The best playboy

Chapter 1645 Chapter 1750 Healing

Chapter 1645 Chapter [-] Healing

At this time, Guo Lin saw Tian Zhen and Lu Shi's scene, and in the end he was still worried about the safety of his suzerain, so he walked directly beside Lu Shi, trying to persuade the master not to be impulsive, but Guo Lin just said half of what he said, and directly Stopped by Lu Shi, said:
"I don't care about your business now, you stay away!"

Lu Shi's words made Guo Lin speechless for a moment.

But Guo Lin was still very worried at this moment. He had no choice but to do so. He knew that the suzerain and Na Tianzhen were both suzerain-level existences, so he naturally had no right to control each other.At this moment, he could only wait and see what happened, hoping that the suzerain would not be injured.

When Tian Zhen heard Lu Shi's words, he looked contemptuous and disdainful, and then said:

"Okay, then let's go out and continue!"

"it is good."

Lu Shi directly agreed with a determined face,

Immediately, the two walked out of the conference hall and came to the spacious yard outside, and everyone followed suit.When Lu Shi arrived in the yard, he held a long gun behind his back, while Tian Zhen, who was facing him, held two gleaming scimitars to strike first, and swung his arms towards each other. cut off.

Brush brush!
ding ding ding...

Lu Shi held a long spear in his hand and kept waving it to collide with the opponent's scimitar, clanging for a while, and even sparks would burst out from time to time during the confrontation of the weapons. The speed of the two of them was surprisingly fast. They are all cultivation bases in the late stage of distraction. It is conceivable how fierce this kind of battle is...


On the other side, Ding Fan, Long Ren, and the Great Elder came to the very hidden cave again. The three entered the cave and walked for a while, and then came to the very cold room again. The ice coffin is still there, and the woman in the ice coffin is also lying there peacefully.

At this time, Long Ren walked to the side of the ice coffin, stroked the ice coffin, looked at Shanshan in the ice coffin with a bit of heartache in his eyes, and said to himself:

"Shanshan, big brother has a way to save you this time, you must wake up..."

Long Ren said some words of concern to the woman in the ice coffin. It can be seen that Long Ren has been looking forward to this day for a long time. At this moment, he is very excited. At the same time, he is also very worried. Whether to wake Shanshan up, Long Ren doesn't know whether he will face the long-awaited reunion after a long absence, or the sad news that his elder brother can't do anything...

Long Ren talked to the girl in the ice coffin for a while, then walked up to Ding Fan, looked at Ding Fan worriedly and asked:

"Brother, do you really have a way to heal Shanshan?"

Hearing Long Ren's words, Ding Fan nodded heavily. Ding Fan knew that it was inappropriate to talk about unsure things at this time, and Ding Fan still had a relatively high degree of certainty, but he hadn't started yet. Without waking up, Ding Fan didn't dare to guarantee it.

After all, things that haven't happened are always full of possibilities.

Long Ren heard Ding Fan's words, and his face couldn't be changed at this time. He should be happy when he saw that Ordering was more confident. After all, it is very likely that Shanshan really woke up. At that time, he was so worried that he couldn't laugh at all at this moment, and finally just said to Ding Fan with some pleading:
"Please brother..."

"Don't say that, we are brothers, don't worry, I will do my best."

Hearing Long Ren's words, Ding Fan felt a little heartbroken for his brother. Ding Fan could see that Long Ren had paid too much for this Shanshan. It is understandable that the other party was nervous at this time, so Ding Fan Said somewhat reassuringly.

Ding Fan knew in his heart that Shanshan in this ice coffin was preserved by the thousand-year-old black ice. The coffin exists, Ding Fan knows because of the existence of the ice coffin.

I can completely absorb the excess true energy from the woman in the ice coffin without touching the woman in the ice coffin. This is all determined by the special nature of the thousand-year-old black ice. Clear, but what Ding Fan knows now is that the millennium ice can not only effectively prevent the spiritual energy from entering the ice coffin, but the true energy in the monk's body can pass through the ice coffin without any obstacles.

Moreover, the millennium ice can only block the aura in the air, not the air, so the woman in the ice coffin will not feel any discomfort in the ice coffin, which also provides a good opportunity for Ding Fan to absorb the other party's true energy. s help.

At this time, Long Ren watched his eldest brother Ding Fan walk into the ice coffin and was ready to start. He felt very uneasy, and his body couldn't help but tremble a little. At this time, the first elder saw Long Ren's appearance, and he couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken for Ding Fan. , and then said somewhat comfortingly:
"Lake Lord, don't worry too much. Even if Mr. Ding can't save Shanshan, it won't cause any harm to Shanshan. Lake Lord, please rest assured."


Long Ren kept staring at Ding Fan, and he didn't know whether he listened to what the Great Elder said or not. At this time, the Great Elder saw Ding Fan's scene, and felt very helpless in his heart. Shanshan's affection is too deep, so it is simply impossible for the Lake Lord not to be nervous at this time.

The Great Elder had no choice but to stand by Longren's side like this, praying in his heart that Ding Fan's side must succeed, and if Ding Fan's side really failed, he also hoped that the Lake Lord would not be hit too hard or that something unexpected would happen. .

At this time, under the nervous gaze of Long Ren and the Great Elder, Ding Fan began to sit down cross-legged and exercise his skills. Soon Ding Fan began to use any cell in his body to feel the changes around him, and at the same time he also felt the ice coffin. The violent real energy in the middle woman's body.

Immediately, Ding Fan began to operate slowly, "Swallowing Technique" Ding Fan wanted to try his best to draw the true energy in Shanshan's body, but the opponent's true energy was very violent, and after all, the opponent's true energy was still weak to Ding Fan. Unfamiliar, that zhenqi has existed in Shanshan's body for a long time, and it is obviously more dependent on Shanshan's body.

Therefore, Ding Fan seems to have a lot of difficulties in simply fusing the opponent's true energy at this time, which is completely beyond Ding Fan's expectations. Shanshan's body in the ice coffin is obviously connected by a fiber-like existence.

But this optical fiber is not fixed, but is constantly moving through Shanshan's body through Ding Fan's control. Long Ren, who is watching at this time, is very disturbed. He obviously doesn't know much about big brother Ding Fan's methods. , so I don't know how the eldest brother is doing at this time.

But he could see that Shanshan's body did not change at this time, Long Ren knew that this was not a good thing.Long Ren couldn't help feeling even more anxious.But Long Ren also knew in his heart that he had to rely on his eldest brother Ding Fan at this time, and he obviously couldn't help him much. At this time, Long Ren could only pray in his heart, that his eldest brother must succeed.

At this time, the Great Elder saw Ding Fan's scene, and he was quite surprised. Obviously, he had never seen such a situation before. After all, the Great Elder was a strong man in the tribulation period, and there was nothing in the world of cultivation that the Great Elder hadn't seen. Yes, but at this time he has never seen the martial arts that Ding Fan is displaying now, and he feels very miraculous. At the same time, he looks at Ding Fan again with admiration.The Great Elder guessed in his heart that this set of martial arts used by the other party might not be something in the cultivation world at all, it must be a very rare existence.

The Great Elder did not dare to say anything in the world of comprehension, he had seen all of them, but at this moment he was really amazed when he saw the martial arts performed by Ding Fan. However, the Great Elder has never seen Ding Fan displaying this martial art at this time.

Can't help but feel very miraculous.

While Ding Fan was constantly manipulating the "Swallowing Cultivation Technique", time passed little by little, but at this time Ding Fan still couldn't integrate into Shanshan's true energy. After all, true energy is not very good in a monk's body. It can be seen, but it is definitely a part of the monk.

Therefore, it is not easy for other monks to control the monk's true energy.Even if it is impossible at all, it is not easy for Ding Fan. After all, Ding Fan has already cultivated the "swallowing technique" to the third level of existence.

Obviously at this time Ding Fan's control over the true qi has reached a certain level, and Ding Fan knows that he has cultivated the "swallowing technique" to the third level, and it is also possible to absorb the true qi in other monks' bodies at this time. Although it is still not easy to absorb the opponent's true energy in battle, a monk like Shanshan who has no resistance at this time has absolutely no problem in absorbing true energy.

It's just that Shanshan in the ice coffin at this time, the true energy in her body is too irritable, so it caused a little difficulty for Ding Fan at this time.

As time passed, Long Ren saw that Shanshan in the ice coffin still hadn't changed, and couldn't help feeling very worried. Apparently, Long Ren could tell that his elder brother wasn't going very well, so how could he not be worried at this moment.But at this time, he has no choice but to pray that everything goes well for his elder brother.

At this time, the Great Elder looked at Ding Fan's scene, and felt a little worried in his heart, so he couldn't help comforting Long Ren:
"Don't worry too much, Mr. Ding, Mr. Ding will definitely find a way!"


At this time, Long Ren replied with a serious and worried expression on his face, and then continued to pay attention to Ding Fan's movements.

At this time, Ding Fan felt a little nervous. He didn't expect that the true energy in Shanshan's body would be so riotous, and he couldn't even integrate into the opponent's true energy for a while. Immediately, Ding Fan continued to work hard to "devour" Cultivation method" At the same time, Ding Fan said to the girl in the ice coffin:

"Don't be nervous, try to relax, I'm Yongren's big brother, I won't harm you."

Ding Fan knew that although Shanshan in the ice coffin was in a coma, Ding Fan believed that the other party could still hear his words. At this time, Ding Fan really needed the other party's cooperation, otherwise it would not be possible to rely solely on himself.Then Ding Fan glanced at Long Ren who was beside him.

Seeing Ding Fan's eyes, Long Ren immediately understood what the elder brother meant, and then said softly to Shanshan:

"Come on, Shanshan, if you listen to your elder brother, you will definitely wake up! I'll be waiting for you!"

At this time when Long Ren finished speaking, Ding Fan saw the girl in the ice coffin frowned slightly. Ding Fan knew that the girl was working hard, and then Ding Fan also exerted more force, manipulating the zhenqi in the opponent's body even more forcefully. Fan knew that at this time, if Na Shanshan also tried her best to cooperate with him, this time would be the best time.

Suddenly, Ding Fan's spirit finally merged into the opponent's true energy...

(End of this chapter)

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