The best playboy

Chapter 1692 I want to destroy the Wild Wolf Gang!

Chapter 1692 I want to destroy the Wild Wolf Gang!
When Ding Fan opened his arms, Gusu Qingwen and Ye Ningbing threw themselves into Ding Fan's arms in an instant, feeling the warmth in Ding Fan's arms, Ye Ningbing and Gusu Qingwen's tears flowed out instantly.

"Ding Fan, why did you come here? Do you know how worried we are about you?"

Ding Fan listened to the two girls acting like a baby in his arms, and the corner of his mouth curved gently. To be honest, during this time, Ding Fan's longing for them also flooded up like a tide.

"Okay, okay, I'm back!"

Ding Fan patted the shoulders of the two beauties, and there was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth. Since he couldn't meet them for a long time, Ding Fan could only use this method to comfort their wounded hearts.

Not long after, Ye Ningbing and Gusu Qingwen slowly crawled out of Ding Fan's arms, raised their heads, and looked at Ding Fan affectionately, their eyes full of longing.

"Ding Fan, how long are you going to stay here this time?"

Ye Ningbing also looked at Ding Fan with resentment, her eyes full of anticipation, and when Ding Fan was very troubled, Long Ren who was beside him said in a low voice:
"Sister-in-law, brother, he still has a lot of things to do!"

Before Long Ren finished speaking, Ye Ningbing and Gusu Qingwen's flying feet kicked towards him at this moment, and at the same time as the flying feet kicked over, the two people's cold and angry voices were accompanied.

"Long Ren, get out of here! You can get out as far as you want, do you hear me?"

At this moment, Long Ren shrank his head back in fright when he heard the voices of the two people. He covered his mouth and looked at Ye Ningbing and Gusu Qingwen in horror.

Seeing this, Ding Fan smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and pulled Long Ren aside, and then said to Ye Ningbing and Gusu Qingwen:
"Ningbing, Qingwen, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay here for too long this time. This time I'm here because of the Dayang Sect's affairs, but to see how you are doing. Since everyone is safe and sound, Long Ren and I are relieved."

When Ye Ningbing and Gusu Qingwen heard this, they immediately became quiet, staring at Ding Fan angrily, their eyes full of resentment.

But soon the two of them settled down under Ding Fan's unquestionable gaze. They knew that Ding Fan still had a lot of things to do. As a man, he should have such a broad mind. The reason why Ding Fan was chosen.

"Well, since that's the case, we'll let you go, but..."

While speaking, Ye Ningbing waved her small fist twice at Ding Fan and said threateningly:

"If you dare to find some little sister for us outside, you should know the consequences."

When Ye Ningbing finished saying this, she gave Ding Fan a vicious look at his lower body, as if she was saying, if you dare to mess around outside, I will confiscate your crime tools.

At this time, after Ding Fan met Ye Ningbing's eyes, a cold chill surged up from his head in an instant. When he saw Ye Ningbing and Gusu Qingwen who was about to draw a knife, the corners of Ding Fan's mouth also twitched for a while. After arranging his clothes a little, he said to the two very seriously:
"Ningbing, Qingwen, don't worry, I promise not to go out and mess around, it's okay, right?"

Hearing Ding Fan's assurance, the two of them were relieved. They rolled their eyes at Ding Fan fiercely, then turned and walked away. Looking at the two people who had already gone away, Ding Fan couldn't help but show a smile on his face. There was an awkward smile.

"It's weird..."

At this time, Ding Fan looked at the backs of the two people who had already walked away, and shook his head helplessly.

"Brother, what happened to the army at the foot of the mountain?"

At this time, Long Ren looked at Ding Fan who had just gone up the mountain, with a look of doubt on his face. To be honest, Long Ren had doubts about the army's siege of the Dayang Sect this time. After all, the Dayang Sect usually disappeared, and ordinary people simply It is impossible to know the existence of Dayangzong, let alone dispatch a large number of troops to besiege Dayangzong.

At this time, after hearing Long Ren's question, Ding Fan also showed a dignified look on his face. After thinking for a while, Ding Fan said slowly to Long Ren:
"This matter is likely to be related to the members of the Wild Wolf Gang..."

"What!? This matter is related to the members of the Wild Wolf Gang. No wonder... no wonder they know so much about the Dayang Sect."

Ding Fan nodded seriously at this moment, thought for a while, and then briefly introduced to Long Ren all the things that happened to him today.

When he heard that Ding Fan's design caused the entire army to be wiped out by the bandits, Long Ren couldn't help admiring Ding Fan's ingenuity and calculations, and when he heard eight distracted soldiers suddenly popped out from the corner of the army. Long Ren's mood couldn't help but become tense when meeting the elder.

But fortunately, this matter has been perfectly resolved. Now under the Dayang Sect, there is no longer any force that can threaten the Dayang Sect, and the formations arranged around the Dayang Sect have been completely transformed by Ding Fan. Exclusively own own formation.

Thinking of this, Long Ren couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. He knew in his heart the importance of the Ocean Sect to Ding Fan. Ding Fan's several lovers and many people who were very important to Ding Fan lived on it. Not being able to guarantee safety was a fatal weakness for Ding Fan.

"Brother, what do you think we should do when we write it down? The wild wolf gang is always haunted. If we don't get rid of them as soon as possible, things may change!"

Listening to Long Ren's words, Ding Fan's face immediately turned solemn. Long Ren's words were indeed reasonable. This time, the Wild Wolf Gang just bewitched the army to besiege the Dayang Sect. I don't know what they can bring next time. Such an opponent.

This state of being in the dark makes Ding Fan's situation very passive, and now that the position of the Ocean Sect has been exposed, I believe it will not take too long for the next operation of the Wild Wolf Gang to come again.

It has to be said that Ding Fan's thoughts were meticulous, and in just a few minutes, Ding Fan had clearly analyzed the situation he and Dayangzong were in. After pondering for a long time, Ding Fan raised his forehead slightly, and his eyes were burning. Looking at Long Ren, a cold voice spit out from his mouth softly.

"I have a bold idea..."

"Brother, tell me! I, Long Ren, will accompany you no matter what you want to do!"

At this time, Long Ren patted his chest, and then said very seriously to Ding Fan.

Listening to Long Ren's words, Ding Fan was also moved in his heart. He patted Long Ren's shoulder, and then said to Long Ren in a deep voice:

"I want to destroy the Wild Wolf Gang..."

As he spoke, a sharp light appeared in Ding Fan's eyes, and a powerful aura was instantly released from Ding Fan's body.

"That's right, brother. I just see that the wolf cubs of the Wild Wolf Gang are not pleasing to the eye. Now that we are strong and strong, there is no reason to be afraid of them."

Hearing Long Ren's incomparably heroic words, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth curled up in relief, he slapped Long Ren's shoulders hard twice, and then let out an unquestionable voice from his mouth:

"Okay! You really deserve to be my good brother. In this case, the two of us brothers will settle the score with the wild wolves and help these wolf cubs!"

But just when Long Ren and Ding Fan had just agreed on this matter, the brows of the 36 cave elders beside them slowly frowned.

You know, Yongin is the owner of the 36th hole. If he participates in this matter, it will be equivalent to a war between the Wild Wolf Gang and the 36th hole. Although the strength of the 36th hole is extremely strong, the strength of the Wild Wolf Gang is also Unusually strange and powerful, many powerful sects in the past mysteriously disappeared in the cultivation world because they offended the Wild Wolf Gang, and now their own lake master wants to join hands with Ding Fan to destroy the Wild Wolf Gang.

In the eyes of the elders in the 36th hole, this is simply nonsense. Although they are not afraid of the wild wolf gang in the 36th hole, this is obviously a deadly grievance between Ding Fan and the wild wolf gang. I don't want to come in, after all, the strength of the Wild Wolf Gang is not just for fun.

"Lake Lord, take a look at your matter... Let's make a decision after discussing it."

At this time, an elder came gently to Long Ren's side, and then said carefully to Long Ren, his eyes flickered from time to time, it was obvious that this person was shrewd and cunning, and he was perfect as a lobbyist.

Hearing what the visitor said, Long Ren frowned instantly, his eyes widened, and an aura of power without anger was instantly released from his body.

"what do you want to say?"

After this shrewd elder saw Long Ren's appearance, his nerves became tense in an instant. He looked at Long Ren carefully, and then said to Long Ren tremblingly:
"Lake... Lake Lord, we may not get involved in this matter on the 36th hole. The strength of the Wild Wolf Gang is very strong. If you participate, Lake Lord, it will definitely bring a catastrophe to our 36th hole!"

After Long Ren heard the words of this shrewd elder, his brows were furrowed together instantly. After giving the elder a cold look, he said coldly to him:

"If you're afraid, you don't have to come."

While speaking, Long Ren snorted coldly, and turned away from looking at him. From Long Ren's expression, it could be seen that he was really angry at this moment.

At this moment, Ding Fan has heard the content of their words clearly through his powerful spiritual sense. At this time, Ding Fan is watching what happened between Long Ren and that elder, and his eyes are swept across the faces of other elders. expression.

Ding Fan was stunned at this moment, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then pulled Long Ren beside him and said quietly:

"Long Ren, you don't need the help of 36 holes to deal with the Wild Wolf Gang. I can do it myself."

Listening to Ding Fan's words, Long Ren instantly had an anxious look on his face, pulled Ding Fan over and said hastily:
"Brother! How can you have a solution yourself? It's no joke to kill the Wild Wolf Gang. Even if their strength is compared to our 36 holes, I'm afraid they can't do their part."

Just when Long Ren wanted to continue to say something, Ding Fan slowly took Long Ren's hand, and then said to Long Ren without haste:

"Longren, let's forget about these things. You are still the owner of the 36th hole. I may have affected so many of you because of my own selfish desires. I don't think you should use your 36th hole power for this matter!"

Long Ren listened to Ding Fan's words, a shameful expression appeared on his face, and he was deeply blaming himself for not being able to help Ding Fan, but soon, a firm determination flashed in Long Ren's eyes. look.

"Brother, I don't need to use the power of the 36th hole, but I will help you in my own name, you will not refuse, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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