughts are deep, sinister and cunning.He asked people from their Xuanlin lineage to look for Wufeng to come back, but Wufeng was determined and refused to return to the fairyland no matter what.

But he didn't give up, and deliberately mixed up with that barbarian of unknown origin, designed Wufeng to be injured, and then put him under house arrest, and arrested his blind sister-in-law Lian'er to threaten him, so that he had to be obedient.

Such insidious and mean people--dreadful indeed!
Wufeng Immortal Venerable had a cold face, and snorted: "That traitor has been involved with wild people before, and he must have ordered this matter!"

Yushi frowned and thought for a while, reached out and grabbed his cuff, and asked, "Brother Wufeng, is that Mo Ni beside him... a barbarian too?"

Wufeng thought for a while, and replied: "Then Mo Ni has been by his side for many years. When I was still in the fairy world, he had been by his side. I remember the first time I saw Mo Ni, I I suspect that he is a barbarian, because his facial features and appearance are too much like a barbarian. But... Mo Wen only said that he was an orphan picked up by him, so he gave him the same surname."

Yushi pursed her lips, and muttered: "Maybe there is some kind of conspiracy in it... He must not be telling the truth."

She was just talking casually, but the master who was hugging her agreed: "That's right."

(End of this chapter)

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