The best playboy

Chapter 1632 Decision

Chapter 1632 Decision
After struggling in his heart, Long Ren agreed to the other party without hesitation.Long Ren knew in his heart how much a spiritual vein would affect the 36th hole, but he really had no choice.He has been waiting for nearly ten years for the wandering grass. During this time, every time he sees Shanshan in the ice coffin, his heart is tormented...

At this time, Long Ren finally had a disciple get this stray grass. Long Ren knew that this was probably the only chance for him, and it was probably the last chance for Shanshan. Lying coldly in that ice coffin, unable to wake up, this is definitely not what I want to see.

Therefore, Long Ren hesitated, and finally agreed to Leng Jian's request, but Long Ren's impression of this disciple was not very good, even though the other party survived in Xuantian Secret Realm, he also gained a lot of opportunities , he knew that maybe the other party's development would be very good in the future, even beyond his expectations.

After all, the disciples who can come back from Xuantian Secret Realm will develop amazingly in the future.Long Ren knew that the opponent's status in the 36th hole might not be low in the future, but a disciple like the opponent threatened him at this time, which shows how courageous the opponent is.

It can also be said how ambitious this person is. Long Ren entrusted such an ambitious disciple with a heavy responsibility in the 36th hole. How could he be at ease, but at this time he can no longer control so much, the most important thing now It is to get the other party's stray grass first, and the plan for the other party can only be discussed later.

At this moment, Leng Jian heard Long Ren's words, and his heart was suddenly filled with joy, as if under the dark cloudy weather, a beam of bright sunlight suddenly shone in through the thick cloud layer, making the whole sky brighten immediately .Leng Jian forcibly suppressed the joy in his heart and looked at the master beside him, Tian Zhen. At this time, Tian Zhen was also pleasantly surprised. Originally, he only had a layer of hope for the matter of the spirit vein in his heart, but in the end he didn't expect that it would happen. It really happened, how could he not be excited.

But Tian Zhen also knew that if he was too flamboyant at this time, he would definitely be envied by others. At this time, the two masters seemed to have finally obtained a big treasure, but they didn't dare to say anything, they could only be cautious She secretly rejoiced in her heart, for fear that the treasure would be lost, and that the lake lord Longren would regret it again.

"Master of the lake, you can't promise them! Nanling Lingmai is very important to Cave 36. If you give Nanling Lingmai to a sect, it will have a great impact on other sects in Cave 36 in the future! It is very unfavorable for the future development of the 36th hole...the lake owner thinks twice..."

At this time, the Great Elder at the side heard Long Ren's decision, and couldn't help persuading Long Ren with a heartbroken expression.The Great Elder understood Long Ren's eagerness to save his girlfriend, but it was a bit too hasty to make such a decision. You must know that it was a whole spiritual vein!
Even in the entire Donglai Continent, there are not many spiritual veins. It is too important to the 36th Cave. Although the Great Elder is not the owner of the lake, he has a very good understanding of the affairs of the 36th Cave. He is no worse than Long Ren. I really understand how much influence a spirit vein has on the 36 holes...

Therefore, at this time, the Great Elder had no choice but to persuade Long Ren. Although he knew that Long Ren had already sacrificed a lot to save his girlfriend, this was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the lake master Long Ren to save his girlfriend, and it was also very possible. It is the only chance, but the price paid is still a bit too high!

Long Ren heard the words of the Great Elder, and he fully understood what the Great Elder said in his heart. His decision had such a great impact on the 36th hole, but at this time, what else could he do? For a while, Long Ren couldn't help feeling There was a trace of fatigue in his body, and then he staggered back a few steps, and sat down on the chair behind him with a limp body. For a while, he didn't know what to say...

"Lord Lake, this subordinate fully understands your feelings, but is it too hasty for us to use this method? The Qinghe Sect dared to make such a feeble request. We can directly depose Na Tianzhen as the suzerain. As for We can use force for the cold sword!"

At this moment, the Great Elder walked to Long Ren's side and bowed his ear and said to him.

Although the voice of the Great Elder was very small, it was not difficult for Tian Zhen, who was distracted in the late stage, to hear it.When Tian Zhen heard the elder's whisper to Long Ren, he couldn't help but feel tense, he naturally understood what the elder said.

If he really dismissed himself as the suzerain of the Qinghe sect, wouldn't all his efforts be in vain, wouldn't the Qinghe sect that he built by himself be completely over, then what is the meaning of everything he is now? Really heart hung up immediately, a little worried in my heart.

Tian Zhen's short-term worry soon turned into a plan in his heart. He understood that if the lake master really deposed himself as the suzerain, then he would not have to stay in the 36th hole any longer, and he would The sect Qinghe sect was built by himself. Although the sect is also under the jurisdiction of 36 caves, he still has a lot of status and appeal in the sect. He can take most of the sect's disciples away Li Zongmen.

But Tian Zhen knew that he absolutely didn't want to take this step unless it was a last resort.After all, this step not only means that his Qinghe Sect no longer exists, but even if he can establish another sect outside, his strength must be far inferior to the current Qinghe Sect.

And most importantly, if he establishes another sect outside, it means that he will no longer enjoy the benefits of the 36 holes, and he will not have the backing of the 36 holes. Tian Zhen knows very well that Donglai now In the situation of various sects in the mainland, it is difficult to survive well.

Tian Zhen knew that when his sect reached that stage, it faced too many risks, and he knew that some risks were not something he could deal with.Even if he wanted to attack his new sect on the 36th hole, it was not something he could resist.

And even if the 36th hole can open the net to me, but I have to worry that some other sects will not pay attention to my sect, and now that the Wild Wolf Gang is so rampant, a newly established small sect like myself must definitely Will be devoured by the opponent's various methods.

At that time, I no longer had the backing of the 36th hole, and it was simply impossible to deal with the huge wolf gang.

Therefore, Tian Zhen's heart could not be suspended at this time, but the next moment he saw Long Ren waving his hand at the Great Elder, obviously disapproving of the Great Elder's opinion, Tian Zhen felt relieved.

At this time, Long Ren knew what the Great Elder was thinking, but Long Ren knew that he must not do that. After all, the matter of the Glazed Grass is his own personal matter. If he uses coercive methods on the other party, it will definitely bring about ugly consequences. However, if the opponent leaves the 36th hole with the disciples of the sect, it will be a big loss for the 36th hole, and this is not the result that Long Ren wants to see.

Long Ren was also in a bad mood at this time, and said to the Great Elder:
"In that case, the loss to our 36th hole will be greater. I can't do this, and even if I give the other party a spiritual vein now, this spiritual vein is still in the hands of my 36th hole. It is not good for our 36th hole. It’s a big loss, and I’m giving Qinghezong a chance, if the opponent can really develop, it’s not a bad thing for our 36 holes.”

The Great Elder heard Long Ren's words, and said with a troubled expression:

"But suzerain, if you do this, it is very likely that you are breeding tigers..."

"Stop it, I know."

Long Ren directly interrupted the other party, and said in a weak tone.

He understood what the Great Elder meant, and he knew very well in his heart that Long Ren would naturally think about what the Great Elder said, and Long Ren also had a little bit of agreement with the Great Elder's words in his heart, but at this time he really had no choice. Shan can't wait any longer, now is the only chance for Shan Shan...

Seeing the scene of Long Ren and the Great Elder, Tian Zhen and Leng Jian felt relieved. At this moment, they knew that they were getting closer to their goal...

But this is, some other suzerains, seeing the scene of the lake lord Longren and the great elder, couldn't help but feel a little worried. They knew that they could not interfere with the lake lord's decision. Facing the lake lord's decision, these suzerains knew that they would wait People can only obey, and it is impossible to persuade them bluntly like the Great Elder.

But they can also express some opinions of themselves and others, so some suzerains couldn't help but bowed to Longren and said:

"Master the lake, be careful. If any sect obtains a resource like a spiritual vein, the potential for development is unlimited. Although our sect believes that Sect Master Tian has no second thoughts, it will not be good for our sect to do so." It would be unfair..."

"Yes, Lake Lord, this decision must never be made..."

"My subordinates all know that the Lake Lord is eager to save people, but the price is not too high, we should have other methods..."


For a while, many suzerains or elders of the 36th hole couldn't help but say to Longren, obviously they also disagree with the decision of the lake owner, but they have no way to directly ask the lake owner to change the decision, they know that they and others are just It can be persuaded.

At this time, many suzerains or elders could not help but say to Natian Zhenzong:
"Sect Master Tian, ​​we know that you did this for the sake of the sect, but you also have to be considerate of the Lord Lake's situation, okay? You must know that the Lord Lake has paid a lot for his girlfriend. This has always been a major event in our 36th hole. , can't you give the fluent grass to the lake owner on your own initiative?"

"Yes, Sect Master Tian, ​​what you are doing now has completely damaged the interests of our 36 other sects. Are you not afraid that something will happen to your sect in the future, and our sects will ignore it?"

"Sect Master Tian takes a step back to open up the sea and the sky..."


Leng Jian heard everyone's words, and felt a little uneasy for a while during the play. Although he was only a disciple, he could also see that those suzerains had great hostility towards his sect. He couldn't help feeling a little worried, but he always Time didn't know what to do, and Leng Jian knew that he couldn't speak for this kind of thing.

He couldn't help but coldly look at his master Tian Zhen. At this time, Tian Zhen's attitude was a little hesitant when he heard the words of these suzerains, but soon he became a little resolute in his play. He knew which suzerains What you said is reasonable, and it is indeed a bit unkind to do it yourself.

But this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for his sect.

(End of this chapter)

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