I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 679 Xuan Wuchen's Mysterious Identity?

Chapter 679 Xuan Wuchen's Mysterious Identity?

Mo Wen frowned tightly, narrowed his indifferent eyes slightly, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know what the ancient king's surname was?"

Mo Ni was slightly taken aback, and shook his head blankly.

"Among the ancient people, there are only people from the royal family—surnamed Xuan."

"Ah?!" Mo Ni stared in surprise, thought about it in shock, then shook his head and said, "Master, the ancient people have been extinct for countless years. Xuan Shangxian is only 10,000+ years old at most, how could he be an ancient royal family?" ? Maybe...it's just a coincidence."

Mo Wen listened to his words, frowned and thought again and again, and asked: "In the Six Realms, besides Xuan Wuchen whose surname is Xuan, is there anyone else whose surname is Xuan?"

Mo Ni lowered his head and thought for a long time, finally shook his head, and replied: "There are many surnames in the Six Realms, but the one with the surname Xuan—they are indeed only Xuan Wuchen and his wife."

Mo Wen flicked his wide golden sleeves lightly, thought with his hands behind his back, and whispered: "You have not traveled in the six realms for as long as the emperor, and you have not had much contact with people from the Xuanlin lineage. People have been extremely honorable since ancient times, even in the fairy world, they have a very high status."

"It's just that they are very low-key in their behavior and rarely get involved in the affairs of the Six Realms. Their contacts have always been rare. Generally, there is only one direct disciple, and there is only one direct disciple in a generation."

After a pause, he continued in a low voice: "I had been in close contact with Wufeng for a while before, and asked him curiously about the Xuanlin lineage. Every time he always laughed and didn't answer, and occasionally said one or two ambiguous words. Vague words, I said that Xuanlin's lineage is talented and has a heavy responsibility, and its status is noble and superior to the Six Realms."

"A while ago, the emperor opened his mouth to test Xuan Wuchen, but he sternly reprimanded the emperor not to provoke Xuan Wuchen, saying not to touch his beloved, because he is absolutely capable of subverting everything. At first, the emperor thought he was just dragging The relationship with Shangxuanlin's lineage—now that he thinks about it, he is most likely alluding to Xuan Wuchen's true identity."

Mo Ni still shook his head, as if he didn't quite believe it.

"Master... I have heard from the elders that the ancient people have long since perished. Others have also wandered in other places, reclaiming wasteland and reclaiming land, and slowly forming the current Six Realms. The king of the ancient people is mysterious and unpredictable. When the mainland was sealed, it also disappeared."

Mo Wen frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I have spent a lot of time in the Cangbei Forest, and I know a lot of things about the wild. The emperor knows everything you said—but don't forget, the people from the wild continent Only people from the Xuanlin lineage know the entrance! They control the mysterious light enchantment in the center of the wilderness. Only those from the Xuanlin lineage can have the opportunity to touch that vast mysterious continent. It's not just by chance!"

After a pause, he squinted his eyes and continued: "I didn't pay attention to this at first, but just now I heard you say that Xuanshi's stomach would emit a mysterious light, and suddenly remembered the holy book in the elder's hand-although I can't read it , but I remember the elder pointing to it and explaining that the people of the ancient royal family were blessed by nature, and they would be full of mysterious light when they were born."

"The emperor suddenly remembered that Xuan Wuchen's surname is Xuan, and people from the ancient royal family also had the surname Xuan. When the child of him and Xuanshi was born, it was able to emit a strong mysterious light..."

He let out a breath, and said in a deep voice: "All the signs of the matter show that he, Xuan Wuchen, is most likely a descendant of the ancient royal family."

"Ah!" Mo Ni yelled in surprise, thought for a while, and blurted out, "Master...then what should we do?"

Mo Wen's thin lips were tightly pressed together, and he murmured: "This is just my emperor's guess, what is the specifics--this emperor is still not sure. However, Xuan Wuchen's identity is indeed suspicious. The Xuanlin lineage All the immortals have never had a surname, they just start with the word 'no' and add another word. Only he, Xuan Wuchen, has a surname, and it is such a special surname."

After a while, he let out a deep breath and said: "No matter what his specific identity is, people from the Xuanlin lineage guard the only entrance to the Wild Continent, and their natural mission determines that they will only be hostile to us. identity."

He squinted his eyes and flashed a mysterious light, and snorted: "No matter what, we still have to pay close attention to them. For the time being, that's all we can do. Don't startle the snakes."

Mo Ni nodded heavily, and answered yes.

Mo Wen turned his head and asked in a low voice, "How is Mo Chou recently? There are not many news."

Mo Ni respectfully replied: "Recently, a large tribe is being annexed. She and the elders are both very busy. She sent a letter the day before yesterday, saying that the situation is gradually improving, and I believe there will be good news soon."

"Yeah." Mo Wen nodded lightly, and replied, "That's great! If we want to get close to the Wild Continent, we must first clear up the Cangbei Forest at the entrance. You go down to rest first, and come back later. I have one more thing to do. Tell you to do it."

Mo Ni nodded and stepped back.

With a flick of Mo Wen's wide cuffs, the isolation barrier between the two of them was broken.Mo Ni lowered his head and quickly exited the entrance of the main hall.

The man in the golden robe in the main hall let out a breath slowly, stepped up, sat on the dragon chair, took the book on the table again, and read it carefully.

At this time, a low respectful voice came from outside.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Queen Mother ordered the servants to bring sweet soup to quench His Majesty's thirst."

Mo Wen frowned slightly, and said loudly, "Bring it in."

Chunxiang was holding a golden plate, and a small bowl was placed on top of it.

"Your Majesty, this is the lotus seed and bird's nest soup sent by your servant. Your Majesty said that the weather is getting hotter and hotter. The sweet lotus seed soup is refreshing and refreshing. It is suitable for Your Majesty to drink at this time."

Mo Wen slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and nodded gracefully.

"Very well, present it."

Chunxiang respectfully presented the sweet soup in front of him, bowed and walked away.

Mo Wen scooped a tablespoon with his hands, nodded slowly and said, "It tastes good! Zi Tong really has a heart."

Chunxiang smiled and narrowed her eyes, leaned over and was about to speak——

Mo Wen put down the spoon, and interrupted with a smile at the right time: "Go back and tell Zitong that the emperor likes this sweet soup very much. After the matter at hand is done, I will go and accompany her."

Chunxiang's face was slightly gloomy, and her small face was full of disappointment, but she didn't dare to speak nonsense, she just bowed down and said yes.

His Majesty always said that, but he is the king of a world, and he has so many affairs at hand, one thing after another, when will he finish it...

It seems that the empress can only be disappointed this time.

"Wait!" The noble man on the dragon chair suddenly said.

Surprise appeared on Chunxiang's face, and she turned around quickly, expecting to wait.

Mo Wen said in a low voice: "Go back and tell Zitong that the Emperor has something to do in the mortal world and needs to leave the Heavenly Palace for a while."

Chunxiang's face full of anticipation collapsed, thinking of her master who was always lonely and guarding the vacant room, just about to muster up the courage to speak——

Mo Wen put on a cold face and waved his hand.

"Go down!"

(End of this chapter)

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