I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 598 "Flower Pass" Teaser Busy

Chapter 598 "Flower Passing Festival" Teaser Busy
The demon world, below the demon temple.

There are piles of bonfires, and groups of coquettishly dressed dancers dance lightly, the music is jubilant, and the cheers are overwhelming.

The succession ceremony of the junior demon god was very grand. After the success, the new demon god led the patriarchs of the big families to worship the ancestor of the demon world and the previous demon gods.Host a banquet to entertain the distinguished guests, and warmly invite everyone from Ninglu Hall to come out to participate in the large-scale celebration in the evening.

Yushi missed the succession ceremony of the demon god because of sleepiness in the morning.The evening celebration was very lively, and it coincided with today's "Flower Passing Festival", the streets and alleys were decorated with lights and festoons, and it was very lively.Yushi couldn't sit still anymore, and dragged his master to run out.

The square below the Demon God Temple was crowded with people, there was bursts of music, singing and cheers.

Seeing such a scene, Xuan Wuchen frowned instantly.But seeing the little apprentice beside him was extremely excited, thinking that she would rarely have the opportunity to participate in such a lively occasion, so he didn't stop her and carefully guarded her side.

"Master! Look - there are so many flowers! They are all beautiful!"

"Wow! Master, everyone is wearing flowers on their heads and bodies! No wonder it's called the 'Flower Passing Festival'—it turns out that you have to wear flowers!"

Xuan Wuchen was very happy to see her, and when he heard her chattering non-stop, the corners of his mouth lightly lifted, and he occasionally answered a few words softly.

"Master, these flowers are really fragrant and beautiful! Let's get some to wear!"

When Xuan Wuchen heard this, his handsome face was a little embarrassed, he quickly shook his head, and explained: "This flower...has a special meaning and cannot be worn."

Yushi smiled, turned her head and asked: "Why? Oh! I know, this flower is going to be passed on! Someone will pass it on to me in a while! Haha!"

Xuan Wuchen glanced at her protruding belly, and said with a smile: "No."

But the little apprentice had already turned his head away, happily going to watch the dance.

The handsome man was afraid that she would be hit by someone, so he hurriedly followed, wrapped his arms around her waist, and carefully protected her in his arms.

"Haha...Master, look quickly! Uncle Ren and Ghost Honey are ahead! Let's hurry up and join them!"

Xuan Wuchen looked up, and saw that the senior was sitting upright, and below were many family patriarchs, and Moluo and Princess Jingxin were sitting on the left side of the senior, with smiles on their faces, chatting with the people below sky.

Mingguaiguai and Ren Xiaoyao were placed on the right side of the junior because of their noble status.For some unknown reason, the two looked disheveled, as if they were very unhappy.Mo Heijian and Caterpillar were on the other side of them, they were chatting softly and smiling sweetly.

Senior San and Moluo both knew that Xuan Wuchen didn't like social occasions, especially occasions with many people, so they just invited them symbolically, and they didn't expect that Xuanshangxian would actually come to the banquet tonight.So when they saw Immortal Xuanshang walking gracefully with his little apprentice in his arms, they were all very surprised, got up in a hurry, and came down to greet him in person.

Xuan Wuchen explained in a low voice: "Come out with Xiao Shier to watch the excitement."

Junior hurriedly asked someone to prepare a seat, and asked him and Yushi to sit next to him.

At this time, Yushi shouted in surprise: "Uncle Ren and Mingguaiguai are also wearing flowers—hahaha!"

Xuan Wuchen was slightly surprised, turned his head, and saw that their loose robes, arms, necklines, especially the chest were covered with flowers!
He just glanced at them just now, but didn't take a closer look. He didn't expect them to have so many "flowers"!
Yushi hurried over and said with a smile, "You guys really know how to do as the Romans do! You're covered in flowers! Haha..."

Ren Xiaoyao raised his head—immediately, a cold stare stared at him. He hurriedly shook his head to stop, and hurriedly explained: "This devil didn't want it! How could this devil want these! Don't misunderstand! Don't misunderstand!"

Ming Guaiguai was also panic-stricken, shook his head desperately, and hurriedly explained: "No, no! This king didn't want this either! It was all brought up by them! Don't get me wrong...don't get me wrong!"

Yushi was slightly surprised, and muttered: "What's wrong? What are you two doing?"

It's so good, it's either a disheveled look, or a panicked look, as if someone has done something bad and was caught.

Ren Xiaoyao and Ming obediently listened to her words, and looked at each other, the two handsome faces instantly collapsed, just about to explain——

Xuan Wuchen hugged Keren'er with his big arms, and hugged Keren'er tightly to his side.

"Little Shi'er, they will be very busy tonight, don't disturb them."

Yushi stared in surprise, and asked, "Isn't it just watching dance performances, drinking and chatting? What else is there to be busy with?"

Xuan Wuchen kept a cold face and didn't answer, but he hugged her tightly to prevent her from getting closer.

But Ren'er's big sparkling eyes slipped away, and she felt that Master seemed very unhappy——she turned her head and looked at the two handsome brothers with bitter faces on the other side, thinking that they were most likely to be the cause of the trouble.

She shrugged, looking at the wonderful dance below with relish.

Ren Xiaoyao and Ming obediently looked at each other with bitter smiles.

After a dance, the dancing sexy witches saluted respectfully.Then, with flowers in their hands, they came up shyly, approached Ren Xiaoyao and Ming Gwaii, and stuck the flowers in their hands on their robes.

Ren Xiaoyao and Ming Guaiguai had cold faces, their eyes were cold and they did not look sideways, their bodies remained motionless, and they continued to move.

After a while, several flowers appeared on their robes.The witches walked on shyly, and one or two bold ones even winked at them.

"Wow! It turns out that the flowers on your bodies were all sent by beauties! Haha..." Yushi turned her head with a smile, raised her eyebrows ambiguously, and hummed, "The two of you are really blessed!"

Ren Xiaoyao rolled his eyes, smiled bitterly, and whispered: "I don't want it at all, but I can't refuse... Really!"

Yushi pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Such a beautiful flower is a gift from a beautiful woman—how can you refuse! Uncle Ren is so charming, so please accept it happily!"

Ren Xiaoyao seemed to be angry, and glared at her sullenly.

"This demon lord swears to protect the future little princess like a jade! Don't talk nonsense!"


Yushi was so stared at by him, she leaned back in surprise, and muttered: "Why...how..."

Mingguaiguai turned his head and said in a low voice: "These flowers will be thrown away by the king!"

Ke Ren'er was surprised and murmured: "Why are you throwing away the good flowers, take them back and feed them to your big moo moo, he doesn't know how happy he is!"

Ming obediently turned his head away, tightened his face, and glared at her angrily.

"This king swears that he will guard his body like a jade for the future little princess! Don't talk nonsense!"


Yushi blinked her big eyes, turned her head and asked in a low voice: "Master, what is the special meaning of this flower? What does it have to do with their guarding themselves like jade? Please explain to me quickly."

With her super invincible intelligence, she guessed it immediately - there must be a "flower" secret she didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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