I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 760 Sleeping alone, too cruel punishment

Chapter 760 Sleeping Alone, Too Cruel Punishment
Outside the wind barrier, Xuan Shangxian's handsome and flawless face froze, his arms were empty, his side was empty, and his whole body seemed to be chilly.

no!He has to find a way!

How to do it?

After Xiao Shi'er helped Huo Qilin heal his eyes, he ignored him.Don't talk to him, don't even bother to give him a look.

He knew in his heart that she was angry, hugged the fourth child, and wanted to take advantage of her concern for her son to find an opportunity to coax her, but unexpectedly she took the son and hugged the daughters, leaving only a cold back for him.

He leaned forward, and several children surrounded her, coquettishly yelling for something to eat. She took the children to eat fairy fruit and drink condensed milk, and they chatted cheerfully, leaving no space or time for her. Dad waiting outside dryly.

As night fell, she took the children to tell stories, count the stars to play, and hang him in the corner, pretending that he didn't exist--even made a barrier, calling it a wind-blocking effect under the pretense, but it didn't even connect him. The eager sight was also severely isolated.

Immortal Xuan Shang secretly said: I really have no good fruit to annoy the little apprentice!

How to do?
The tall and straight body stood upright, with a handsome face calm and unwavering.Take a closer look—his cold eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't help but anxiously glanced into the barrier, and his fingers kept rubbing in the wide and white cuffs.

Soon after, the breath in the enchantment stabilized, even and orderly.Obviously, the little ones who were tired from playing all fell asleep!
Xuan Shangxian was secretly happy.

Without a few little radish heads to disturb, he could have a chance to coax the little apprentice.

After thinking for a while, he whispered through voice transmission: "Xiao Shi'er, the children are all asleep and it's boring inside, you'd better come and sleep with Master."

Quiet - no reply or reaction!
This kind of tone and tone doesn't seem to work well.

After thinking and thinking, Immortal Xuanshang sent another voice transmission: "Xiao Shi'er, I'm waiting for you to fall asleep outside as a teacher, come out quickly."

Desolate - no response at all!

Such words and sincerity seem to be even worse.

Xuan Shangxian coughed uncomfortably, and then preached: "Little Shi'er, it is indeed a bit... overdue earlier. Don't ignore me, let me explain it to you carefully, okay?"

After the words came out, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

There was still a long silence and quietness, until he couldn't bear it anymore, a soft cold hum sounded, with the sound of air flow humming from the tip of his nose, it was very obvious and abrupt when he listened hard.

Finally there is a response!

Xuanshangxian was secretly happy in his heart, and continued to coax: "Little Shi'er, there is indeed something wrong with the teacher, you can beat or scold you if you want, but you can't ignore the teacher-otherwise, the teacher will be depressed, very sad. uncomfortable."

The next moment, a familiar murmur came out: "It deserves it!"


The corners of Xuanshangxian's eyes moved slightly, and he coaxed softly, "Little Shi'er, come out! After so many years, I have long been used to sleeping in your arms. If you are not here, I cannot sleep at all."

After a long while, a soft hum came out: "This is your punishment! I will sleep with the children these days, so you can stay alone!"

How many days? !
Hearing these words, Xuanshangxian couldn't calm down anymore, let him sleep alone for one night, he already felt uncomfortable all over his body!
How many nights did she plan to let him stay alone in the empty room? !It's really the rhythm of Shangfang Jiewa!
Therefore, Immortal Xuanshang, who could no longer pretend to be calm, walked quickly into the Xuanguang Barrier, waved his wide cuffs, and the Wind Barrier opened——

The children were all asleep, and each of their stomachs was covered with a small cotton blanket.And his little apprentice, sitting between them, was holding a jade comb in his hand, and was combing his long rejoicing hair leisurely.

Seeing him coming in, she turned her head, gave him a hard look, snorted softly, and turned around.

Xuan Wuchen said in a low voice: "Little Shi'er, come out with your teacher."

The little apprentice didn't care at all, put away the jade comb, pulled a snow-white quilt, lay down quickly, and the quilt covered it.


Xuanshangxian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, strode forward, took her up with a quilt, and hugged her up, ignoring her writhing, quickly changed shape and walked out of the barrier.

Keren'er in his arms struggled to jump down, he quickly made a barrier of mysterious light, hugged her who was about to escape, hugged her in his arms, burrowed into the barrier, and threw her down on the ground, The sturdy body tightly suppressed the twisting delicate body.

"Little Shier..."

He called out in a low voice, and stretched out his hand to take out his fair face from under the quilt——

"Don't call me! I'm still angry! Very angry, very angry!" Qingcheng's beautiful little face was full of anger, and her big eyes were wide open.

Xuan Wuchen sighed helplessly, stroking her cheeks with his palms, and coaxed: "I know you are angry, you blame me for instigating the fourth child to tame the fire unicorn, and deliberately prevented you from helping him. I know, You love the child and don't want him to be hurt—it's just that it's not good for the child. The child will face too many difficulties in the future, and the responsibility is also heavy. As a teacher, you should give him opportunities to exercise gradually so that he can quickly take charge of himself..."

Ke Ren'er under him spoke angrily, interrupting him: "I don't want him to bear so much at a young age! I don't want him to be able to take care of himself as a brat! He is only five years old now, I just want him to be safe and healthy It's enough to grow up!"

After the words were finished, the surroundings fell silent, and the two stared at each other in a daze.

After a while, Yushi turned his eyes away and turned his face away.

The matter of the Wild Continent is still a secret deeply hidden in their hearts.In fact, like her, he is willing to change the happy and happy status quo.

However, his inadvertent harshness to the fourth child still revealed half of his thoughts.But she was right, the child was only five years old after all, it should be a moment of innocence and romance.

The handsome man on his body sighed lightly, his handsome and flawless face bent down, and pressed against his small face, he murmured: "Xiao Shi'er, as a teacher... I did act too hastily and neglected your mother's heart, I'm sorry .”

Hearing his words, Ke Ren'er was slightly stunned, his eyes turned red, and his eyelashes trembled a few times.

He apologized and realized that he was wrong, and she couldn't bear it anymore.Sucking his nose lightly, he turned his head sideways.

Xuan Wuchen hurriedly leaned down, put his forehead against hers, and whispered: "I made a mistake as a teacher, but you shouldn't punish me like this...sleeping alone...it's really a cruel punishment..."

Ke Rener glared at him coquettishly, the corner of her mouth couldn't hide her smile.

"If you do something wrong, you should be punished, right? Don't think that you are the master and their father, so you can do whatever you want and escape punishment!"

The corners of Xuan Wuchen's mouth were lightly raised, and the tip of his nose brushed her pretty nose affectionately, whispering: "I am here, you can beat me, scold me, punish me however you want. But, you can't just ignore me, that way. It's... really hard."

(End of this chapter)

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