I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 701 Immortal Xuan Shang fainted!

Chapter 701 Immortal Xuan Shang fainted!

With a big hand, he threw the wooden box ashore.A gust of palm popped out, sweeping towards the connection gap of the box——


Countless white lights erupted, extremely dazzling!
The two people on the shore couldn't help staring in amazement, avoided the dazzling white light, and looked inside—it turned out to be two shimmering fruits, small and delicate, about the size of meatballs, crystal clear and transparent. with white light.

Ren Xiaoyao beamed with joy, and said with a smile: "What kind of fruit is this? It looks quite pleasing. Seeing that the spiritual power is flowing and the light is full, it is definitely a good thing! Just two, one for each person, just right!"

Xuan Wuchen looked at it calmly, then shook his head and said: "You eat them all, go now."

Ren Xiaoyao's slender and charming eyebrows raised slightly, and he asked: "Why? I ate them all? I'll give you one! This little thing is so cute, I don't plan to eat it, I will take it back as a lighting item or a toy for Yao'er Bar."

That day their husband and wife went out in a hurry and asked him to follow along.He didn't suspect anything else, he told Elder Min, and set off with them.

Unexpectedly, they brought him to the Wilderness to learn more. Although he was happy in his heart, he just came in a hurry, and he didn't even say goodbye to Yao'er seriously. own.

This little fruit is crystal clear and cute, just right for her to hold and play with.He wanted to keep it, take it back as a gift for the little guy, and apologize to her to please her.

Xuan Wuchen glanced at him and explained: "This fruit should be a rare water-based fruit in the center of the wild continent. Because of the crisis there, many rare birds and animals have changed their nature, and this fruit should have been extinct long ago. They cannot leave the water vapor protection, that's why the ancients used formations to store them in this lake."

He said quickly: "Eat them quickly, water belongs to yin, which coincides with the magic skills in your body, and can strengthen your skills. Eat them now, without delay."

Ren Xiaoyao said "Ah!" and asked, "Then you can eat one too!"

Although he discovered this formation, it was he, Xuan Wuchen, who deciphered it.It stands to reason that these two fruits should belong to him.

Xuan Wuchen shook his head and replied, "In the body of the immortal, there is a technique of Xuanlin's lineage, so you can't use it. You have eaten it all."

Ren Xiaoyao walked quickly, picked up one, and saw that the dazzling light on the top of the fruit had faded a little, he was surprised: "Eat it quickly, or it may be spoiled!"

After speaking, he quickly swallowed one, stretched out his hand and threw the other to Xuan Wuchen.

Xuan Wuchen took it with his big hand, pinched the fruit in his palm, and wanted to throw it back——

But Ren Xiaoyao shrugged and refused, saying: "If you don't eat it, it will be really bad. You don't need it, just treat it as a thirst quencher! It's clear and sweet, and it's quite delicious!"

Xuan Wuchen saw that he insisted on one piece per person, so he didn't push any more. Seeing that the light of the fruit gradually faded, he didn't hesitate to eat it.

Ren Xiaoyao smiled evilly, squinted his slender eyes, and snorted comfortably: "As expected of the treasure in the wilderness, after eating it, I just feel comfortable physically and mentally. Sequential and slow - really good!"

He took a long breath, and muttered: "Although I didn't have a good sleep tonight, and I still had a disgusting experience - but I got such a rare fruit by accident, it's considered a fortune! Let's go back and make up for it." Beauty sleep!"

He strode forward, just about to fly—

On the other side, Xuan Wuchen clutched his chest, his face was pale, and his pretty eyebrows were wrinkled into balls!
Ren Xiaoyao was startled, stopped hurriedly, ran towards him, held his arm and shouted: "Xuan Wuchen, what's wrong with you?"

Xuan Wuchen closed his eyes, as if he was calming down something, his face was extremely pale.

Ren Xiaoyao frowned suspiciously, and asked, "Could it be that your fruit just now was poisonous?" Apart from this reason, he couldn't think of any other reason!
Just how could it be so strange!
There were two fruits, which were exactly the same, and he felt very comfortable after eating them, and his spiritual power was generated—but Xuan Wuchen felt very uncomfortable, and there seemed to be something agitating in his body!

"Is it really poisonous?!" Ren Xiaoyao helped him to sit down, and shouted nervously, "Hold on, I will detoxify you immediately."

But Xuan Wuchen shook his head, and said with difficulty: "...No poison...It's just that some surplus spiritual power in the body is drawn, and it seems to be expanding rapidly...that's why it's so uncomfortable."

After Ren Xiaoyao heard this, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to test his dantian, and said in surprise, "Yes! It seems that there is a strange spiritual power that is expanding and intensifying!"

Seeing that his face was pale with pain, he hurriedly asked: "How can I help you? Tell me quickly!"

Xuan Wuchen was dripping with cold sweat, and kept slipping, and wanted to adjust himself—but the dantian was so painful!
Ren Xiaoyao helped him helplessly, and asked, "How can I help? Tell me quickly!"

Xuan Wuchen's face became paler, and he murmured: "Call me Xiao Shi'er...she can help..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his cold eyes closed suddenly, and he passed out.

Ren Xiaoyao was shocked!

His head was in a mess and his heart was very anxious, but he didn't dare to panic.He couldn't move him around at will, lest he would attract the spiritual energy to scurry around, and it would be very easy to go crazy.

After thinking for a while, he hastily stretched out his hand, threw out a snow-white somersault cloud, and placed Xuan Wuchen on the cloud smoothly.

Then, he made a solid barrier by hand, and after making sure it was correct, he turned around quickly——

A stunning woman in a snow-white dress was flying in mid-air, looking left and right, anxiously looking for something.

Ren Xiaoyao called out loudly: "Little guy! Come on!"

As soon as Yushi heard his voice, he flew down and said with a smile: "Uncle Ren, so you are here! My master came out to look for you, but he didn't go back for a long time. I was worried, so I let Brother Wufeng hold you. Fourth brother, come out to greet you."

Ren Xiaoyao hurriedly grabbed her, pulled her into the somersault cloud, and anxiously explained: "Little guy! It's not good! Your master is going crazy! You can help him see!"

Yushi stared in surprise, turned around and saw a handsome and flawless tall and straight man lying on the somersault cloud—isn't he the one who kissed his master?
His face was livid, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his beautiful brows were wrinkled, obviously fainted from excessive pain.

She turned pale with fright, hurriedly rushed forward, and hurriedly asked: "What's going on? Uncle Ren, please tell me!"

With trembling hands, she took his big hand.Ren Xiaoyao didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly told her what happened just now.

"... After eating this demon, there was no abnormality. His heart was at ease, and his dantian was full of spiritual power. He suddenly passed out from pain, and I had no idea. He said you can help him, but I dare not I moved him, made a barrier, and I was just about to find you—fortunately you came!"

"Tsk tsk... why did it happen suddenly? Could it be because his body couldn't adapt to the spiritual power of this precious fruit? If I had known that this demon lord would eat it together, wouldn't it be all right! It's overwhelming!"

Yushi didn't speak, and rested quietly on the master's hand, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said to Ren Xiaoyao: "It shouldn't be a bad thing...it's probably a surprise!"

(End of this chapter)

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