The best playboy

Chapter 1647: Moment of Crisis

Chapter 1647: Moment of Crisis
For monks, it is not an easy task to casually integrate other people's true qi, and it is simply impossible for ordinary monks. The fusion of two true qis in the body will definitely cause the monks' true qi to collide with each other , and finally exploded to death.

But neither Long Ren nor the Great Elder are idle people, and even the Great Elder is a monk in the tribulation period, so it is possible to incorporate a little bit of external zhenqi, but the number is not too much, and the Great Elder does not have time for a while. I couldn't stand it any longer.

But the Great Elder knew the importance of this time. The lake lord, Long Ren, had waited for this day for nearly ten years. If Long Ren hadn't noticed a strange and painful look on the Great Elder's face and reminded Ding Fan in time, the Great Elder might even Will persevere until the end, even if he knows that he will explode and die because he can't bear it...

When Ding Fan learned of the Great Elder's request for money, he immediately reduced the input of zhenqi to the Great Elder, and also sucked out the zhenqi that could not be absorbed and digested in the opponent's body, which made the Great Elder's body tense. The pain eased a lot, and the Great Elder looked a little ashamed and anxious at this moment.

The Great Elder said with some self-reproach:
"Give me a while, I can still absorb some."

After all, the Great Elder is a cultivator in the transcending tribulation period. Although the two strands of true energy are not so easy to fuse in his body, he can still forcefully fuse them with his own cultivation.He knew that this was the critical moment for Shanshan, and there must be no mistakes, even if he was seriously injured or exploded to death, he would not hesitate to do so.

Ding Fan nodded heavily when he heard the elder's words:
"Okay, as soon as possible."

"Elder, rest well, I'm still here." At this moment, Long Ren said comfortingly to the First Elder.He knows the urgency in the Great Elder's heart, and he also knows the Great Elder's intentions, but he doesn't want to let the Great Elder have any accidents because of Shanshan, and his ability to perceive true energy is better than that of the Great Elder. Still can fight Ding Fan for a while.

The Great Elder nodded heavily, then closed his eyes directly, and began to quickly adjust his body, trying to digest the unfused zhenqi in his body as soon as possible.

But there is no time, the elder has not adjusted for a while, and Long Ren's side can't stand it anymore. When Ding Fan found that the true energy injected into Long Ren's body became a little slow , Ding Fan couldn't help but look at Long Ren's situation with his spiritual sense.

It was fine if Ding Fan didn't look at it, but he couldn't help being startled when he saw it. At this time, the internal organs in Longren's body had already been damaged, and the two strands of true energy in his body had completely reached the extreme saturation level. With the external qi, Longren's dantian might be seriously damaged.

It is conceivable how much pain Long Ren was enduring at this time, but apart from the continuous dripping of sweat on Long Ren's face, the blue veins protruding from his forehead and the red eyes did not show any signs of pain. For any signs of pain or discomfort, Ding Fan knew that if Long Ren continued, something serious might happen.

Long Ren's appearance made Ding Fan feel a little heartbroken, and even more so, Ding Fan was a little surprised. Although it is impossible for ordinary monks to fuse two strands of true energy into a monk's body, Long Ren and Da The elder is not an ordinary monk. You must know that the elder is a monk who has passed through the catastrophe period. Although Long Ren is not as good as the elder in terms of cultivation, he is much better than the elder in terms of talent, and he is definitely not comparable to the elder. .

Ding Fan did not expect that such two monks could not bear it at this time, which surprised Ding Fan for a while.Soon Ding Fan knew the reason. After all, he had practiced the "Swallowing Cultivation Technique". Although this technique seems to be not a good way to integrate foreign zhenqi, but practicing this technique is very beneficial to the real qi. With a better understanding, it also subtly improved Ding Fan's ability to integrate external qi.

As for Long Ren and the Great Elder, although both of them have high levels of cultivation and amazing talents, they have never practiced the "Swallowing Technique", so their ability to integrate external qi is much lower. Ding Fan knew that he had neglected this matter. Something happened, Ding Fan couldn't help but directly absorbed the external qi from Long Ren's body back into his own body.

Although Ding Fan's body was almost saturated with zhenqi at this time, he could still bear it after all, and naturally he was much stronger than Long Ren.

"Big brother?"

At this time, Long Ren felt that the true energy in his body had suddenly decreased, and the pain in his body had also decreased a lot. Shi Longren's condition improved a bit, but he was even more anxious in his heart, and he couldn't help but said to his elder brother Ding Fan in a deep and firm voice:
"Brother, I can do it. Even if I can't, I still have to save Shanshan. As long as Shanshan can wake up and live well, even if it's my life! Brother, please..."

The severe pain in Long Ren's body made his voice weaker and weaker.

At this moment, the Great Elder saw Long Ren's scene, and couldn't help feeling anxious. Although he hadn't recovered well, or even recovered a little bit, the Great Elder said directly to Ding Fan's face, seemingly confidently:
"Mr. Ding, I have no problem, let me come!"

Ding Fan was also a little anxious when he heard the words of these two people. At this time, Shanshan's situation had reached the most critical moment, and there was not much zhenqi left in Shanshan's body, but Ding Fan was definitely not alone. The existence that can be absorbed, although at this time Long Ren and the Great Elder both said that they have no problem.

But Ding Fan knew very well in his heart that the two of them were already dying. For a while, Ding Fan didn't speak, his face was a little anxious, while trying his best to maintain the absorption of the true energy in Shanshan's body, while thinking of ways in his mind, Ding Fan finally Fan can only try the only way, although Ding Fan also knows that this way is unlikely to succeed, but now it is the only way, there is no other choice, after all, we must not let Longren and Da Something happened to the elders.

Two lives for one life is definitely not worth the deal, and Ding Fan would never do that.

Then Ding Fan gritted his teeth and said directly:

"Listen to me now, I can hold on for 10 minutes. I will recite a mantra. You can only practice to about the fifth floor in 10 minutes, and then come and help me. This is the only chance, hurry up! "

Long Ren and the First Elder heard Ding Fan's words, and immediately agreed directly:

"Brother, please speak!"

"Please tell me, Mr. Ding!"

Afterwards, Ding Fan spoke out the formulas of the first and second levels of the "Swallowing Technique". After Ding Fan's slight improvement, it means to simplify the complexity. After all, Ding Fan has already cultivated to the third tenth of this "swallowing technique", so he has mastered the first two levels of exercises, so Ding Fan turned the complexity into Jane is not a difficult task, and Ding Fan also told Long Ren some of his own insights in the formula, so as to help them speed up their cultivation.

Long Ren and the Great Elder have been concentrating on the first word Ding Fan uttered, and started to practice without distraction. They know the importance of this time. They only have 10 minutes, so they must go all out. Cultivate successfully at the fastest speed.

At this time, neither the Great Elder nor Long Ren had time to think about what kind of exercise it was, or how difficult it was to practice. Now they only had one persistent belief in their hearts, that is, to tell Ding Fan what Ding Fan said within 10 minutes. Cultivation techniques have reached the level of the fifth level.The rest they simply don't have time to think about.

Time passed little by little. Although the room surrounded by ice was very cold at this time, Long Ren and the Great Elder did not feel any chill at this time. Instead, they were very hot, even sweating profusely. A burst of brainstorming.

At this time, Ding Fan's situation is not optimistic. Ding Fan's body has been saturated to the point of absorbing the true energy in Shanshan's body. Ding Fan's body is under tremendous pressure. They also fell one after another, and fell on the cold ice on the ground, causing a small pit to appear on the ice surface, which was full of sweat mixed with melted ice water.

Soon, 10 minutes will be up. At this time, Long Ren has practiced the formulas mentioned by Ding Fan, and the true energy in his body has been completely integrated. At this time, he has better control over the true energy, and has already put Ding Fan The formulas mentioned have been cultivated to about the level of the seventh floor.

As for the Great Elder, although his cultivation talent is still a little worse than that of Long Ren, he has successfully practiced the mantra to about [-]%. At this time, his internal condition has also improved rapidly, and he no longer feels any pain.

Immediately after the time came, the two of Long Ren put their hands on Ding Fan's shoulders one after another, and said in unison:

"No problem, come on!"


Ding Fan glanced at the two people's spiritual senses, and was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that these two people had successfully practiced the formulas he said to the level of the fifth floor. Even when Ding Fan was observing Long Ren, It was found that Long Ren's damaged internal organs were intact at this time, and it was obvious that the other party had not only cultivated to the level of the fifth floor.

In Ding Fan's heart, the surprise turned into surprise, but he was still very pleasantly surprised. He really underestimated the two of them. As expected, one is the lake master of the 36th hole, and the other is the grand elder of the 36th hole. Their learning ability is really extraordinary. Immediately, without hesitation, Ding Fan directly injected all the zhenqi that he could no longer bear into the bodies of the two of them.

Long Ren and the Great Elder have already practiced Ding Fan's formula at this time, and their ability to integrate external qi in their bodies has been greatly improved. Although they have not completely succeeded in cultivating the first two layers of the "swallowing technique", but The formula improved by Ding Fan is enough for them to integrate the external qi well.

Immediately, within a short while, Ding Fan and the three of them worked together to clean up all the excess qi in the girl Shanshan's body. At this time, Ding Fan could be regarded as a little relieved, but at this time The tension in Long Ren's heart did not ease for a moment, and he would not feel at ease until he saw Shanshan wake up.

Afterwards, Ding Fan waved his hands to Long Ren and the Great Elder behind him, and the two immediately took a few steps back. At this moment, they knew that they could not help much, and the rest was up to Ding Fan. But Long Ren and the Great Elder were still quite worried. After all, there was no need to absorb the true energy in Shanshan's body at this time, but Shanshan still did not wake up, and the two couldn't help feeling nervous.

At this time, Ding Fan did not explain too much, but directly said to Long Ren:

"Open the ice coffin."

(End of this chapter)

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