The best playboy

Chapter 1695 Chapter 1800 of the Wild Wolf Gang

Chapter 1695 Chapter [-] of the Wild Wolf Gang
When the thin young man felt the fierce and domineering aura of Ding Fan, the hairs all over his body instantly stood upside down, and the feeling of fear filled the thin man's body all the time.

" dare!"

At this time, the skinny man was already a little scared, but no matter what, he couldn't show his cowardice in front of Ding Fan. Thinking of this, he snorted coldly, staring at Ding Fan, hoping He can scare Ding Fan away with his eyes and aura.

"Hehe, then I'll try!"

As he spoke, the zhenqi in Ding Fan's body poured out continuously, and just when Ding Fan was about to make a move against this skinny and ignorant man in front of him, a familiar feeling suddenly came to Ding Fan's heart.


Ding Fan let out a soft snort, causing many elders around him to gather around one after another, looking at Ding Fan suspiciously, wondering why Ding Fan stopped his movements at this time, to be honest, like The gang of 36 cave elders looked down upon such a small guy like the skinny man.

"Senior Ding, did you find anything?"

At this time, a 36-hole elder looked at Ding Fan and asked uncertainly. While speaking, his eyes were still fixed on the thin man in front of him, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see anything abnormal in the thin man. It's nothing more than a little whiter than the average person's complexion.

"I felt a familiar wave in his body..."

At this time, Ding Fan also shook his head slightly, this feeling was very familiar, but Ding Fan couldn't tell what gave him the feeling for a while.

Just when Ding Fan was puzzled by himself, the divine energy in Ding Fan's body trembled slightly. After a short time, the divine energy in Ding Fan's body actually produced a certain force in the man in front of him. echo.

"He turned out to be a priest!?"

At this time Ding Fan exclaimed, his eyes were full of unbelievable expressions, gods are very rare in this cultivation world, not to mention that there are no gods in sects like 36 Caves, even the entire cultivation world In the world, priests are very rare.

At this time, a priest appeared in front of him, and most importantly, the cultivation of this priest was so weak, this is simply a fantasy.

"Senior Ding, what are you talking about? What is a god?"

At this time, all the elders on the side looked at Ding Fan curiously, as if they heard something incredible from Ding Fan's mouth.

"Oh, nothing..."

Ding Fan quickly waved his hand at this time, it is better to say less about the gods, after all, this is beyond the acceptable range, so changing the subject slightly, Ding Fan's eyes are fixed on the front Ding Fan knew that wherever the gods appeared, something important would happen.

"who are you?"

Ding Fan looked at the thin young man in front of him, his eyes were full of sharp and dangerous light, and his hands were running with real energy. In case anything happened, Ding Fan was very capable of dealing with these things.

"You don't care who I am! I'll tell you brat, what happened today has nothing to do with you, get the hell out of here!"

The skinny man, the divine priest that Ding Fan was talking about just now, heard it clearly. At this time, the skinny man's eyes flickered slightly, and he said to Ding Fan in a panic.

"Hehe, since I have encountered today's matter, then I have to take care of it, not to mention, there seems to be something between us that we haven't discussed clearly."

After finishing speaking, Ding Fan didn't hesitate anymore, a huge ray of light shot out from Ding Fan's palm instantly, and after Ding Fan shot out the fire light, the whole world seemed to be instantly ignited As usual, the deadly high temperature filled the world, and even the elders who were masters of the distraction period couldn't help feeling a burst of dry mouth and tongue at this moment.

"Senior Ding's strength is really extraordinary. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to catch this palm. The opponent is just a rat. I think Senior Ding has made a big deal out of a molehill."

"I don't think so. To treat one's enemy is to use one's most powerful means. Even if the opponent is only a weak person, but he has touched the bottom line of Senior Ding, I think it is understandable for Senior Ding to do so."

Just as the elders were talking to each other, facing Ding Fan's flaming palm head-on at this time, his heart was instantly filled with panic, and a hesitant look flashed across his face. He became slightly ruthless, and his body was thin. In an instant, a force different from true energy surged out.

"My God, what kind of power is this? It's so powerful. According to my perception, this power far exceeds the strength of true energy."

"This kid is really weird. No wonder Senior Ding used such a powerful move to deal with this kid. It seems that Senior Ding has already seen that this kid is abnormal."

While all the elders were amazed, the corners of Ding Fan's mouth curled up slightly at this moment.

"Sure enough, Shen Yili..."

At this time, the thin young man exerted all his strength to offset all the fire palms released by Ding Fan.

At this time, the thin young man stared at Ding Fan with a pair of eyes, and his eyes were full of vigilance. To be honest, through the fight just now, the thin young man knew that he was not Ding Fan's opponent at all. He was energetic, but the gap in strength between himself and Ding Fan was too great, and Ding Fan gave him the feeling that he still had reservations.

"Okay! You dare to attack me. Let me tell you, I am a priest. What can you do to me? I admit that I can't beat you, but do you know who the sect behind me is!?"

Hearing the words of this thin man, Ding Fan couldn't help laughing in his heart. The other party has obviously fallen into a passive situation, why is he still stubbornly resisting here at this moment? At the same time, Ding Fan became slightly interested in the sect behind this boy.

"Oh? Then tell me, why is the sect behind you so sacred?"

When the thin young man mentioned his sect, he couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face. After looking at Ding Fan provocatively, he said to Ding Fan with his head held high:

"Listen to me, the sect behind me is the famous Wild Wolf Gang. I don't need to say more about the strength of the Wild Wolf Gang? How about it! Be afraid! If you are afraid, kneel down now, Call me ancestor and I can forget the past!"

Hearing this, Ding Fan was shocked for a moment. He never expected that there would be news from the Wild Wolf Gang that he was looking for so hard, let alone that the thin young man standing in front of him at this moment was actually a member of the Wild Wolf Gang.

At this time, Ding Fan's mouth had a trace of evil charm, and he put on a terrified look on his face and said to the thin young man:
"My God, it's really scary that you are a member of the famous Wild Wolf Gang, but..."

The thin young man didn't notice the smile in Ding Fan's eyes at all, he straightened his head, and then said to Ding Fan very proudly:
"Hahaha, are you scared? I knew that in the world of comprehension, there is no one who doesn't know the name of the Wild Wolf Gang. Kid, get down on your knees and call me ancestor."

At this time, many elders standing beside Ding Fan looked at the arrogance of this emaciated young man, and there was an imperceptible smile in their eyes. To be honest, their purpose this time was to track down the whereabouts of the Wild Wolf Gang. Thinking of this kid bumping himself up, and daring to act presumptuously in front of the lake owner's elder brother, he really doesn't know what to do.

"However, we seem to have some personal grievances with the Wild Wolf Gang that have not been resolved... I wonder if you can bring us to the Wild Wolf Gang, so that we can clear up some misunderstandings with your gang."

At this moment, a look of embarrassment flashed across Ding Fan's face, he rubbed his hands together, as if he was really troubled by something.

"This can't be done! Is anyone in the Wild Wolf Gang who wants to join? It's a joke, you quickly kneel down to me, and the matter between the two of us is over, otherwise, I will definitely gather everyone in the Wild Wolf Gang , took your dog's life!"

At this time, when the thin man heard that Ding Fan was going to join the Wild Wolf Gang, his whole spirit changed instantly. He looked at Ding Fan very vigilantly, and then said to Ding Fan impatiently.

"Oh, you can't take us to the Wild Wolf Gang..."

At this moment, Ding Fan's tone froze slightly, and then he suddenly raised his head, with a hideous look in his eyes.

"Since we can't cooperate well, then we have to force you to lead us the way!"

As he spoke, the finger art in Ding Fan's hand began to change. It took almost a few breaths for a heaven-shattering magic circle to form.

At this moment, all the elders raised their eyes, and their eyes were instantly filled with horror. You must know that even a master who is proficient in the way of formation can do this to arrange such a huge formation.

"Oh my God, Senior Ding is like a god-man. After a few breaths, a huge formation of such a scale was laid out. This is simply a masterpiece!"

"This is really amazing, how did Senior Ding do it?"

Just when everyone was extremely surprised, an elder who had been following Ding Fan before discovered that the giant formation Ding Fan had set up at this moment turned out to be the prohibition formation on Dayangzong Mountain that prevented them from going up the mountain. But later, under Ding Fan's astonishing means, it was transformed into a more comprehensive formation.

"What's going on? We saw this magic circle at the foot of Dayangzong's mountain before. Could it be that Mr. Ding carried it along with him? Isn't that impossible?"

"That's right, it's impossible for Ding Fan to dismantle the formation of the Dayang Sect. This is simply a fantasy!"

Just when the elders were shocked, the skinny young man also had a frightened look on his face. He suddenly found himself surrounded by a huge formation. When he wanted to escape outside again, it was too late. It was too late, and the entire formation had already started to move slowly.

"What the hell is this place, let us out!"

At this time, the thin young man was threatening with panic on his face and said to Ding Fan.

At this time, Ding Fan turned a deaf ear to the thin young man's words. Since the other party said that he was a member of the Wild Wolf Gang, Ding Fan couldn't easily let him escape.

While speaking, the formation in the entire formation began to work, and one after another runes began to leap and change in the sky. Almost in an instant, a huge sharp ax appeared in the sky, After the sharp ax appeared, it began to slash down on the thin young man and the group of shirtless men.

As the giant ax slashed down, almost at the same time, a deep ravine was left on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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