Chapter 589
Yushi narrowed his eyes and stared at the stone sculpture closely.

"Like—really like!"

Everyone was also extremely curious, hurriedly moved forward, and stared wide-eyed to observe.I saw that the stone carving was dark and gloomy, and some places were blurred and smooth, obviously it was something of a long time ago.

There are two people engraved on the stone carving. It is vaguely seen that they are a man and a woman. They are riding on a long spirit beast and flying in the sky.The spirit beast has a pointed head and a long waist, and its appearance is very similar to the reliefs seen in the cave.

Ren Xiaoyao squinted his eyes and guessed: "The man and woman depicted here should also be ancient people."

The junior replied seriously: "Yes, it is said that they are the ancient ancestors of the demon world. They brought many spirit beasts to the demon world and created the demon world here. I heard from my mother that this Xilong is their mount."

Mo Heijian stared at Xilong closely, and explained: "It looks very similar to our dragon clan, but it doesn't have four claws and a rare horn."

The caterpillar nodded in agreement, and replied, "Yes—it's just that I don't know what color it is. But except for the North Sea, dragons in other seas have all colors."

Yushi raised his head, pointed at Ren Xiaoyao and said, "That's because the ancient spirit beasts in the demon world have claws and horns, and your dragon race has inherited many characteristics of the two. In other words, you are the product of their combination!"

Mo Hei couldn't help but nodded, and murmured: "It turns out that our Dragon Clan is really the descendant of demon world spirit beasts and demon world spirit beasts, and the four seas are just our later migration places. Also——Zhenhai Lingzhu was actually born from the transformation of our ancestors." Come!"

Yushi asked the senior: "How did Xilong go to the Demon Realm? Was the 'bantian quilt' made of Xilong's fur? Was it?"

Junior frowned and shook his head, disappointedly replied: "No one knows."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, momentarily at a loss.Although the question was finally confirmed, the clues were also broken.

Yushi pursed her lips and said seriously: "First of all, we need to find out whether the 'Ban Tian Quilt' is actually made of that Xilong's fur."

"In addition, why did the Lingzhu of the Four Seas crack and fail at the same time as soon as it appeared on the top of the North Sea. This reason must be found out, otherwise the problem will not be solved at all."

Ren Xiaoyao squinted his slender eyebrows, and calmly analyzed: "The little guy was in the cave in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Realm, and the relief he saw said that the spirit beast of the ancestor of the Demon Realm flew away, flew to the Demon Realm, and returned the Xi of the Demon Realm. Longguai went to the Demon Realm to lay eggs for it. But after Xilong gave birth to the egg, it died, and the spirit beast in the Demon Realm was distraught and turned into four beads."

After a pause, the corner of his evil mouth twitched: "But... Could there be other stories in this that the ancestors didn't tell?"

Ming nodded obediently, and then began to analyze: "It is reasonable to say that my mount spirit beast will not be willing to let it fly away. If it elopes with others to lay eggs and has a new life, it probably won't in the future." Come back, the ancestor of the demon world must be reluctant."

Ren Xiaoyao smiled charmingly, and proudly said: "Our ancestors in the devil world are definitely happy. Our spirit beasts can abduct other people's mounts, and they can also lay eggs for them-not only abducted one, but also a lot of small ones." .These small ones can be regenerated, and some more small ones...can he not be happy?"

Yushi was told by them, and they made up their imaginations: "They met and fell in love, but they were blocked by the master of the demon world. They had no choice but to elope to the demon world, but the master insisted on returning it to the demon world."

"...Xilong is in a dilemma. On the one hand is his lover and child, and on the other hand is the master who used to depend on each other. Then...then...then..."

Everyone stretched their ears, waiting for her to continue. Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, before she could say anything, the ears and neck stretched and stretched——

Ke Ren'er pursed her lips, shrugged her shoulders and gave up: "Then I can't guess anymore!"

Everyone rolled their eyes and smiled helplessly, turning their heads one by one.

Junior frowned slightly, and explained: "I specifically asked the patriarch of my mother's family. The old man also said such a long-term thing, so he didn't know the details. He said that he heard the old demons say that Xilong is the leader of the demon world. The best spirit beast is also the mount of the ancestor of the demon world. It is for these reasons that many ancient stone sculptures in the demon world will have Xilong as their theme."

Yushi thought for a while and asked, "Dear San, besides this dark stone carving, are there other things?"

The junior shook his head, and replied: "I only found this piece, which is the best preserved, and the others are too blurry to see clearly."

Everyone sighed in disappointment, frowning and thinking.

Suddenly, Yushi was pleasantly surprised: "That's right! Let's go to the forbidden area of ​​the demon world and take a look! Didn't Molo say that there are many ancient books there? Let's go and have a look together."

"Forbidden area?!" Junior shook his head and explained, "No one can enter or exit the forbidden area at will."

Yushi chuckled, and said, "Haven't we entered before? We were not familiar with the place at that time, so we could still get in - but now that you, the future demon god, are here, why should we be afraid any more!"

Junior frowned and muttered: "At that time you had Master's badge, so we could pass through the perimeter smoothly. But now..."

If he ran to borrow a badge from the master now and took them all in together, the master would definitely not agree.But if you don't have a waist card, you can't even enter the outer areas.

Yushi's big sparkling eyes slipped away, he laughed, took out the storage bag from his arms, patted it boldly, and said: "Don't be afraid, we have a very legitimate reason this time! Everyone, let's go!"

The forbidden area of ​​the demon world, the outskirts.

The junior held his head high and held his chest high, striding forward.Everyone also raised their heads and chests, and followed behind with big strides.

"Stop! The forbidden area of ​​the demon world, no trespassing!"

A group of goblins flew out with sharp weapons in their hands, immediately guarding the door.

Junior coughed lightly, and said in a deep voice, "It's me."

The little demons were surprised, and hastily bowed respectfully and half-kneeled to salute.The one in front of me is the master of the demon world, who combines the identity of a saintly aunt and the honor of a demon god, the most honorable master of the demon world in all ages—how dare they neglect!

Junior nodded and said, "We want to enter the forbidden area, open the door."

The leader, Xiao Yao Xian smiled flatteringly, and said, "Little master, have you forgotten... that you have to wear a badge to enter the forbidden area?"

Junior calmly stretched out his hand, touched his waist, frowned in surprise and said, "When I was washing up just now, I left it in the room and forgot to take it..."

Yushi beside him said "Oh" and said, "Didn't you tell Moro the demon god yesterday that we were going to enter the forbidden area? I remember that he immediately gave you a waist card..."

Junior smiled apologetically, and he hesitated to explain: "I was in a hurry to go out just now, but I forgot to take it."

The little demon guarding the gate frowned in embarrassment, and muttered: "Little master, about..."

Junior said in a deep voice, "I'll ask the bodyguard to fetch it."

The little demon immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile, and couldn't help nodding his head to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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