Chapter 729
At the intersection of the bustling street, the private room of the inn.

Xiao Er's standard yell sounded at the door, "Master, the food is served!"

Tongtong stepped forward, opened a gap, took it out with his big hand, and immediately closed the door to isolate Xiao Er's curious and amazed eyes.

Tongtong turned around and saw the four junior uncles eating, especially the third uncle, who ate so much that his whole body was lying on the table.

He hurriedly placed the newly served dishes on the table, remembering the gurgling sounds from their little stomachs before, he couldn't help asking: "Little uncles, have you been hungry since morning?"

The four eating heads nodded obediently, and answered: "Yes."

So that's how it was - when they met them early in the morning, they said they were going back to have breakfast, and they probably followed him out of the Fengshan formation at that time.

Blame myself!Why didn't I find out!
"Four little martial uncles, I have already sent a letter to your mother. It is estimated that she and Wuchen great ancestor martial uncle will arrive soon. I still have something to do, so I couldn't send you back home."

Looking at the cute little head, he smiled and touched it, and said: "I have to tell your mother and father, too, so that they don't worry."

The boss turned his head, blinked his big eyes curiously, and asked, "Tongyi, why do mortals say we are monsters? They liked us very much at first, but then they saw us flying, and they were scared to death!"

The second child pursed his lips and snorted: "You still say we are ghosts! We are not!"

The third child buried his head in eating, only let out a muffled grunt, and didn't raise his little head at all.

The fourth child's face sank slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Looking at the situation just now, mortals seem to be very afraid of ghosts and ghosts."

Uniform looked up at the window, busy sending another signal, didn't expect anything else, and blurted out: "That's true! In the past, the demon world killed wantonly, and the devil often did evil in the world, and mortals were killed miserably. Even after so many years, it is still the same. I have lingering fears!"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. Xuan Yao'er's eyes widened, and her small mouth grew big.The other three babies were also dumbfounded, and then looked at the big sister in unison.

Xuan Yao'er swallowed heavily, and looked at her younger siblings timidly, with fear in her eyes.Although the food on the table was not as delicious as what dad made, it still tasted very good.

However, she suddenly felt that she didn't want to eat.

Xuan Guaier scratched the back of her head, and Nuo Nuo asked: "Unified, what about... the underworld? Are ghosts more frightening? Ghosts don't come to the mortal world, so they shouldn't be able to harm people, right? Why are they still afraid of being like that?" ?”

Unyielding didn’t doubt anything else, he couldn’t stop looking up at the sky, and replied: “Ghosts can’t come to the human world, but ghosts can seduce souls! When people die, the seductive messengers will take their souls away and send them to hell. crimes, and make them suffer in all hells."

The second child swallowed his saliva and asked, "Like the eighteen levels of hell?"

She remembered that her mother said that her fiancé often talked about the next door to the eighteenth hell.If you don't like others, just throw them to the next door of the [-]th floor of hell to suffer!

Unified answer: "The eighteen levels of hell are the hells with the harshest and most terrifying punishments in the underworld, and they are places to punish the most serious and heinous ghosts."

Xuan Guaier was dumbfounded, her small face was full of timidity, and she didn't dare to speak again.

The other three swallowed their saliva, but only the fourth child dared to speak: "What about the next door to the eighteenth floor of hell? Is it more terrifying?"

Tongtong rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "The [-]th floor of hell is already the harshest and most terrifying. The next door to the [-]th floor of hell is simply unimaginable! It doesn't exist at all!"

He was just hearing about it, and if he wanted to truly understand it, he could only know it after he died.

The big chicken wing in Xuan Gua'er's hand fell to the table with a "slap!", and he couldn't eat any more.

God!The next door to the [-]th floor of hell—that is a place so terrifying that it is unimaginable!And her so-called fiancé will send her there if he keeps his mouth shut...

She didn't care about the big chicken wings, her small face was pale, and her big sparkling eyes were full of fear.

Xuan San'er also forgot to eat, and shrank her head, thinking of the monster fiancé who wanted to bite her as soon as they met, she also became afraid.

"Unified, monsters can eat people? Right?"

Although she was still very young at that time, she had a deep impression of that good-looking monster. He was tall and big, with a smile on his face, but he was about to bite her little face!
Tongtong stood up, looked at the window again, heard the third uncle's question, and answered: "Yes, but some eat and some don't. Some monsters who practice casually will even go to the world to absorb the energy of human yang and harm human beings. health and life."

Xuan San'er remembered what her mother said - he is a good monster, he will love you and be your good husband in the future.

The next moment, she thought of the big mouth approaching—drink!She didn't dare to think about it anymore, woohoo... Monsters really can eat people, she's so scared!

The fourth child's face was gloomy, and he looked at the three sisters who were full of fear and timidity. He didn't know how to comfort him. He thought of the big devil who hurt people, the little ghost's seduction and the horrors of the eighteen hells, and the man-eating monster. He couldn't help but get scared too.

Fortunately, he has nothing to do with ghosts and ghosts!But looking at the three sisters, he couldn't help but worry.

Tongtong looked up at the sky, and couldn't help muttering: "Why haven't Master Xuanshi and the others arrived yet? The signal has been sent out, and based on their skills, they should have arrived too!"

Speaking of this, he noticed that the silence behind was a bit strange, and couldn't help but turned his head. He saw that the faces of the four junior masters were tense, and they looked very scared.

"Little uncles, what's the matter with you?"

The four little heads looked over, but no one answered.

Tongtong suddenly remembered what he said just now, and asked with a smile: "Are you afraid that your father and mother will come over later, and they will be very angry and punish you?"


Almost forgot there was such a crop!
The four little people looked at me and I looked at you, nodded one by one, and lowered their little heads.

Tongtong laughed and said: "Don't be afraid, you are just curious for a while, and forgot their instructions. After a while, when your parents come to kiss you, please apologize seriously and be sincere, and they will forgive you."

Looking at the four delicate and cute little dolls, he continued: "You are still too young, and your experience is not deep enough, and your martial arts are not strong enough, so they naturally don't want you to come to the mortal world. When you grow up, they will." .In the future, father and mother will also teach you some skills to get along with ordinary people, and then you will not be afraid of being the same as today."

Their looks are so outstanding, their clothes and accessories are all fairy things, and they can fly with a sword, no wonder mortals regard them as monsters.

Thinking of the chaos caused before, Tongyi was a little dumbfounded.The dignified sons and daughters of the Immortal Xuan were treated as demons and goblins!
"Unified, will parents really agree to us coming to the mortal world in the future?"

Unity hasn't had time to answer——

A crisp and pleasant familiar voice came in: "Of course I agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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