I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 747 He must have drank the saliva of the ancestor of the bird

Chapter 747 He must have drank the saliva of the ancestor of the bird

The boss blinked his eyes and asked curiously, "Brother, how did you know there were spirit beasts fighting over there?"

The Taoist smiled and replied, "It's what the larks said."

As soon as the words were spoken, the little ones screamed in surprise!

"Big brother, can you understand Skylark's words?"

"Can the little skylark also talk?"

"Big brother, where did you learn it from?"

The fourth child's eyes flicked, and he leaned forward and said, "Big brother, teach us!"

That Daotong laughed, scratched the back of his head, and said, "This... big brother doesn't know either, he knew it since he was a child."

The other Taoists interjected, "As long as it's a bird, no matter if it's a big bird or a small bird, he can understand it!"

"He can also talk to the birds, let them go to find out the news, and then come back and tell him."

"Many birds in the fairy world know him! We often joke that he is the king of all birds! Haha..."

"We have a lot of fairy fruits in Yunmeng Valley, and the little bird likes to steal them! Fortunately, he is here, and we have a good relationship with those little guys. Otherwise, there are so many fairy fruit trees, we can't take care of them at all, and they will definitely be stolen! With him around, the birds only eat the fruits that fall from the tree, and don’t dare to steal them, which saves us a lot of effort!”

After hearing that, the Taoist boy blushed slightly, and said: "This...it's nothing. In fact, the birds are very well-behaved. As long as you get along with them well, you will find that they are very cute——with you four As cute as a baby!"

The boss thought for a while and asked curiously, "Big brother, how do you understand this little bird's language?"

Daotong thought for a while, and replied: "I don't know either, it seems that after I became sensible, I suddenly discovered it one day."

The second child also asked curiously: "If you can understand, you can speak, right?"

Dao Tong nodded.

The third child smiled and asked: "We also want to learn, can you teach us?"

The fourth child stared wide-eyed, anxiously waiting for the answer.

Daotong smiled, and seemed not surprised by their request, and explained: "Actually, since I knew how to communicate with the birds, many people are very envious and ask me to teach them. But... I don't know what I am How could it be...it can't be taught at all."

The four little heads were extremely disappointed and lowered their heads slowly.

Seeing the disappointment of the cute little ones, Dao Tong hurriedly leaned down, and hurriedly said again: "I really don't know how to teach, it's not that I don't want to teach. I..."

At this time, a thick and arrogant voice shouted: "Isn't it just knowing the bird's language? As for being so mysterious? What's so special—my Mrs. Hong also understands the human language!"

All the Taoist boys knew to some extent the power of the Penglai Immortal Isle's beast, and they dared not speak to offend it, so they could only bow their heads silently.

It is a divine beast, its cultivation is far above the level of alchemy, how could it not understand human language!
What you said is nonsense, okay?

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles narrowed their eyes with a smile, and said slowly: "...I... understand... a lot of words...".

The Taoist boys didn't dare to question it, they just widened their eyes curiously, looking at the huge tortoise, but they didn't pay much attention, and fell asleep with their eyes closed again.

The fourth child stepped forward holding two fairy fruits and handed them to its mouth. It opened its mouth wide and swallowed it all at once with a grunt!

Nuo Nuo, the fourth child, asked, "Do you also understand bird language?"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shook his head slowly, and replied, "No...understand...."

The fourth child pursed his mouth, a little disappointed.

At this time, the top of his head suddenly darkened, and he raised his head—the huge red faucet leaned down, and Mrs. Hong's standard resonant voice sounded: "I understand!"


The four little guys rushed up, flew onto Mrs. Hong's back, hugged its head affectionately, and chattered.

Mrs. Hong smiled triumphantly, and gave the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a demonstrative look, raised her dragon head, and said mysteriously: "Just drink the saliva of the ancestor of the bird, and you will understand."

what? !

Bird ancestor? !saliva? !

The cute and delicate brows of the little ones frowned, and they suddenly felt disgusted.Don't mention where the ancestors are, just think of the saliva and drink it-the corners of everyone's eyes twitch!
Mrs. Hong didn't notice their expressions, she glared at those Taoist boys, and successfully made them take several steps back.

Then, he lowered his voice and muttered: "It is said that a long, long, long, long, long time ago..."

"How long ago?"

There were three big black lines on Mrs. Hong's forehead, her complacent expression became less complacent, and she replied awkwardly, "This...how long, I don't know."

Unsurprisingly, he received several eye rolls, plus a low, slow laugh from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Mrs. Hong quickly changed the subject, and said: "At that time, there were not many species, and everyone spoke different languages, so they couldn't communicate at all. Later, when the environment improved and there were more species, the ancestors of each species gave their saliva to the newborn offspring. Let them drink, so that they all understand the language of the same race, so they can communicate with each other."

The little heads nodded and cast envious and adoring eyes on Mrs. Hong.

Huo Qilin immediately became arrogant again, hehe said: "I don't know how many years ago that happened! I bet that no one in the Six Realms knows about this matter—except me, Mrs. Hong!"

"Wow! It's amazing!"

"Only it knows!"


Mrs. Hong narrowed her eyes with a smile, twisted her huge buttocks, and smiled triumphantly.

The fourth child asked curiously: "Where is all that saliva? It won't all disappear, right?"

There were three big black lines on Mrs. Hong's forehead, and the corners of her eyes twitched. After several times, she lowered her head and muttered: "I don't know about that."

The three older sisters were not that interested, especially the clean boss, who had thrown this idea out of his head long ago when he heard the word saliva.

The fourth child was very persistent, and he flew forward and hugged Mrs. Hong's drooping head, and asked doubtfully, "Did the elder brother drink the saliva of the ancestor of the bird, so he knew the language of the bird and communicated with the bird? Yes no?"

Seeing that the fourth child did not abandon her, Mrs. Hong still insisted on being a curious baby and nodded her head with a smile: "It must be! That kid can't understand this for no reason! He must have drunk it!"

Although the Taoist boys were afraid of Mrs. Hong and stood far away, their ears were raised high, listening to their conversation, they all looked at the Taoist boy at the same time.

Dao Tong scratched his head, shook his head and replied, "This... I don't know about this."

After hearing this, Mrs. Hong was so angry that she snorted heavily and shouted: "How could you not know! You must have drunk it! You must have drunk it!"

That Dao Tong turned pale with fright, tremblingly said: "I...I really...don't know..."

He obviously didn't know, but this fierce big guy insisted that he knew, what should we do?
Seeing Huo Qilin's fierce eyes on him, he swallowed his saliva and muttered: "Then I...do I want to know...or don't know...".

(End of this chapter)

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