The best playboy

Chapter 1655 Chapter 1760 Vision of the West Field

Chapter 1655 Chapter [-] Vision of the West Field
Ding Fan knew that this trip to the Xuantian Secret Realm following the 36th hole was not only a rare opportunity for himself, but also a great opportunity for the Frost Toad. The primordial beast that absorbs vitality is of great help to the Frost Toad.

After all, the Yuan Beast is also a guy with ancient blood, which is of great help to the Frost Toad. Ding Fan knows that such Yuan Beasts are rarely seen in the cultivation world. Ding Fan knows that the Frost Toad is growing at this time It can be considered to have reached a relatively gentle stage, unless he can still meet some particularly powerful Yuan beasts.

Of course, it must be a primordial beast that he can deal with.But even such a primordial beast, Ding Fan knows, is very difficult to meet. After all, the world of cultivation is huge. Although there are many primordial beasts, it is not a common thing to meet a primordial beast that satisfies the Frost Toad and has an appetite. things.

Therefore, Ding Fan knew that he could only feed the Frost Toad some ordinary beasts, and at the same time he could refine some pills that the Frost Toad needed to feed it, although this did not improve the Frost Toad too quickly. The role, but better than nothing.Even if the ice toad grows up to this stage without food for a long time, there will be no problem. Even the ice toad's fasting time is much longer than that of humans.

And the Ice Toad still has hibernation time. Ding Fan knew that during the hibernation time of the Ice Toad, the Ice Toad would not need to eat at all. As for the time, it would be very long, maybe three or four months, and it would be very long. It may be a year. In short, the ice toad does not need too much food, so the growth rate will be relatively slow.

Although Ding Fan hoped that the ice toad would grow as fast as possible, Ding Fan had no other choice but to let it grow slowly, and the current strength of the ice toad was enough for Ding Fan. It has given me a lot of help. After all, the Frost Toad can't even do anything to the monks in the Tribulation Stage. It can be said that Ding Fan owns the Frost Toad, and the monks below the Tribulation Stage cannot be regarded as Ding Fan. any threat.

During the period of Ding Fan's training, the most important thing is to practice the "Basic Martial Arts". Ding Fan had been practicing the "Swallowing Technique" for the previous week. Therefore, during this period, Ding Fan began to hurry up to repair that sword technique, and Magic, and there are some other martial arts. Ding Fan probably glanced at it. There are more than 100 kinds of martial arts recorded in the "Basic Martial Arts", but the records are more reliable. There are also ten that are considered important by the village chief. Various.

Ding Fan knows that he has limited time in his life, and it is impossible to practice all the martial arts recorded in this "Basic Martial Arts", so what Ding Fan is currently practicing is only picking out two or three kinds of martial arts. This martial art is also the martial art that the village head and strong people value more. They are swordsmanship, magic, and devouring skills.

Because of these three martial arts, Ding Fan has practiced for a period of time before, which is considered a good foundation, and Ding Fan is also more interested in these three martial arts. Ding Fan does not like those fancy and impractical things, but Ding Fan After looking at the inheritance left by the village chief and strong man, it is basically a relatively practical existence.

But Ding Fan loves these three martial arts very much. For Ding Fan, it is best not to give up halfway. After all, he has already started to practice these three martial arts, and these three martial arts have only been cultivated to a relatively In the primary stage, Ding Fan is unwilling to give up just like that.

Therefore, Ding Fan must first cultivate these three martial arts to a certain level. Even if he does not need to cultivate to the peak, he must at least be proficient. Ding Fan knows that it is not easy to practice each martial arts in the later stage. It exists and is extremely powerful.

Of course, there is a corresponding level of cultivation for those who need to practice. At present, Ding Fan's cultivation level is relatively good, but martial arts is not well practiced, so Ding Fan plans to start with the three martial arts. "Rufeng Swordsmanship" and "Fanquan" have not been forgotten either.

These two martial arts can be regarded as Ding Fan's housekeeping skills. Ding Fan has practiced intermittently during this period, and he has cultivated the "Rufeng Sword Art" to the fifth sword style, and Ding Fan is quite satisfied with the power of this sword style. It's just that Ding Fan has never had a chance to use it before, but Ding Fan knows that these sword moves will never be wrong.

As for "Fanquan", among all the martial arts, it is still the most difficult martial art for Ding Fan to practice. Although the "basic martial arts" is the inheritance of the strong village chief, none of the martial arts in it can be taken lightly. However, it is not difficult for Ding Fan to cultivate.

After all, these martial arts have some insights and pointers from the strong village chief, so it is not difficult for a monk like Ding Fan who is originally very talented in martial arts to practice.

But that book "Fan Quan" didn't have anyone's advice, which is not a good thing for Ding Fan.But Ding Fan naturally did not hesitate to give up, on the contrary, the more difficult the martial arts, the more it can stimulate Ding Fan's fighting spirit and potential!
For a period of time, Ding Fan has been in a state of closed-door cultivation. This lasted for a week. Long Ren, Shanshan and the Great Elder came to visit. The purpose of the three is very simple. He also understood that Ding Fan knew that these three people must come to learn the devouring technique from him.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother."

"Mr. Ding, excuse me."

At this moment, Longren, Shanshan, and the Great Elder greeted Ding Fan respectively.Ding Fan looked at the three of them with a calm smile, and said casually:
"Sit inside, you're welcome."

Immediately, Ding Fan and the others walked directly into the living room. Ding Fan and Long Ren sat in the front seat, while Shanshan and the First Elder sat in the side seats. At this moment, Shanshan took a look at Long Ren, then stood up and faced Ding Fan respectfully thanked:

"Brother, Shanshan has never thanked you properly, thank you for saving your life, Shanshan will definitely repay you in this life!"

Ding Fan heard the other party's words, and said with a calm smile on his face:
"You don't have to be polite with me, you are a girl, it's too tiring to repay this kind of work, just let Longren do it."

"What elder brother said is very true. In the future, if elder brother has any orders, younger brother will definitely obey them!"

Long Ren couldn't help following Ding Fan's words, and said, with a bit of a joke on his face, but also a bit of sincerity.But these are indifferent things to Ding Fan. After all, Ding Fan and Long Ren are already brothers, and they are both a family. There is no need to calculate so clearly, and what Ding Fan said is just a joke.

"You just have to be good, and you don't want to repay anything. Let's talk about something else."

Then Ding Fan couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Mr. Ding, there is really a big event recently. I wonder if you know the Vision of the West Field?"

At this moment, Grand Elder Wang Lao asked Ding Fan solemnly.

Ding Fan shook his head, obviously he didn't know about the vision of the West Field, so he couldn't help asking directly:
"I know about Xiye. It is said that it is at the westernmost end of Donglai Continent. But what exactly is the Xiye vision, I don't know, and I haven't heard of it. What's going on?"

At this time Ding Fan finished speaking, he couldn't help looking at Elder Wang with a puzzled expression.

"Let's talk to the Lake Lord." Elder Wang glanced at Long Ren and said directly.

"Okay." Long Ren nodded when he heard the elder's words, and then said to his eldest brother Ding Fan:

"Brother, not long after you were in retreat, we got news at the 36th hole that there was a big phenomenon in Xiye. Many people knew about it, and it is said that Xiye is very dangerous now, not for ordinary monks. Enter casually. Big brother will know that visions often appear, and places with more dangers have more opportunities."

Ding Fan listened to Long Ren's words and nodded, with a bit of surprise on his face at the same time. Ding Fan agreed with Long Ren's words. In the world of comprehension, as visions appear in some places, naturally the more dangerous the place, the more precious the treasure will be. Many, this has already comprehended the unwritten laws of the world.

Ding Fan is very clear about this point, but Ding Fan did not expect that there will be a vision in Xiye at this time. You must know that visions are rare in the world of cultivation, and it may take decades or even hundreds of years. It doesn't necessarily happen once, but, but I didn't expect that there would be a vision on Nishino at this time. This is indeed a rare opportunity.

Ding Fan trusts Long Ren's words. After all, there are many members in 36 Caves, and opportunities are scattered in various places in Donglai Continent. How can you say that 36 Caves can be regarded as the largest secret organization in Donglai Continent, so Ding Fan believes that it is like Xi Ye? Long Ren will definitely know about the anomaly immediately.

At this time, Ding Fan looked at Long Ren, and said directly involuntarily:
"This is indeed a good opportunity, brother, what are your plans?"

Ding Fan really wanted to hear what Long Ren had to say. Long Ren also said that there would be many dangers in the West Field Vision, so it was not wise for him to wait for others to rush there, so Ding Fan wanted to hear Long Ren's opinion.

Long Ren heard the words and said directly:

"Brother, the West Field Phenomenon is not an ordinary existence this time. Although there may be many treasures that may appear, they are also very dangerous. This time there is an event in the Northern Territory, and there are 36 super-strength people from the Eastern Continent that are needed." Young talents, and must be under the age of 30."

Ding Fan heard the other party's words and couldn't help asking directly:
"It seems that the situation over there has been explored almost."

"That's right, brother, some butterfly monks near Xiye rushed in immediately when they heard the news, but none of them came back alive, but these people found the way for people like us in the future, and they also went in that Xiye Some rules were discovered in the vision, that is, people who can enter the vision of the West Field must be under the age of 30, otherwise they will be directly killed by the vision of the West Field, there is no room for negotiation, this is a bit like the Xuantian Secret Realm. "

Long Ren paused, and then said:

"In the Northern Territory, soon there were many monks with top geniuses who initiated a team to explore the vision of the West Field, and after their final discussion, they believed that the number of teams should not be too large or too small , so they decided to only have 36 people, but these 30 people are considered to be the most outstanding monks under the age of 30 in the entire Eastern Continent. I got their invitation a few days ago and asked me to recommend some people. The first thing I thought of People are your big brother. So let me tell you."

Ding Fan nodded. He knew that Long Ren's words would not lie to him, and Ding Fan knew that this was a big opportunity for him. Naturally, Ding Fan would not easily miss this opportunity. Ding Fan knew that The Vision of the West Field actually has age requirements, so it is conceivable that a large number of strong people will sigh.

But it doesn't matter to Ding Fan, Ding Fan's age can even enter the Xuantian Secret Realm, let alone the vision of the West Field.

Then Ding Fan said directly to Long Ren:

"I won't miss this opportunity."

(End of this chapter)

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