I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 691 **** Son-in-law with ulterior motives

Chapter 691 Son-in-law with ulterior motives

Wufeng Xianzun couldn't help frowning, thinking lowly.

"And that Mochou... the name doesn't sound like a barbarian's name."

Suddenly, Yushi jumped out and shouted in surprise, "Mo Chou? Mo Ni? Mo Wen?!"

what? !

Wufeng Xianzun and Xuan Wuchen widened their eyes at the same time, and turned to look at Yushi thoughtfully.

But Ren'er's big sparkling eyes slipped away, and asked, "Are there many people with the surname Mo? It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

At this time, Ren Xiaoyao snorted, "There are quite a few people with the surname Mo in the Six Realms, mainly mortals. There are also a small number in the Demon Realm, but none of them are as famous as the 'Mo Wen' you mentioned."

After a pause, he smiled charmingly, and said, "Mochou means beautiful woman, maybe this barbarian is good-looking, and his father only has her as a daughter, I hope she can be more beautiful to recruit a good son-in-law**** .”

His words were light and light, and the irony in them was well understood by the three people present.

Don't ask, he was just a mortal at first, but later he stepped into the world of cultivating immortals, ascended to become an immortal, and fell in love with Princess Yun'er, the only princess under the emperor's knee in the immortal world at that time. The king of fairyland.

Ren Xiaoyao has never had a good impression of Mo Wen because of the matter of Jufangpen.Now that I hear the name "Mo Chou", I also associate it with Mo Wen, and take the opportunity to sarcastically.

Wufeng Xianzun snorted softly, and said coldly: "What a good son-in-law!"

But Yushi frowned, hugged the arm of the handsome man beside him, and asked in a low voice: "Master, do you remember that Mo Ni next to Mo Wen? He looks like a barbarian."

Xuan Wuchen didn't answer, but a faint light flashed quickly in his cold eyes.The two of them, the master and the apprentice, had discussed this issue - that Mo Ni was most likely the barbarian Mo Wen took away from the Cangbei Forest.

The master and apprentice looked at each other, and their hearts became more certain - the beautiful patriarch of the Tanmo tribe must have something to do with Mo Wen!
"Master, brother Wufeng was injured by that iron barbarian, it must be Mo Wen's instigation."

Wufeng Xianzun heard it clearly from the side, with a cold face, he kept silent, and his palms in his sleeves were tightly clenched into fists.

Before, Xiao Shi'er also guessed whether the barbarian was instigated by Mo Wen. From this point of view, it is likely to be inseparable.

Everyone fell silent.

After a while, Xuan Wuchen said slowly: "The Tanmo tribe is growing rapidly, and it should be inseparable from him."

He explained: "In the Cangbei Forest, each tribe mainly obtains food through hunting, and there are not many weapons and equipment on hand. Occasionally, there are surplus items, and they are only exchanged with tribes with good relations. Because of this, it is good For tens of thousands of years, the size of the tribes in the Cangbei Forest has been about the same."

Yushi said "Oh!", and added: "The Tanmo tribe can expand rapidly from a small tribe, and continuously annex small tribes to grow itself, there must be other people's help - otherwise, with its own conditions, it would not be possible at all! "

Xuan Wuchen nodded and replied: "Yes, indeed."

Wufeng Xianzun's handsome face was cold, and he said angrily: "That damned guy - greedy, the majestic king of the world can't satisfy him! He wants to get involved in the internal affairs of Cangbei Forest!"

Who doesn't know that the Cangbei Forest has been a place for barbarians since ancient times. They keep the blood oath made by their ancestors and guard the gate of the wild continent. They have lived in the Cangbei Forest for generations and never negotiate with outsiders.

Then Mo Wen doing this is no different from risking the disobedience of the world!

Ren Xiaoyao lowered his head and glanced at the little baby in his arms. When he looked up, the tenderness in his eyes disappeared instantly. He smiled evilly and said, "This devil has already said that that guy is not simple, and his thoughts are not simple at all—of course , he is not only stupid!"

At this time, Yushi suddenly remembered something and asked: "Master, you were entrusted by the Queen Mother to look for him. Where did you find him?"

Xuan Wuchen replied: "It's in the south of Cangbei Forest."

Yushi's face was slightly pale, and his head was spinning rapidly, feeling that things were getting more and more suspicious...

At this time, Xuan Wuchen and Wufeng Immortal Venerable's complexions also turned bad.

Ren Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows, he had a vague premonition that things seemed to be worse, so he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

After a long while, Xuan Wuchen replied slowly: "At that time he begged me to take him into the wilderness, and I agreed."

Ren Xiaoyao pursed his lips, and muttered in dissatisfaction: "Unexpectedly, that guy really dared to speak—you were so generous that you agreed! How many years have I known you, and I dare not ask you to take me with you!" Go in! Tsk tsk..."

Yushi rolled his eyes and sighed, "Uncle Ren, he has ulterior motives and wants to covet the Wild Continent. Are you the same? Can this be compared?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Ren Xiaoyao was dumbfounded!

Could it be that damned Mo Wen—the person Xuan Wuchen mentioned last time who wanted to covet the Wild Continent? !
Thinking of what their master, master, master and apprentice guessed just now, combined with the front and back, as smart as him, they guessed it immediately, couldn't help frowning and cursing.

"This guy... is really cunning and cunning, with ulterior motives!"

After a pause, he stared coldly and snorted: "No wonder he attaches so much importance to the crisis in the wilderness, not only did you do everything to the people of the Xuanlin lineage, but also said that only he and Xuanshi can relieve the danger in the wilderness! Actually He is a hidden ghost!"

The three people on the other side were silent, with deep worry on their faces.

Suddenly, Yushi rubbed his chin and guessed: "Those people who spy on our Xuanlin Peak all day are probably related to him."

Xuan Wuchen didn't open his mouth, he put his arm around her and stuck to his side, and said softly: "No matter what, we can't let him succeed."

Ren Xiaoyao's slender brows and eyes narrowed slightly, and he said angrily: "That guy is as cunning as an old fox! These are just our guesses, and there is no evidence at all!"

The big finger pointed forward, and continued: "It's a mess here, so what if there are countless deaths and injuries? What if you Xuanlin know his dirty heart? No matter on the surface or in the bottom of his heart, he is dignified and dignified. The majestic Emperor of the Immortal World!"

After a long period of silence, Wufeng Xianzun said: "From this point of view, our trip has become more important!"

Xuan Wuchen nodded lightly, and said: "For the things outside, we will see what to do after we come out."

At this time, Yushi raised his head, clapped his hands together, and said: "The things outside are not difficult-he can do the first grade of junior high school, we will do the fifteenth! Let's have a 'treat him in the same way' body'!"

Everyone looked at her in unison, and then all laughed.

After a while, Ren Xiaoyao urged: "Don't you have something to do? Hurry up and do it, I will help you take care of the children, go!"

Yushi tilted his head and smiled, and said, "Uncle Ren, this time we have to be completely generous!"


"Take you into the wilderness together!"


(End of this chapter)

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