The best playboy

Chapter 1674

Chapter 1674
After all, there are several million, nearly ten million spirit stones. For those soldiers, I am afraid that they have never seen so many spirit stones in their life. They are the most ordinary people in the cultivation world. In order to support their families, they came to Joining the army, being a soldier, they are lucky among ordinary people.

After all, they are still somewhat talented in cultivation, not the worst.In the world of comprehension, most ordinary people can cultivate the cultivation base of the fetal breath period, even if they are not bad, it is also the most common existence.

And these soldiers can cultivate to the Yuanying stage, which is already very good in the eyes of ordinary people.But he is still just an ordinary person, and even some outstanding disciples in the sect can't compare. For ordinary people, being able to enter the sect is a matter of glory.

Even the most ordinary disciples in the sect are extremely talented in cultivation among ordinary people.

Among ordinary people, these soldiers are more than enough than the top, and they have never seen so many spirit stones. What Ding Fan said, their hearts are still very hot. After all, there is a large area on the ground in front of them. Just grabbing a handful of these spiritual stones is enough for them to enjoy the glory and wealth for the rest of their lives.

But they were just itching in their hearts, and they still didn't dare to let them go directly to grab the spirit stones in violation of military regulations.Most of the soldiers are people with families, even those who don’t have families, they have parents, and some even have lived in the Tubo country for generations. If they do that, they know that not only will they have to take huge risks, It will definitely hurt their families too.

Therefore, after Luo Zhong reprimanded, the soldiers immediately became quieter, but their hearts were still very uneasy, and their eyes could not be separated from the sea of ​​spirit stones around Ding Fan...

Luo Zhong looked at the spirit stones around Ding Fan, and was shocked in his heart. He never thought that the other party was just a young man, and he could have so many spirit stones. This is simply unbelievable.With so many spirit stones, he knew that even their Tubo Kingdom might not be able to get them out so easily.

But the other party was just a young man who took it out all of a sudden, how could he not be shocked!

He had to rethink the identity of the other party. At first he thought that the other party was a dude from some big family. He had killed the soldiers of his four squads before, and the two squad leaders were all the three hidden cultivations next to him. The old man's reason, but at this moment, he couldn't see through the young man in front of him.

Even in a powerful family, it is impossible for a junior to carry so many spirit stones on his body. Obviously Luo Zhong thinks that his previous judgment may not be correct, but who is the other party?Luo Zhong thought about it, and looked at the other party standing calmly among so many spirit stones, as if he had no feeling for these spirit stones in his heart, what kind of character could do this.

Although Luo Zhong is a deputy general, his position in the country is actually not that high in the cultivation world.After all, in the cultivation world, the sect is the real power, even the country must rely on the power of the sect, even if it does not need to be attached, it must not be offended.

Therefore, as a deputy general, he is nothing in the eyes of people in the sect.He also knows that there are many things in this cultivation world that he dare not even think about, and there are many things that he has never seen before.Although he has never seen a person who can take out so many spirit stones, let alone someone who treats nearly ten million spirit stones as air, but he knows that there must be such a person in this cultivation world .

It's just that in Luo Zhong's impression, such people are probably the rare strong men in this continent from the east, and they will definitely exist with a lot of age. He couldn't imagine that they would be a young man. Ding Fan frowned more and more, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out who the other party was.

I feel that the other party is just a young man and nothing to pay attention to, but I have never seen such a young man. Judging from the other party's demeanor, the other party does not seem to be an ordinary person, but at such a young age, it is almost like a A paradox.

There was some confusion in Luo's center. At this time, his eyes were always on those spirit stones. He knew that if he got these spirit stones, he would have an earth-shaking change for himself. He knew that this must be his chance. Don't even think about changing him.

Moreover, Luo Zhongzhong is more enthusiastic about these spirit stones than those soldiers. For those soldiers, although these spirit stones are right in front of them, they don't have much ability to get these spirit stones, so they can only use some opportunistic methods. But it's different for Luo Zhong.

Luo Zhong understood that as long as he killed the old men and the weird-looking young man in front of him, the spirit stones in front of him would be put into his pocket, even if he took some out and gave them to the general, he would The benefits are also great, of course he will not hand over all of them, if he can get these spirit stones, he will only hand in a very small part.

However, there are nearly ten million spirit stones, even a very small part is not a small amount, and the rewards for him will still not be much less.

But there is a trace of worry in Luo Zhongzhong, and the biggest worry comes from Ding Fan.Because he couldn't see through the other party, and those three old men, he knew that it didn't seem that simple, but the cultivation base of the other party and others seemed to be only around the Nascent Soul Stage.

In short, the four of Ding Fan all looked weird, which made Luo Zhong feel very uneasy.

At this time, Luo Zhong heard Ding Fan's words, and the other party actually wanted to put forward conditions. If it were some ordinary people, Luo Zhong would naturally ignore them, and directly behead them all, taking away the spirit stones and it's over.But at this time, the other party and these weird-looking people, he didn't know that he was really worried, and he was caught by the other party and others.

Immediately, Luo Zhong couldn't help asking directly:

"Tell me, what are your conditions?"

Luo Zhongzhong calculated that as long as the conditions proposed by the other party were not excessive, if he could get so many spirit stones, it wouldn't matter if he agreed. As for the soldiers of the four teams who were beheaded by the other party before, they were already insignificant in front of these spirit stones. up.

Ding Fan looked at the other party, pointed at the soldiers behind him with his fingers, and said calmly:
"Lend me half of my troops, use half an hour, and these spirit stones will be yours."

After Ding Fan finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, and then continued: "And I won't use those soldiers in vain. All soldiers who come with me will get fifty fast spirit stones as a reward, and it only takes more than half an hour."


As soon as Ding Fan finished speaking, the thousands of soldiers behind Luo Zhong couldn't help becoming restless again. They could hear Ding Fan's words clearly, and the soldiers who went with each other would be rewarded with 50 yuan of spirit stones each. Although the reward of 50 yuan spirit stones per person is not comparable to the nearly ten million spirit stones in this place.

But for those soldiers, it is relatively easy to obtain spirit stones. They know that even if these spirit stones are obtained by the army, they do not have any rights to distribute them, or to get a little bit. Everything depends on the general, but now the 50 Wan's spirit stone is real to them.

So how could they not be excited.

At this time, Luo Zhong heard Ding Fan's words, and he was also very surprised. What surprised him was not that the other side borrowed half of his troops, but that he gave each of the borrowed soldiers 50 yuan of spirit stones as a reward. He knew very well that he There are nearly 5000 soldiers behind him.

For half, there are about [-], and each person is given [-] spirit stones, which is more than [-] spirit stones!

Although these more than [-] spirit stones are not comparable to the nearly tens of millions of spirit stones randomly scattered under the opponent's feet at this time, it is not a small amount, and more than [-] spirit stones, the opponent just so casually If the promise comes out, it can be seen that the other party's financial resources are simply astonishing!
How could Luo Zhongzhong not be shocked, he really couldn't believe that the young man in front of him was so rich, it was unbelievable!

Luo Zhong believes that there is no second young man like this in this world of comprehension. I am afraid that even the richest man in the mainland from the east is nothing more than that... For Luo Zhong, if Ding Fan said this before He would never believe it, but right now there are thousands of spirit stones scattered all over the ground in front of him, like a vast ocean of spirit stones, how could he still question the other party.

But no matter what, Luo Zhongzhong was very cautious about Ding Fan's conditions. You must know that it was half of the troops, not a small number.And this kind of thing is basically impossible in the army. How can a soldier borrow it casually? It would be excusable for other generals in a country, but for an outsider who has never met before, it is simply impossible , is absolutely not allowed.

Luo Zhong's face was serious for a while, and he kept rubbing his fingers back and forth, thinking for a while.He knew that at this time he brought the troops here to come here for an important military mission, and they were stationed here for a day, and they will leave tomorrow to join the large troops.

Then it was time to confront the Dayang Sect head-on. Although this army of mine was only a part of the army, it could not be missed. After all, it was not a small number of troops in the army. At that time, if he lent half of the troops to the young man on the other side, the risk he would take would be too great.

If something goes wrong and this half of the troops cannot come back, he knows that he may not escape the death penalty.

As for the threat of Ding Fan and others, Luo Zhongzhong is not too worried. After all, he is also a monk in the middle of his body. It won't be too hard to conceal, he believes that he can deal with it completely.

It's just that there are some risks, and these risks come from the fact that the other party's details are not clear.That's why Luo Zhong tried to negotiate conditions with Ding Fan. Luo Zhong's subconscious had actually rejected Ding Fan's request, but his selfishness was always reminding him of the tens of thousands of spiritual stones in front of him.

You must know that these tens of millions of spirit stones are the only chance that will not appear again in his life. He knows that if he misses it, he will probably be a general in the Tubo Kingdom in his life, and he may even die. You can't even be a general, you can only be a deputy general who commands some small armies.

Soon, Luo Zhongyi crossed his mind. For the sake of these tens of millions of spirit stones, he was convinced that no matter how big the risk he took, it was worth it!

Then Luo Zhong looked at Ding Fan and asked again:

"What's the use of lending me half of my troops?"

When Ding Fan heard the other party asking such a question, he couldn't help but feel a little happy. He knew that the other party asked such a question, which meant there was something to be said!
(End of this chapter)

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