I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 697 As a teacher, naturally it is also yours

Chapter 697 As a teacher, naturally it is also yours
Just after finding a dry cave, a group of people walked in, and it started to rain heavily outside.

The sky was dim, and the cave was a little dark.

Ren Xiaoyao took out two luminous pearls and fixed them in the corner with kung fu, and the surroundings immediately became brighter.

Looking at the pouring rain outside, Yushi asked curiously, "I heard that the four seasons in the Wilderness are like spring, warm and comfortable. Is there a lot of rain?"

The handsome man beside him hugged the fourth child with one hand, and hugged the fourth child with the other, hugging his delicate body tightly by his side.

"There is a lot of rain in the wilderness, which is somewhat similar to the Cangbei Forest. Xiao Shi'er, you haven't really given birth yet, so you can't get wet in the rain, lest the cold air enter your body."

Yushi glared at him tenderly, and muttered: "Got it! I'm hiding inside, why would I go out to get wet in the rain for no reason?"

Seeing the fourth child clinging to his arms obediently, a pair of indifferent small eyes calmly looked at her.

Yushi smiled at him and narrowed his eyes, teasing him: "Fourth brother, do you like this place? Look, we are in the wilderness!"

The fourth child blinked his eyes calmly, leaned comfortably into his father's warm embrace, closed his eyes slowly, and fell into a deep sleep.

Yushi quickly reached out, took out a small blanket from the storage bag next to him, and covered him.

Xuan Wuchen glanced at her and said, "It must be cooler at night, you take out your cloak and put it on, come and lean on Wei Shi."

Seeing the torrential rain outside, Yushi didn't dare to hesitate, and followed suit one by one.

Wufeng Xianzun and Ren Xiaoyao sat on the other side, chatting in a low voice.

Xuan Wuchen hugged his son with one arm and his wife with the other, he felt warm all over his body, and his heart was satisfied.

Yushi looked up with a smile, and whispered: "Master, this gift you gave me is really unexpected—uh, a big surprise!"

At that time, he was going to go to the wilderness, and she had a big belly, so she really couldn't go with him.She asked him for a gift, but she was just acting like a baby.

Unexpectedly, she, who asked for a gift, had long forgotten such a thing, but Master still remembered it firmly, and gave her such a big surprise today!
The handsome man lowered his head, put his handsome and flawless face together, and whispered affectionately: "It's just as long as you like it. If my teacher promises you, I will naturally do it for you."

Keren clung to his arms and smiled sweetly.

"Master, where are the gifts for the little ones? Have you prepared them too?" I remember that he stuck it on his belly and promised to bring gifts to them one by one.

Xuan Wuchen replied with a smile: "It's all ready. I'll give it to them when they are older."

Yushi said "Oh!", pointed at the fourth child on the other side and smiled, "His must not have one! We didn't expect there would be a fourth child!"

The handsome man nodded, with a touch of emotion in his words, he said: "It's true that he doesn't have a place, you can always surprise me. He is the biggest one."

After a pause, he squinted his eyes and murmured: "He will get a lot in the future, and there is no shortage of this gift. When the seal is released, there will definitely be a lot of things in it that he needs to take over."

Yushi listened, and couldn't help but frowned and muttered: "What do you mean?"

The handsome man leaned over and whispered: "Little Shi'er, being a teacher has a heavy responsibility, and the fourth child also has it. The wild land is vast and rich, and the ancients were reluctant to give up, so they made a barrier to isolate it from the world. The king of the wild wants him After reincarnation, you can solve the crisis in the wild center together with your descendants, and rule this continent again."

Re-rule? !
Does it mean that Master wants to be the king of this continent? !

Shrimp!No way?

Yushi's heart pounded, thinking of what happened just now, and asked, "Master, what is written on that golden silk? What about the sign on my neck?"

Xuan Wuchen didn't want to hide it from her, and explained: "It is the autographed book left by the barbarian king, explaining the importance of the sign. There is a blood oath made by the ancestors of the barbarians on the sign, vowing to be loyal to the barbarian king forever and protect the world. North Forest, protect the barbarian outer barrier. This sign has the effect of aura, and it also says it can summon all barbarians."

"Ah?!" Yushi was dumbfounded and exclaimed, "It's so powerful!"

Earlier, she did guess that the brand must have a big origin, but she didn't expect it to be so big!Command all the barbarians... Isn't that the king of the barbarians?
"Master, why did you give me such an important sign? You should keep it!"

After that, she reached out and pulled the invisibility sign around her neck.

Xuan Wuchen put his big arms around her, making her unable to move, and pressed his small face against his chest.

"Stop it, the teacher said to give it to you, it is for you."

Yushi's pretty face was slightly flushed, being pulled by him like this, her whole body was stuck to his body, looking from behind, it seemed as if she was going to kiss him actively...

Remembering that there were two big light bulbs on the other side, she hurriedly stood up, gave him a coquettish look, and hummed, "Pay attention to your movements."

The handsome man caught a glimpse of her blushing pink cheeks, his eyes were soft, but he smiled without saying a word.

Yushi sat down again, leaned against his side, and whispered: "Master..."

The handsome man interrupted her, and said, "Little Shi'er, if you didn't ask for a gift, the teacher wouldn't want to give you the spirit stone as a gift. If it wasn't for moving it away, how could the teacher find out about the spirit stone?" Brand? In the end, it’s still your credit, so it’s no exaggeration to give it to you.”

Yushi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and murmured: "Master, your reasoning... is ridiculous! This was left to you in your previous life, and I can't take it. Besides, this thing is very meaningful, but it is useless in my hands. "

Xuan Wuchen doted on her, and whispered: "As a teacher, it is naturally yours. This thing will have other functions, and it can even protect you when you are in danger, so you should take it with you."

Then, he added softly: "Don't take it off, wear it all the time. Besides, if you return it to the teacher, I will spank your butt a few times."

Wow Kaka!
A certain apprentice's pink face was red again, and he gave him a reproachful look, made a grimace on purpose, and turned his head away.

Xuan Wuchen glanced at her naughty little appearance, feeling very happy, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, holding his son in one hand, and her in the other, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

The two who had been chatting in a low voice on the opposite side also stopped, and each meditated to rest their minds.

Yushi was half lying in the arms of the master, leaning on it comfortably, and soon became drowsy, and then fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, a loud "bang bang bang!" came from outside, waking up everyone in the cave!

Yushi was taken aback, and woke up in a panic—seeing that the outside was extremely dark and pitch black.

"Don't be afraid, it should be a giant beast." Xuan Wuchen comforted her in a low voice.

Yushi nodded hastily, and quickly looked at the fourth child on the other side, and found that he was still sleeping soundly in the arms of his master.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

Loud noises came from time to time, and it seemed to be not far away.

Wufeng Xianzun stood up and said, "I'll go out and have a look."

Ren Xiaoyao also stood up, Xie Mei chuckled: "This demon king will go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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