Chapter 694
Yushi looked at it in surprise, and couldn't help but marvel at this vast land.

"This is wild?! God! How can such a place be called wild!"

At this time, the little guy in his arms stopped crying miraculously, blinked, and looked around coldly.

Xuan Wuchen glanced at him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and murmured: "The fourth child seems to know this place." Then, he stretched out his hand lovingly, and hugged the little baby into his arms.

Wufeng Immortal Venerable flew over and said, "I've been walking for a long time, why don't I take a rest around here first."

Yushi wiped the thin sweat from his brow and nodded.

Xuan Wuchen raised his hand, pointed at a huge dark brown rock not far away, and said, "Go up and take a rest."

The three of them tapped their toes, flew up very quickly, and sat down.

The breeze is blowing, and the aroma of green grass is mixed with various flavors of nature, accompanied by a comfortable cool breeze, lingering around.

Yushi couldn't help but close her eyes, enjoying the fresh feeling.

"My God! The weather here is so warm and comfortable, even the wind blows comfortably!"

The handsome man beside him glanced at her dotingly, and explained: "I told you before, the wild is not wild. The climate of the wild continent is warm and suitable for all seasons, with lush vegetation, and there are many rare birds and animals and rare animals." precious fruit."

Yushi muttered and frowned and asked, "Then why is it called barren? It's barbaric and barren, and it's completely opposite to the actual facts!"

Xuan Wuchen replied: "There are two theories. One is that after the ancient people left the wild land, they were afraid that people outside would think about this vast and fertile land, so they declared this place to be called the wild. Such a name can very well deter other people. The unruly heart of man."

Wufeng Xianzun smiled and said, "Another way of saying is that the ancient people and the mermaids grew up together on the land, and the mermaids can adapt to life in the sea, and they can also live on land. After the ancient people lived stably in the barren continent, they Calling this place the Wild Continent is an attempt to make the mermaids stop wanting to live here."

It turned out that there was an idea of ​​dominating a paradise!

After hearing this, Yushi raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Which statement do you think is more credible?"

Xuan Wuchen smiled handsomely, hugged the fourth child and lifted it up, so that his eyes could see more, and he didn't answer.

Wufeng Xianzun also laughed, glanced thoughtfully at Xuan Wuchen and his son, shook his head and did not answer.

"Hehe..." Yushi imitated his movements, glanced at his master, and laughed.

Each of them knew the answer, but they didn't want to reveal it.

Xuan Wuchen gave her a doting look, and he just watched the scenery with his son.

At this time, Wufeng Immortal Venerable reminded: "Wuchen, release Ren Shengjun."

The ancestors of the Xuanlin lineage left a legacy that no one else should know the location of the wilderness entrance.In order to follow the ancestral precepts, Ren Shengjun worked very hard - he was beaten and dumped!

Yushi also remembered, and quickly said: "That's right! Master, send Uncle Ren out quickly!"

Xuan Wuchen snorted softly, hugged his son's neck and small shoulders with one hand, and shook his wide snow-white cuff——

A bright red figure was thrown out!
With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yushi jumped up to catch it, and took Uncle Ren down.

He is still unconscious!

Wufeng Xianzun laughed and gave him a pitiful look, stretched out his hand and shot out a mysterious light, rushing into his temple.

Yushi also reached out to help, popped out another, and bounced into the temple on the other side.

Ren Xiaoyao woke up faintly, opened his slender and evil eyes - stood up straight, and angrily yelled at a certain father who was leisurely accompanying his son to see the scenery: "Xuan Wuchen! You are too much!"

He was so angry that he flicked the bright red cuffs, flicked and flicked, whistling!
"This demon lord just laughed at your little apprentice a little bit, and praised you for your waist strength in a disguised way. You are good--I knocked this demon lord unconscious without saying a word! You are too much! Don't think-hey! Here what is the place?"

Xuan Wuchen glanced at him coldly, and replied, "The Wild Continent."

"Ah!" Ren Xiaoyao's eyes widened, his handsome face was full of surprise.

Yushi smiled and stepped forward, explaining to him.

"...The entrance to the Wild Wilderness must be kept absolutely secret, so I have no choice but to wrong you, Uncle Ren."

Ren Xiaoyao pursed his lips angrily, and muttered: "Obviously your master took the opportunity to bully me! I want me not to see or hear—there are at least a dozen ways! But why did he go so far? The means to knock this demon king out! It is clear that he can't see his precious little apprentice being teased by others, so he took the opportunity to take revenge!"

At this time, the white-robed man turned his head gracefully, and said in a low voice, "How about using another method?" His words were soft, but his tone of threat was very obvious.

Ren Xiaoyao didn't dare to answer anymore, he snorted heavily, put his hands on his chest, and looked around.

"As expected of the legendary wild continent! Tsk tsk... No wonder even that guy from the fairy world is thinking about it!"

Yushi was busy looking for it, and asked, "Master, where is the spirit stone you were born in? Didn't it mean it was at the entrance?"

Xuan Wuchen tilted his head and answered, "It's the one we're sitting on."

"Ah!" Yushi stared in surprise, flew down quickly, and looked around the huge rock with a look of disbelief.

"Didn't you say Lingshi? It doesn't look like it! There is not a single gap, how did you jump out, Master?"

Xuan Wuchen smiled lightly and did not answer, gave her a look of "you can figure it out for yourself", stood up, held his son up, and let him see farther and more.

The fourth child had a cold face, and looked around with a pair of black and white eyes, unable to hide his curiosity, but he was not excited, and looked calmly and indifferently.

Seeing his reaction, Xuan Wuchen couldn't help chuckling in satisfaction.

Ren Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard the conversation between their master and apprentice, then smiled evilly, flew to Yushi's side and said, "It turns out that your master and apprentice are all the same, you all jumped out of rocks! Haha... ..."

Yushi glanced at him, and muttered: "Yes! It's just that the master said that this stone is a spirit stone... It doesn't seem to be very similar, and the periphery also feels weird."

Great Demon Lord Ren turned his head, just about to fly away——

"Boom!" There was a sudden but familiar sound.

Yushi said "Wow!" and shouted in surprise: "Uncle Ren, you discovered the formation again! Haha!"

Ren Xiaoyao's handsome face was cold, and he covered the big bump on his forehead. At this moment, he had only one impulse - to roll his eyes hard and foam!
The next moment, his movements were familiar, white light burst out from his palm, and he pressed the big bag down.

"Fortunately, spells can be cast inside..."

Yushi on the other side was busy breaking the formation, flew over, leaned over, and tapped above.


After a loud noise, the huge stone fell apart, leaving only a dark top-quality spirit stone, the size of several people hugging each other, which was placed neatly.The spirit stone presents a very rare standard round shape with a small hole in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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