Chapter 798
Xuan Yao'er was dizzy, felt the surroundings were dark and gloomy, seemed to be trembling slightly, and the familiar whirring sound of flying could be faintly heard beside her ears.

Suddenly, there was another throbbing pain in her lower abdomen, and her delicate eyebrows and eyes were wrinkled.The attack of pain made her wake up from the drowsiness.

I remember that when she saw her husband, and also saw her husband "Xianfeng's side concubine" kicking shuttlecock, she suddenly felt a pain in her lower abdomen, and she stopped flying and squatted on the ground.

The guards around saw that she was uncomfortable and squatted down, so they immediately surrounded her and nervously asked her how she was doing.

Just as she was about to speak, her lower abdomen burst into pain again, her eyes went dark, and she became unconscious.

Didn't she faint in the magic palace?where is this !

Intuition that this is a storage bag, she was put in the storage bag, and she was flying in the air.

Another feeling after waking up is that the lower abdomen is still swollen, the lower body seems to have heat bubbling away, and there is a strong smell of blood!
"Ah!" She was startled!
How did she bleed? !

She moved her palm lightly, waving a mysterious light, and saw a lot of blood stains on her pink skirt.

Some had dried up, while others were still bright red. The strong smell of blood made her dizzy head feel even more uncomfortable.

Why is your lower body bleeding? !

Xuan Yaoer was thinking awkwardly, and suddenly remembered——

My mother talked to the three of them a while ago, saying that women will come to Sunflower Water when they are adults, and it will return to normal in a few days, once a month, and the signs will not disappear until the women reach old age.

She also said that the three of them are all 13 years old, and it is estimated that they will come too.Said that if the lower body is uncomfortable, you should tell her immediately, and she will teach them how to deal with it.

Is this the sunflower water? !

But—why does she seem to be bleeding? !what to do?Could it be that she is ill?
But mother is not around, who should she ask for help!
She fainted from the pain just now, but it was dark all around, and she was still in someone else's storage bag, what should she do? !
Xuan Yao'er was so anxious that she almost cried!
By the way, what about my husband?

It stands to reason that she fainted in the magic palace and passed out not far from him, he should know!Is this his storage bag?But why would he stuff her in the storage bag?

The last time he kidnapped himself was by hugging him, not in such an uncomfortable way—could it be that he disliked his dirty body?
With the close relationship these days, she also understands that her husband's obsession with cleanliness is very big, so big that it is almost crazy.

She is also a bit of a clean freak, but compared to him, she is nothing short of nothing!He changes several sets of robes every day, and his body is always neat and clean, never a little dirty.

It may be that he disliked the blood stains on his dress, so he stuffed himself into a storage bag and sent him back to his room.

She had passed out, but he still treated herself in such a way - thinking of this, her heart felt a little stuffy, and she seemed to be very uncomfortable.

If it was his side concubine, that beautiful and sunny girl, would he use this method too?

probably not...

As she thought about it, her heart felt stuffy and uncomfortable. As soon as she shifted her attention, the distending pain in her lower abdomen seemed to be less painful, and she felt better.

There is still the whistling wind outside, obviously still flying fast.

No—she fainted in the magic palace, and the guards all knew her and knew her identity, so they must have gone back to report to her husband.

But the apartment she lives in is not far away, so how could it take so long to fly? !Although the magic palace is big, my husband's flying skills are almost comparable to that of my father's. Why does it take so long to fly?
Could it be - he wants to send himself out of the devil world?

He thought he was dirty, and he didn't want to hug him, so he stuffed it into the storage bag, planning to send him away far away.I guess so.

The nose is sore, the throat is choked, and the heart is stuffy.

After a while, she sniffed and muttered, "What's the big deal! Drive me out of the devil world, and I'll be happy!"

Hearing the word "Xiaoyao", her face darkened, she snorted, and turned her head away.The storage bag dangled, and she was knocked in the darkness.


"Uh... it hurts!"

Both her forehead and arms were hurt, she frowned, feeling that the person on her head seemed to have a grudge against her, and seemed to be throwing the storage bag violently, deliberately hurting her and hurting her.

She was furious in her heart, but she couldn't break free from the darkness around her, and she cursed loudly: "What are you doing! Did you do it on purpose?!"

Ren Xiaoyao——You are going too far!
If you despise her for being dirty, just drive her away.

She had already fainted from the pain, but he still treated her so rudely, causing her to suffer minor injuries and major injuries one after another—what a jerk!
"You are so hateful! You... you... are a bastard!"

This is the first time she has scolded someone at such a big age!
However, after cursing, I feel much more comfortable.

Suddenly, the surroundings suddenly moved, shaking wildly!

It is estimated that the people outside heard her scolding and deliberately took revenge on themselves.

Her delicate body was thrown back and forth, and she gritted her teeth in the frenzied shaking, trying to maintain her balance, but she couldn't twist the violent vibration, and was hit badly, almost her whole body was injured.

Finally, the outside stopped!

A ray of light came in through the front, and she was thrown out violently——

My whole body hurts so much that I can't move my limbs at all, but seeing the people outside throwing me so wildly, I must throw myself hard...

She gritted her teeth, mobilized the spiritual power in her dantian, quickly made a barrier for herself, and rolled her body elastically——

With this precaution, she finally won't fall so badly.It was bad enough, though, that there was nowhere in the body that didn't hurt.

The surroundings were bright and the sun was dazzling. She squinted her eyes and looked around slowly.I saw myself being thrown on a high mountain, surrounded by mountains and trees.

Suddenly, she felt a breath in front of her—it was actually a person!

A woman, wearing a red dress, with white hair all over her head, stood facing the wind, her long white hair fluttering in the air, exuding an obvious yin energy.

Xuan Yao'er immediately saw the unclosed storage bag in her hand, it turned out that she had kidnapped herself!
She secretly looked around and saw that there was no one there, except for the weeds and grass, there was no one.

From this point of view, it shouldn't be the husband who wants to drive her away...

For some reason, when she realized this, her heavy heart seemed to relax a little.

She released a wave of spiritual power to test the woman's cultivation skills—much higher than her own!In addition, judging from the yin energy emanating from her body, she should be from the devil world.

Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, the other party seemed surprised, squeezed the storage bag in the palm of his hand, smiled contemptuously, and asked loudly: "Why don't you talk, ask and scold people? Didn't you scold me very vigorously just now? Or have you already frightened me?" Silly?"

(End of this chapter)

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