The return of the genius demon concubine

Chapter 848 What is honeymoon?

Chapter 848 What is honeymoon?
The way to activate the timedial is very simple.

All it takes is a drop of the enabler's blood and a secret spell.

However, if the time dial is activated once, it will take five days before it can be activated again.

Not sure if the space storage device or the like could still be used in the 21st century, Luo Qingyao packed all the things she and Yu Qianjue needed into the package.

Then, the two activated the time dial according to what Wei Shunkun said.

Dazzling light like lightning refracted from the time dial and gathered into a five-pointed star, and in the center of the five-pointed star is a large black vortex hole.

That vortex hole is the gate of time and space.

Feeling somewhat excited, Luo Qingyao took Yu Qianjue's hand, and the two jumped into the big hole of the whirlpool together.

After an almost nauseating spin and an extremely severe sense of weightlessness, Luo Qingyao and Yu Qianjue felt that their feet were standing on solid ground.

The time dial is more powerful than the five-color stone because the person who uses it can add the place he wants to reach at the end of the spell in advance.

As long as this place really exists in time and space, it can be reached relatively accurately if nothing unexpected happens.

And the place Luo Qingyao wanted to reach was the house where she lived.

When she returned to the Canglan Continent from the 21st century, it was 2017. Now, 2018 has arrived. Counting that she has been in ancient times for so long, in the 21st century, only one year has passed.

In the 21st century, she doesn't have many friends.

Coupled with her special occupation, she usually walks alone.

The most important thing is money. Luo Qingyao also likes to buy a house. Except for the address of the house under her name, she can remember it completely, and the people she knows are not very clear.

This time, she and Yu Qianjue arrived at her two-story villa in the northern suburbs of the Imperial Capital.

This villa is located in a villa area. Although the location is remote, the environment is quite good.

They happened to be in the living room.

"The time dial is really powerful at this time, and the location is not bad at all." Luo Qingyao still held the time dial in her hand.

The shape of the time dial is like a gossip plate, it is black, and the material is like jade or some kind of glass. There are some complicated lines on it that people can't understand. If you look carefully, there are some dense patterns on the time dial. , small names like sesame seeds.

Among the pile of names, Yu Qianjue's name suddenly appeared.

Sure enough, as Wei Shunkun said, the time dial will automatically record the travelers.

"This is the 21st century?" Yu Qianjue stood where he was, looking around.

From his handsome face, Luo Qingyao saw an expression called surprise.

The living room is spacious enough to maintain the same appearance as when Luo Qingyao came here last time, because she hired a part-time worker to clean it every three days, and the commission was paid for three years, so every three days, there will be a part-time worker Come clean, it's clean here.

The decoration style of the living room is black and white, it looks a bit cold, but it gives people a simple and comfortable feeling.

"Welcome to the 21st century." Luo Qingyao took Yu Qianjue's arm and said with a smile, "It just so happens that we have an early honeymoon."

It's cool to think about a honeymoon that travels through time and space.

"What is a honeymoon?" Yu Qianjue heard this word for the first time, and asked Luo Qingyao while looking around curiously.

"In this era, after two people get married, they will choose a beautiful scenic spot together and go out to have fun." Luo Qingyao explained as best she could so that Yu Qianjue could understand. "It's called a honeymoon."

(End of this chapter)

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