I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 595 Cleverly pass the level and hide it from Moro

Chapter 595 Cleverly pass the level and hide it from Moro

Yushi's big eyes rolled away, and he said to the junior, "San, from now on, all the treasures I collect will be given to the children as dowry."

The junior smiled foolishly, and replied: "You have so many treasures... this dowry must be very rich!"

After hearing this, Moro turned his sorrow into joy, and closed his eyes with a smile.

People in the six realms don't know that the people of Xuanlin's lineage are noble and extraordinary, and there are many hidden treasures!Especially Xuan Wuchen Shangxian, he has countless good treasures on hand, each of which is a rare treasure.

Now that San'er and Xuan Linfeng are in-laws, the little princess' dowry in the future... Don't even think about it, you know it's extremely rich!
Moluo laughed and said, "That's good! Let's hand it over to the junior when Fairy Xuanshi arrives."

Yushi also narrowed his eyes with a smile, and nodded like a pounding garlic.

Xuan Wuchen, who was hugging her, glanced at Moluo indifferently, looked away, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which flashed past.

In the corner, Ming obediently covered his big mouth, lowered his head and giggled.

Ren Xiaoyao was the closest to him, so he understood right away, Xie Mei smiled and asked: "Brother-in-law, you were also there at that time—the treasure that your best friend searched inside must not be just the pagoda, right?" The interrogative sentence was full of affirmation tone.

Ming obediently managed to hold back her smile, leaned close to his ear, and answered in a low voice: "My junior and I helped her move and stuff, and my hands were sore and painful! The pagoda you saw just now is definitely inside. lowest quality."

"Pfft!" With a sound, Ren Xiaoyao covered his mouth and smiled.

A pagoda of the lowest grade stabilized Moro.He said another word about the dowry, which made Moro so happy that he seemed to have gotten some great advantage!
"Tsk tsk... the little guy is really amazing! Empty glove white wolf!"

Ming obediently shrugged, smiled and said: "If she heard this, she would definitely argue and yell, I sacrificed a pagoda, how can I be empty-handed!"

Ren Xiaoyao smiled, and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, she will definitely say that..."

On the other side, the junior frowned nervously, handed the "half-day quilt" to Moluo, and said anxiously: "Master, something is wrong..."

After hearing this, Moluo restrained his smile and looked over at him.

"San'er, what's the matter?"

Yushi supported his stomach, leaned forward, pointed to the "half-day quilt" in the junior's hand, and quickly explained: "Your Excellency Moro, things are really bad. Just now the junior took out the 'half-day quilt' to scare you." It's broken! Look—it's become like this!"

"Ah!" Moro turned pale with fright, hugged the "half-day quilt", and asked the junior in panic: "What's going on? How did the "half-day quilt" become like this?!"

Junior hurriedly wanted to explain: "I...I don't know, just now I—"

Yushi quickly interrupted him, saying: "Just now when he found out that 'Ban Tian was' turned into this, he was very anxious just like you, Your Excellency the Demon God! But he doesn't know what happened, we all suggest to find a solution quickly."

"Everyone thought it might be because of 'Half-Day' themselves, so they searched for information in the Library Pavilion. Unexpectedly, we accidentally found a box——Junior, take it out quickly, and let your master have a look."

Moro stared wide-eyed, hurriedly took the box, and looked down.When he hurriedly opened the gold silk book, he turned it over and over again, but he was still confused.

"This is... an ancient text?"

Yushi guessed early in the morning that he must not be able to understand, nodded and said: "That's right, it's all ancient Chinese. My master was thinking about me and the little baby in my stomach, so he came here. Fortunately, he knew some ancient Chinese, so he helped to read it. "

Moluo was very excited, and hurriedly asked Xuan Wuchen: "Xuan Shangxian, what is written on it? Are they all written by ancient ancestors in the demon world?"

Xuan Wuchen replied without hesitation, "It's the personal autobiography and records of some exercises of the ancestor of your demon world."

Moluo smiled in surprise, and said, "It's these! What a surprise!" Unexpectedly, there are still materials about the ancestors of the demon world hidden in the forbidden area, and there are also exercises from ancient times-it's really great!
Looking at his overjoyed look, Yushi knew in his heart that he was thinking about the exercises inside, rolled his eyes secretly, pointed to "Ban Tian quilt" and said: "My master also found the records of this quilt, and finally found the 'Ban Tian quilt' The reason why it became like this."

Moluo stared in surprise, and asked: "Really?" He turned to Xuan Wuchen and asked anxiously.

Xuan Wuchen made a long story short, briefly recounting the information he had read just now.After hearing this, Moro narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly.

"That's what happened..."

Yushi quickly interjected: "It is also recorded that one day, when the spirituality of the spirit beasts is lost, the Four Seas Lingzhu may perish, and the 'Ban Tian Bei' may also perish."

She stretched out her hand to touch Senior San, and sighed to persuade, "Dear San, actually you don't have to blame yourself, it's not your fault, it's because the spirit of the ancient spirit beast died out."

The junior nodded "Oh" and looked at Moro with an apologetic face, and said in an aggrieved tone: "Master, I didn't know what was going on at first, I was so scared to death..."

Moluo sighed lightly, and said: "San'er, what Fairy Xuanshi said is reasonable, and I can't blame you for it. The spirit of the spirit beast dies, and it will be like this for a long time. No wonder you! It's just that I didn't expect——to be here Such a thing happened at this juncture, as a teacher, I am afraid that your succession ceremony will be tomorrow..."

Seeing him stop, Junior frowned and asked, "What will happen?"

Moluo sighed, frowned and whispered: "I'm afraid I will be questioned by the patriarchs of the major families. 'Half-day quilt' is a treasure passed down to the demon gods of the past. But it happened the day before your succession ceremony... ..."

After hearing this, Junior scratched his head and asked, "Master, then what should I do?"

Moro frowned in embarrassment and rubbed his forehead.With so many things happening suddenly, he also felt dizzy and at a loss for what to do.

Yushi's big eyes rolled around, secretly feeling that something was wrong, and hurriedly hinted at Mo Heijian.

Mo Heijian "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssesses of your hands, Your Excellency Demon God' said, because the spirit beads of our four seas also had cracks not long ago, and the spirit power suddenly appeared."

"Ah!" Moro stared in surprise and asked, "Is this really the case?"

When Mo Heijian was asked such a rhetorical question, he couldn't help puckering his lips, and said, "My highness shouldn't be preaching about such an important matter here—but it's about the junior succession ceremony, so my highness has no choice but to tell the truth. Xilong and Qingtianlong fell in love with each other, and died at the same time, and their spiritual power also disappeared together after many, many years."

When Moro heard this, he finally believed it.

Yushi persuaded in a low voice: "Tomorrow's succession ceremony, don't mention it for the time being, let the junior take over smoothly, and then make other plans."

Moluo hurriedly agreed, nodded heavily, and said, "That's right! Don't make any troubles for the time being, just hide the past first, and wait for San'er to successfully take over the position of the demon god."

(End of this chapter)

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