The best playboy

Chapter 1619 Recovery

Chapter 1619 Recovery
As time passed, those elders even began to tremble. It was obvious that maintaining the teleportation formation was too much for them. At this time, they were at the end of their strength and could not hold on for long, and they might even faint at any time.But they looked at the face of the lake owner Longren, no one would dare to persuade the lake owner to give up...

At this time, not only those elders who insisted on manipulating the formation are already failing physically, but Long Ren is already beading his forehead with sweat, and his body is beginning to tremble, but he still clenched his teeth, frowning and persevering. , he is determined in his heart, and he will never give up if he does not persist until the last moment!

At this time, not only the elders who maintained the teleportation formation felt helpless, but also the elders who were waiting on the sidelines were also very anxious at this moment, not knowing what to do for a while, knowing that the lake master was still in vain , but could not persuade the lake owner.

"If things go on like this, not only will the elders be physically unbearable, but the lake owner will also be injured..."

"Yeah, but how do you say it? Look at the expression of the lake master, obviously he won't give up. I'm afraid everyone won't be able to hold on for a stick of incense..."

"If this continues, the Lake Lord will be injured. After all, the teleportation formation in Xuantian Secret Realm is also very terrifying!"

"We should find someone to talk to..."

"Who will go? Stop kidding!"


At this time, some elders nearby saw the scene of the lake lord Long Ren, and couldn't help but worry about it, and didn't know what to do for a while...

The Great Elder heard everyone's discussion, and felt a little anxious in his heart. Then he walked to Ding Fan's side with a heavy face, and said solemnly to Ding Fan with a pleading face:
"Mr. Ding Fan, if this continues, the Lake Lord may suffer from the backlash from the Xuantian Secret Realm, and he will be seriously injured. Mr. Ding is the eldest brother of the Lake Lord, can you go and persuade the Lake Lord?"

Ding Fan heard the words of the great elder, and he also understood in his heart that Long Ren was indeed a bit desperate at this time, but he could also understand his brother's mood very well. Obviously Long Ren was really unwilling to accept those 36 holes. The fact that the best disciple died in the mysterious realm of Xuantian.

Ding Fan nodded to the Great Elder, and said:

"Okay, I'll go and persuade him to give it a try."

"Thank you, Mr. Ding."

Hearing Ding Fan's affirmation, the Great Elder thanked Ding Fan with some relief in his heart.

Then Ding Fan walked directly to Long Ren's side. Looking at Long Ren with a resolute face and enduring a lot of pain, Ding Fan felt a little hard to speak for a while.I don't know how to persuade the other party, this incident in Xuantian Secret Realm is indeed a big blow to the other party, after all, those lost disciples are the best disciples in the 36 holes.

Ding Fan also knew that the status of these disciples in the 36th hole would not be light in the future. Long Ren, the owner of the lake in the 36th hole, must be extremely painful in his heart, blaming himself...

"Brother, you don't need to say it, I understand."

Just when Ding Fan was about to speak, Long Ren spoke to Ding Fan first, and Ding Fan couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Long Ren had already noticed the existence of his elder brother, and when he saw his elder brother Ding Fan appearing beside him, he knew in his heart why his elder brother came, and Long Ren naturally understood in his heart that such a long time had passed. At this time, no disciple will be able to come out of the Xuantian Secret Realm anymore.

It's just that I don't want to accept the fact in my heart, so I persist until now.Now seeing his elder brother standing next to him hesitant to speak, he didn't want to embarrass his elder brother, so he decided to let go and accept the reality.

Ding Fan nodded and didn't say anything. At this time, he understood the pain in Long Ren's heart, so he knew that no matter what he said, it would be useless. Moreover, Long Ren had already said this, which meant that the other party had already figured it out. I don't need to say anything more.

Immediately, Ding Fan retreated slowly. At this time, he believed that Long Ren should make the right decision.

"Everyone is ready to receive the ceremony."

Long Ren sighed softly, and said helplessly to those elders who manipulated the formation.





Long Ren finished the teleportation formation, and everyone returned one after another. In the Judingfeng's mansion, everyone's mood was more solemn at this time, but everyone knew that this was much better than the worst outcome they expected. After all, There are four monks who came out of Xuantian Secret Realm this time, including Ding Fan.

Long Ren gave the disciples who came out of Xuantian Secret Realm this time a week of peace of mind to recuperate. The monks with no problems in health, even Guo Lin and Adu, can only have this week. Heal the wounds, and then continue to practice.

Guo Lin and Adu knew in their hearts that although they had also suffered some injuries, they were still much lighter than Leng Jian's injuries. Therefore, during this week, the two of them naturally had to focus on all the injuries. Putting it on cultivation, after all, the two of us have already obtained some opportunities from the Xuantian Secret Realm, so we can only focus on cultivating to improve our own strength, so that we can not only have better means of self-protection, but also not be wasted. The martial arts that I obtained in Xuantian Secret Realm.

Long Ren gave everyone a week to recover, in fact, it was mainly for Leng Jian.He knew that Leng Jian was out of the life-threatening period, and after the all-out treatment of several elders, his injury was much better, but it would take some time to fully recover.

That's why Long Ren made such a decision.As the lake owner of the 36th hole, he must do things fairly. Since everyone is a monk who came back from the Xuantian Secret Realm together, it is natural to report to him together, although Long Ren is very curious about the Xuantian Secret Realm. , but Long Ren still restrained himself.

And Long Ren knew in his heart that if he wanted to know what happened in Xuantian Secret Realm this time, he didn't necessarily need to know from those disciples, as long as he asked his elder brother Ding Fan, he would know. A moment to say hello to my brother.

In Long Ren's heart, when he saw Long Ren, Guo Lin and Adu coming out of the teleportation formation in the Xuantian Secret Realm together, Ding Fan knew that this time Guo Lin and Adu would be able to leave Xuantian on time. Getting out of the secret realm safely must be done without the help of the eldest brother. Long Ren is very grateful for this, the decision to let the eldest brother also enter the Xuantian Secret Realm Sect was so correct.

Although Long Ren didn't know exactly what happened in Xuantian Secret Realm at this time, he guessed that if there was no elder brother's care for the two disciples, Guo Lin and Adu, I am afraid that these two disciples would want to go back to school. It is probably impossible to come out of Xuantian Secret Realm.

But Long Ren didn't go to his eldest brother Ding Fan immediately, he knew that this trip to Xuantian Secret Realm might not be so smooth even for his eldest brother, so he naturally needed a good rest at the first moment. And Long Ren himself needs to recover well.

Before he persisted in the teleportation formation in the Xuantian Secret Realm for such a long time, it still consumed him a lot, so Long Ren knew in his heart that he would need to recover for a while before he could do it. It's not a big problem for him.

The next day.

Long Ren came to Ding Fan's room, and Ding Fan's spiritual sense in the room noticed Long Ren's arrival, and directly opened the door to invite Long Ren in.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work this time."

Long Ren saw his eldest brother Ding Fan, and immediately thanked Ding Fan.He knew in his heart that if his elder brother hadn't entered with his disciples this time, the only one who could come out of the Xuantian Secret Realm this time was the Lengjian disciple. I don't know what happened in Xuantian Secret Realm.

But he knew in his heart that the fluctuations in the Xuantian Secret Realm this time must be very dangerous inside. He was quite clear about the strength of Guo Lin and Adu, and they wanted to come out of the Xuantian Secret Realm intact. , I am afraid it is not as easy as that.

Hearing what the other party said, Ding Fan smiled indifferently in his heart, and immediately chatted with Long Ren. Ding Fan knew that Long Ren came to see him, not only to see himself, but also to inquire about the situation in the Xuantian Secret Realm , Ding Fan immediately described the situation in Xuantian Secret Realm to Long Ren one after another.

At this time, when Ding Fan brought up some more dangerous things that happened in Xuantian Secret Realm again, Ding Fan couldn't help but feel lingering fear in his heart. After all, those dangers are too dangerous. Once, I was not sure that I could successfully escape from these dangers.

Long Ren couldn't help being shocked when he heard some of Ding Fan's narrations. He also didn't expect that the fluctuations in Xuantian Secret Realm would bring so many dangers. This is simply incredible.When Long Ren heard that Ding Fan met Guo Lin and A Du, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

"These two disciples are really lucky. Thank you, brother, for your life-saving grace and care for the two disciples."

When Ding Fan heard Long Ren's hungry words, he smiled indifferently and said:
"Don't be polite to me, I also gained a lot of opportunities from entering the Xuantian Secret Realm this time, and I should also thank you dear brother."

"Where is the big brother? If there is no big brother, I am afraid that our disciples in the 36th hole will suffer heavy losses. Guo Lin and Adu will not come back alive. All this is due to the big brother."

Long Ren said to Ding Fan with great gratitude in his heart. He was very grateful to Ding Fan in his heart. After all, he knew in his heart that if it wasn't for the existence of his elder brother, his disciples would never have come out. , the loss of his 36 holes is already very serious, he knows that if it is not for the existence of his elder brother, his loss of 36 holes will be even greater this time.

Moreover, the elder brother got a chance in Xuantian Secret Realm, which is also the ability of the elder brother, and he knew from the words of the elder brother that not only the elder brother got the opportunity, but his two disciples also got a lot of opportunities from it, even It is even greater than the chance that the eldest brother got.

Long Ren was still very grateful to Ding Fan in his heart. He knew that when Ding Fan and the other three encountered a chance, the elder brother took the initiative to give up the first choice to his two disciples. The elder brother felt a little wronged, and couldn't help but said to the elder brother:

"Brother, it's not easy for you to protect them along the way. There is really no need to give them back such a good opportunity."

Ding Fan smiled indifferently when he heard Long Ren's words, and didn't say much for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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