I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 749 Old 4 and Huo Qilin are missing!

Chapter 749 The fourth child and the fire unicorn are missing!
At this time, there was a sound transmission from the mountain, Xuan Wuchen was stunned after hearing it, and quickly sent Wufeng Immortal Venerable to the little apprentice, and then hurried up the mountain.

Yushi knew that it was the voice transmission of the water fairy, and guessed that the internal injury of the great master might have gone wrong, and the master rushed over so anxiously.

Now that everyone in Xuanlin's lineage has been severely injured, she has to cheer up!Hugging Brother Wufeng, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he quickly came to the huge turtle.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, please do me a favor!" Yushi shouted loudly, stretching out his hand to touch the big head of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles slowly opened its eyes, and its big mouth moved slowly.

"What... busy?"

Yushi handed over the handsome man in front of him, and said: "He is my relative, he has suffered serious internal injuries, and his internal organs have also been damaged. Can you breathe some immortal energy to him to protect his body? "

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles smiled, watched her smile, but didn't move or speak for a long time.


Yushi reacted with a "Oh" and said: "Don't worry! I know! I always remember the best juice you and Huo Qilin had, but I was a little busy and seriously injured, so I just woke up now. As long as you help me again , I’ll make it when I turn back—exquisite fruit juice, Mr. Bao is satisfied!”

After hearing this, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles smiled and nodded slowly, and replied: "...Okay! To...remember..."

Yushi immediately agreed.

She made a flat somersault cloud, placed Wufeng Immortal Zun on it, and drove the three little babies playing around into the house to play.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles slowly opened their eyes, their huge and dark body changed suddenly, and they came to the front of Somersault Cloud in an instant.

Then, it opened its big mouth slightly, and spit out wisps of white smoke, carrying natural aura, fluttering, and filling the whole body of Wufeng Immortal Venerable.

Yushi stared wide-eyed, watched carefully, and stayed quietly aside.

I saw white smoke slowly covering Brother Wufeng's body, and his bluish-white complexion gradually changed, and the bluish-white color disappeared, turning into his original fair-skinned.

After a while, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stopped, and slowly said: "Xuanshi... put... the Qi... into... his... dantian..."

Although Yushi didn't understand the effect of this move, seeing the effect of the fairy energy it exhaled was amazing, he intuited that it might help Wufeng's internal organs to recover.So, she began to collect immortal energy, and slowly pushed it to the windless dantian.

Time passed bit by bit, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were not bored, and still exhaled gently and slowly.She didn't dare to relax either, and kept the same rhythm, conveying slowly.

Half an hour later, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stopped and explained with a smile: "He... still... needs... repair..."

Yushi recalled what Master said earlier, and said, "Master said that he needs a pure natural cold pool to repair his internal organs, and we will look for it later."

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles said, "The cold pool of the fire... the unicorn... is very good..."

Cold pond? !
yes!How did she forget!

Back then, she and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles broke into the forbidden area of ​​Penglai Xiandao for iced juice, found an ice pool, and smashed Huo Qilin's head into a big bag by mistake.

"Yes! Fire Qilin lives under a cold pool, in the forbidden area of ​​Penglai Xiandao, right?"

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles nodded and explained: "Yes... that is... a good... place, very... suitable...".

Yushi nodded with a smile, touched his huge head, and thanked him again and again.When Huo Qilin comes back in a while, he must find an opportunity to borrow the cold pool from it.

"Why haven't Lao Si and Huo Qilin come back yet?"

Yushi looked up at the sky, it was almost evening, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Suddenly, her hand was rubbed by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and its standard voice sounded: "Xuan... Shi... Go do it... Juice... Hurry up..."

Yushi was worried about his son and was a little absent-minded, but it was hard to refuse the old turtle's request.Nodding his head, he took the two baskets of fairy fruits on the stone table and walked towards the hut.

As soon as she started, the three older sisters also surrounded her, smiling and waving their little hands to help.She taught them while pressing the juice with her hands.

It was the first time for the little ones to see the squeezed juice. They were very curious, and it was not helpful to squeeze around.After she demonstrated twice, the smart little guy had learned it, and his chubby white hands came together to help.

Because there were not many fairy fruits, she couldn't make too many, so she packed them in a clean blue and white porcelain basin, cast a spell to freeze them, and took them out for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to drink.

A certain tortoise had already been waiting with a long reed in its mouth, smiling.

Suddenly, a Taoist boy hurriedly flew into Xiaoling Mountain, and when he saw her, he raised his voice and shouted: "Fairy Xuanshi! Something is wrong!"

Then, out of breath, he stopped flying, his face was pale and he fell to the ground.

At this time, all the Taoist boys in the house also rushed out to help him up.

A burst of spiritual power popped up from the jade, replenishing his dantian, making his breath unobstructed.

"Are you the Taoist boy who understands bird language? Where are the fourth child and Huo Qilin? Why are you the only one coming back?"

The boy's face recovered a little, and he said nervously: "We encountered a fog, it was so thick, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared! I didn't dare to go forward, and hurriedly followed the route to escape!"

Yushi's heart trembled, and he quickly asked, "Where did you go?"

Dao Tong swallowed his saliva, and explained: "It's just above the forbidden area of ​​our Yunmeng Valley... That's where I fell down. It's just been so many years, and I can't remember the nearby terrain clearly."

"Little fairy boy rode the fire unicorn and jumped down together, and I followed - suddenly there was so much fog that I couldn't even breathe, so I had to go back. I shouted for a long time and waited outside for more than an hour, but they still didn't come up .”

After hearing this, everyone looked at Yushi worriedly.

Yushi took a deep breath and sent a sound transmission to the top of the mountain.After a while, the tall and handsome figure of the master appeared.

Shuishang Xianfei was beside him, with an anxious face on his handsome face, as soon as he stood still, he scolded in a cold voice: "Mixin, you are such a fool! How could you take the little fairy boy to such a dangerous place!"

Minxin was scolded, and quickly knelt down, whispering that he was wrong.

Huh... It's all because of Huo Qilin's unreasonable big guy!This time it hurt me badly!
Xuan Wuchen saw that the little apprentice was pale and anxious, he put his arms around her shoulders, and said: "Don't worry, as a teacher, I will go with the Water Immortal right away."

"No! I'll go too!" Yushi insisted, then turned around and told the three sisters to stay in Xiaoling Mountain and not to go out, and asked the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to protect them.

Shui Shangxian took a look at the gloomy sky, his handsome face darkened, and said, "I'm afraid we... can't even go."

(End of this chapter)

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