The best playboy

Chapter 1625 Leng Jian's Encounter

Chapter 1625 Leng Jian's Encounter

Although everyone was shocked by the speeches of Guo Lin and Adu, they were also looking forward to Leng Jian's speech, and everyone was most curious about Leng Jian. After all, Guo Lin was the first time the teleportation formation was opened. The three of them had already returned, but Leng Jian had delayed his return for such a long time. Even at that time, everyone thought that there would be no more disciples coming out of it.

But this cold sword is beyond everyone's expectations. This is indeed an incredible thing. You must know that after the teleportation array was opened, it was not teleported back immediately. It is not easy to come back. But this cold sword did it.

And the most puzzling thing in people's mind is that the opponent was seriously injured after he came out, and even his breath was weak. If it weren't for the rescue of several elders in the 36th cave during the tribulation period, it is unknown whether Leng Jian can survive at this time. This makes people even more curious.

What exactly did that guy meet in Xuantian Secret Realm?Many elders had some understanding of Leng Jian before. This Leng Jian is definitely not the best existence among the 36 hole disciples.

But it is such a mediocre disciple monk who entered the Xuantian Secret Realm, and finally returned to the cultivation world alive, and those disciples who were called the best disciples among the 36 cave disciples were all dead. did not return.

Not only many elders or sects are very interested in this point, even Longren also wants to know the reason very much, but everyone can guess it in their hearts. A great opportunity was created so that the other party could survive in Xuantian Secret Realm.

Long Ren knew that although Guo Lin and Adu also got the chance in the Sword Cleansing Pool, it was considered good, but the other two survived, and Long Ren knew that the great credit was on his elder brother Ding Fan. Ren believed that if it wasn't for the eldest brother Ding Fan who was with the two disciples and constantly protected them.

It is not easy for these two disciples to survive in the Xuantian Secret Realm, and they will not even return to the world of cultivation in the end.

But this Leng Jian was not as lucky as Guo Lin and Adu. Long Ren knew that the other party did not have such good luck to meet his eldest brother Ding Fan, so the other party's survival in Xuantian Secret Realm depended only on himself, no one can help him.

Long Ren knew that it would not be correct to say that he was unlucky to Leng Jian, and it could even be said that the other party was the luckiest. Long Ren knew that it was not easy for the other party to survive in the Xuantian Secret Realm with his previous strength, and This time the Xuantian Secret Realm caught up with the fluctuations in the Secret Realm again, and the danger inside was several times higher than before. It was almost impossible for the other party to survive.

But the other party was indeed lucky to survive, so it is very likely that the other party also got a great chance in Xuantian Secret Realm, and his chance should be the biggest one among Guo Lin and Adu. So much so that he can come out alive just by himself.

Therefore, Long Ren really wanted to listen to Leng Jian's speech at this time, and see what happened to the other party in Xuantian Secret Realm.

Although Long Ren knew that he might not be able to know what opportunity the other party had obtained in Xuantian Secret Realm, but Long Ren believed that he should be able to guess something through the narration of this cold sword.

At this time, Ding Fan also wanted to know what the Leng Jian was like in the Xuantian Secret Realm, and Ding Fan actually knew that he didn't know the Xuantian Secret Realm very well, even the area of ​​the Xuantian Secret Realm. Ding Fan also didn't figure it out. After all, Ding Fan and Guo Lin and Adu didn't meet Leng Jian in Xuantian Secret Realm, so Ding Fan suspected that Leng Jian's location in Xuantian Secret Realm might deteriorate. I and others are not in the same place, or they are very far apart, but Ding Fan has no idea what it is like...

"I know that everyone must be more interested in my experience, but before I tell the story, I would like to thank those elders who tried their best to save me before, thank you, and I would most like to thank our Lake Lord, if not With the insistence of the lake master, I would have already died in that Xuantian secret realm at this time."

Leng Jian had a stern look on his face. Although he was saying thanks, he still gave people a cold feeling.But these words of his did give everyone a good impression. After all, for those elders who tried their best to save him, this person was regarded as a repayment of kindness, and it was not regarded as saving each other in vain.

For Long Ren, Leng Jian's words made him feel very relieved. At the same time, Long Ren felt a slight difference in his heart. Although this disciple did seem a little cold, he was quite considerate in his words and actions. Why didn't I discover this outstanding disciple Ni before.

Hearing the simple opening remarks of the other party, Ding Fan also had a slight liking for Leng Jian. Ding Fan seemed to begin to doubt his previous judgment on the other party, but it was only suspicion. Some of the other party's judgments will not be wrong.

After all, maybe the other party is a person who knows how to repay his kindness, but the other party may still be a narrow-minded person, but these Ding Fans are not very interested, what he cares about is only the other party's experience in Xuantian Secret Realm, As for this personnel, Ding Fan is not interested in knowing, after all, such a 36-hole disciple, Ding Fan, still doesn't have much interest in studying the other party.

"When I first entered the Xuantian Secret Realm, I was very surprised to find that there was no senior brother or brother around me. I knew that I entered the secret passage with them, but I didn't know where they went. , there is no way, I can only walk alone, I came to a icy and snowy environment, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, based on my experience, I know that I can't shout loudly, otherwise an avalanche will easily occur , although my cultivation base is in the late stage of leaving the body, it doesn't seem to be a problem to face the avalanche, but I clearly know that this is the Xuantian Secret Realm, even if an avalanche occurs here, I am afraid it will not be like an avalanche in the cultivation world That way, so I can only walk cautiously along the way..."

Long Ren was recalling and telling some of his experiences in the Xuantian Secret Realm, and at the same time, he could see the nervous expression on his face at this time. Obviously, the experience of the Xuantian Secret Realm to him, even if he recalled it, would still be the same. Still trembling with fear, it made him feel very nervous.

At this time, Ding Fan heard his narration, and he also had some new understanding of Xuantian Secret Realm in his heart. Obviously, it was similar to what he had guessed before. This Xuantian Secret Realm probably existed in a large area. He, Guo Lin and Adu The environment the three of them were in was the scorching sun, and apart from the desert, it was the oasis that had been absorbing vitality from the beginning.

And the environment where Leng Jian just arrived in Xuantian Secret Realm turned out to be a world of ice and snow. Ding Fan didn't feel a trace of cold in Xuantian Secret Realm at that time, so Ding Fan knew that his position in Xuantian Secret Realm was not far away from where Leng Jian was. The location is very far away, or everyone is not in the same space.

But Ding Fan has no way of knowing what it is, but what Ding Fan can be sure of at this time is that the Xuantian Secret Realm is not as big as he saw, and Ding Fan judges that the Xuantian Secret Realm should be a large area. , but Ding Fan has no way of knowing how big it is...

During Leng Jian's constant narration, everyone had some understanding of Leng Jian's experience in Xuantian Secret Realm, and the other party also met many powerful Yuan beasts, but fortunately his location was covered with snow, so it was There are many hidden places, so the opponent hid, and they all successfully escaped the threat of the dimensional beast once.

When everyone heard that the other party met a huge beast tide and caught up with a huge avalanche and mixed together, everyone still felt a little sad for that cold sword. Obviously, the more the other party was afraid of something happening, it would happen instead. Whatever the case, it's just too unfortunate.

Everyone knew that with the strength of that cold sword, facing these two dangerous encounters, they might have to wait for death. Some of the elders also knew in their hearts that the beast horde in Xuantian Secret Realm was not an ordinary existence. The primordial beasts in there are taken out casually, and none of them can be dealt with by ordinary monks.

Even the monks in the late stage of distraction might not be sure to deal with all the primordial beasts in Xuantian Secret Realm, and even a small part of them would be considered good.What's more, what Leng Jian met was a horde of beasts, which was an even more terrifying existence, and facing such a situation, let alone a monk in the late stage of distraction.

Some elders knew in their hearts that even monks in the tribulation period would have to flee for their lives in such a situation, and even if they escaped successfully, they would be very lucky. For ordinary monks, even if they wanted to escape A serious question.

And at that time, there was still an avalanche, even if Leng Jian wanted to hide, it was impossible. When Leng Jian said that the avalanche was a huge ice cube rolling down, everyone's hearts were suspended , obviously facing such a situation, not to mention small humans, even those beast hordes would probably cause countless casualties. How could humans survive?
When Ding Fan heard this, he also expressed sympathy for what happened to Leng Jian. He knew that even if he faced such a situation, whether he could survive would be a difficult question to answer. The beast horde is not an existence that he can deal with casually.

Ding Fan knew that Leng Jian survived in the end, Ding Fan was a little curious about how the opponent survived, and Ding Fan could basically judge that the opponent's chance might have appeared at this time, after all, according to his current situation According to the description, the situation he faced was simply unsolvable, and he had no choice but to die.

But the other party was able to stand on the top and speak at this time, which means that the other party survived that huge crisis. Obviously, this is probably a matter of great luck, and it is also the key to the other party's chance...

At this time, Guo Lin and Adu were shocked when they heard Leng Jian's narration. Obviously, the other party's experience was not much better than their own, but the other party can still survive. This is indeed something that requires some skills. .

Long Ren was also very curious when he heard this, what would happen next to this cold sword, and what caused the other party to be alive. Long Ren knew in his heart that based on the previous strength of the other party, there was only one way to think about such a situation. But the forehead of the other party was very lucky to survive, so there is naturally a more attractive story in it...

(End of this chapter)

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