I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 722 All the babies are wronged and cry, daddy comes out!

Chapter 722 All the babies are wronged and cry, daddy comes out!

Xuanlin Peak, thatched cottage.

A little man came out of the thatched hut steadily, his cold little face was slightly restrained, he looked left and right calmly, and frowned slightly.

Suddenly, familiar whispers and waxy voices came from the hut, one after another, as if they were arguing about something.

Old Si tapped his toes and flew to the hut in an instant.Just as she was about to shout, the elder sister's voice sounded aggrieved: "Punishment, mother——and drive people away..."

The second sister muttered, "That's it!"

The third sister pouted and muttered, "They're leaving, there's no snacks, I'm miserable!"

Finally, three long sighs sounded.

"Mother is bad!"

The fourth child secretly rolled his eyes and shouted, "Sisters! Go to sleep!"

The three little heads raised their heads, and when they saw the little brother flying over, they glanced over at the same time and turned back in unison.

The fourth child knew that they pretended not to hear them on purpose, and added in Nuo Nuo's voice: "Mother said it! Listen!"

The three sisters glared at him, snorted heavily, and turned their heads away again.

"Brother is the worst!"

"Inform mother!"

"Bad brother!"

When the fourth child heard their scolding, he felt very sad, and bowed his head aggrieved.

He didn't want to be a bad guy, but at that time they fought together, all the guards and maids fought, and the melee was chaotic.

His first reaction was to hurry up and find his parents!

But after the sisters were punished by their mothers, they kept sulking.The eldest sister ignored them, the second sister ignored them, and the third sister ignored them. When he talked to them, he was directly ignored.

The fourth child felt——he was so wronged!
Seeing the younger brother bowed his head and looked very sad, the three sisters looked at each other, pursed their mouths, and flew down together!
Under the thatched hut, a handsome man stood with his hands behind his back, his white robe was flowing, and the sea breeze was blowing his snow-white robe, making him feel like a fairy.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his cold eyes flashed obvious doting, and he stared at the three of them.

The three little guys called out "Daddy", pouted their mouths, and looked at him one after another with pitiful and aggrieved eyes, then lowered their heads.

In the past, when they did something wrong, Dad would always stand up and intercede for them.Mother was not very angry when she was coaxed by her father.

But this time, for some reason, they were scolded by their mother, but their father ignored them, not even a soft word of pleading.

They were punished to stand, their legs hurt, and their father didn't come to rescue them.


Xuan Wuchen looked at the three drooping heads in front of him, couldn't help laughing, looked up at the other little head on the hut, and said loudly: "Fourth, come down."

The fourth child nodded obediently, tipped his toes, and flew down lightly.As usual, he was on the other side of Third Sister.

The next moment, the third sister glared at him, pushed towards the second sister, and the second sister pushed in the direction of the eldest sister - separating him far away!
Seeing this, the fourth child's indifferent little face was full of discomfort, and he lowered his head in aggrieved way.

"Daddy...I...my sister scolded me...bad! Huh..."

The fourth child was scolded and isolated.At this time, when he saw his father, the grievance welled up in his heart, and two huge teardrops dripped down, hanging on his tender and white cheeks.

When the three sisters saw him crying, they pursed their mouths and dared not stare at him anymore, but they still refused to talk to him.

Xuan Wuchen stepped forward, leaned over and hugged the fourth child, stretched out his hand to gently wipe away his tears, and said softly: "Boys shouldn't shed tears easily."

The fourth child sniffed, nodded obediently, pursed his lips and stopped crying.

Seeing that their father favored the fourth child who had done something wrong, the three sisters pursed their mouths, feeling even more aggrieved——

The third child finally couldn't hold back "Wow!", and burst into tears, threw his chubby body towards Daddy, hugged Daddy's calf, and cried.

Seeing this, the second child and the eldest child couldn't help crying "Wow!" They rushed forward, hugged their father tightly, and cried loudly.

Seeing this, Immortal Xuan felt it was funny and felt distressed, and for a moment she didn't know how to speak, so she brushed away their little hands, squatted down slowly, wrapped her arms around them, and embraced the four of them together.

Except for the fourth child who was aggrieved and shrugged, with a calm face, the other three were all crying, with snot and tears flowing freely, just like a little cat.

Finally, Dad couldn't help laughing, his voice was as pleasant as water, like the gurgling stream of water, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Seeing that their father didn't comfort them, the four little guys started laughing instead, they were so surprised!
The third child choked with sobs and said, "Father, mother punished us, we were miserable, yet you are still laughing! Huh..."

The second child was the most naughty, stretched out his small hand and squeezed his father's face, muttering: "Don't laugh! Don't laugh!"

The boss nestled in the hollow of his father's shoulder, his little head hid, and hummed: "Not good! Don't laugh!"

Xuan Wuchen finally stopped laughing, and asked: "You three are punished by your mother, do you feel wronged?"

The three little heads nodded in unison.

A certain father was not surprised by such a reply at all, he smiled and asked again: "Do you think you did nothing wrong?"

The three little guys looked at me and I looked at you, and finally shook their heads.

A certain father smiled and said: "You are wrong, mother will naturally punish you. If mother does not punish you, father will also punish you - because you are wrong."

The boss raised his head, Nuo Nuo said: "They are right, mother chases away."

The second child murmured and added: "I feel uncomfortable when they leave."

The third child choked with sobs and said, "Without them and without snacks, I would be miserable."

After hearing this, a certain father nodded slightly, looked at them silently, and thought about how to explain.

After thinking for a while, he spoke slowly: "When you were very young, we Xuanlin Peak had many maids and nurses who were in charge of your daily life. Later, when you grew up, Mother rewarded them with treasures and let them leave Mother insisted on taking you alone, taking care of washing and feeding you.”

"It won't be long before you learn to eat by yourself, and you can insist on doing many things by yourself. Dad and mother are very happy to see it."

"But after the guards and maids came, a lot of people surrounded you all day long. You were lazy and didn't practice. You asked them to feed you when you ate and drank water, and you asked them to accompany you when you played and played. They did whatever they wanted, even at night. And take turns guarding you."

Xuan Shangxian touched the fourth son's head, and said: "The fourth son can take the initiative to practice kung fu, eat and drink, but what about you? Can you three sisters do it again?"

The three little heads lowered slowly, almost touching the chest.

After a long while, the boss raised his head curiously and asked, "Daddy, how is your mother?"

The next moment, the gazes of the other three people also lifted up, and they all looked at the handsome and flawless father.


Xuanshangxian suddenly felt speechless, thinking of the little apprentice's previous daily habits, thinking of her mischievousness, every time the ending was - he could only stare at her, annoyed, funny and helpless...

Xuan Wuchen, the No. 1 immortal in the world of cultivating immortals, suddenly felt: This question seems to be so difficult to answer!

(End of this chapter)

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