The best playboy

Chapter 1697 Chapter 1802 Tianyin Mountain Range

Chapter 1697 Chapter [-] Tianyin Mountain Range
Ding Fan heard from Cheng Xu's words at this moment, it seems that there is some kind of method in this wild wolf gang that can cultivate divine power. When he heard this, the hairs all over Ding Fan couldn't help standing on end, you know However, this divine power can only be cultivated by being a priest.

Why does the wild wolf gang also have a method of cultivating supernatural power? When thinking of this, an astonishing idea emerged in Ding Fan's mind, but at this time Ding Fan's most important thing is to understand this wild wolf first The members of the gang are already in the position of the sect of the Wild Wolf Gang.

"So that's the case. So, do some members of the Wild Wolf Gang, including the gang leader, have this kind of supernatural power?"

Ding Fan narrowed his eyes fiercely, staring at Cheng Xu in front of him and said slowly.

At this time, after hearing Ding Fan's question, Cheng Xu nodded fiercely, and then said very seriously to Ding Fan:
"That's right, senior, apart from the leader of our wild wolf gang, that is, the cultivation method of the power of the twelve elders, it seems to be the divine power you are talking about."

After Ding Fan listened, he nodded slowly, then turned around and looked at the many 36-hole elders around him, and let out a soft voice from Ding Fan's mouth:
"Elders, now we have this Cheng Xu in our hands, and we know the position of the Wild Wolf Gang at this moment, so I decided to contact Long Ren first, discuss it before making the next decision. "

At this time, the many elders standing beside Ding Fan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Ding Fan's words. To be honest, they were really afraid that Ding Fan would rush into the Wild Wolf Gang rashly. Otherwise, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Wild Wolf Gang. The twelve distracted elders in the Wild Wolf Gang are probably enough for Ding Fan and the others to deal with for a while.

"Senior Ding, we listen to you in everything. You are the eldest brother of the lake lord, and your orders are the orders of the lake lord."

Everyone clasped their fists slightly at Ding Fan, and then said respectfully, along the way, everyone admired Ding Fanna to the extreme. Although this big brother of the Lake Lord is not very old, he is low-key, decisive, and still There are so many hidden secrets.

If they were only respectful to Ding Fan before, then they admired him from the bottom of their hearts at this moment. The means and intelligence displayed by this young man were also enough to make them admire in their hearts.

"Okay! Then I, Ding Fan, thanked everyone first. Now we will divide into two groups. The first route will find Long Ren to report the situation on our side. The second route will follow me to the vicinity of the Wild Wolf Gang to inquire about the situation. "

After listening to Ding Fan's words, all the elders frowned tightly. It is not dangerous to report the news to Long Ren, after all, they are all elders of the 36th hole, masters of the distraction stage , it is impossible to encounter any danger along the way.

But going to the vicinity of the Wild Wolf Gang to find out the news is a momentary knot in the hearts of the elders. After all, what Cheng Xu said just now, the strength of the Wild Wolf Gang is simply beyond everyone's imagination. If they go to the Wild Wolf Gang alone Nearby, the danger in it does not know how dangerous it is.

"Senior Ding! I'll go with you. No matter what, Senior Ding has taken good care of us along the way, and Senior Ding's means and mind are the best choices. I trust Senior Ding!"

As he spoke, an elder came out slowly, looking at Ding Fan with eyes filled with admiration and trust.

This elder was one of the three elders who had been with Ding Fan all the time. Since they had been with Ding Fan for the longest time, they knew Ding Fan better.

After such a long time of contact, they knew that Ding Fan never fought uncertain battles. Since Ding Fan had already decided to go to the vicinity of the Wild Wolf Gang to find out information, he must have made a certain decision in his heart.

Out of trust in Ding Fan, the elder stepped out slowly. After the elder stepped out, the surrounding elders looked at each other, and then took a step forward.

"Senior Ding, I would also like to follow you to the Wild Wolf Gang to find out!"

Looking at the performance of everyone at this time, Ding Fan felt relieved for a while. To be honest, he knew what everyone was afraid of, but there was no way. If he wanted to win, sometimes he had to put in some effort.

At this time, Ding Fan pondered for a while, and then slowly said to the crowd:

"Everyone, Ding Fan appreciates everyone's kindness, but there must be someone from Longren's side to inform that Longren and I must unite together, so that the Wild Wolf Gang can be completely wiped out."

After listening to Ding Fan's words, all the elders fell silent for an instant. To be honest, anyone can do the job of spreading news. They all want to stay by Ding Fan's side and see a different sky.

Seeing that no one spoke at the moment, Ding Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, pointed at the oldest elder, and said with an extremely respectful expression:
"Elder She, I think you should help us deliver the news this time!"

At this time, the Elder She who was named by Ding Fan also frowned, and then said to Ding Fan very reluctantly:

"Senior Ding, why do you want me to go to the old man? With so many elders standing here, could it be that senior Ding bullied the old man because I am too old?"

After listening to Elder She's words, Ding Fan also had a gentle smile on his face. After the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, Ding Fan said slowly to Elder She:

"Elder She, this is because you think too much. Elder She is the oldest person in our group. How can I, Ding Fan, not know?"

"However, among the elders present, only Elder She is the most prudent, and I am most at ease in handling things. I am afraid that if others talk about this matter, they may misinterpret my meaning."

At this moment, after Elder She heard Ding Fan's words, a smug smile appeared on his face. To be honest, Ding Fan had a very good grasp of Elder She's character, and he knew that if he said that because the other party was old, The other party would definitely be furious, but Ding Fan praised the other party from the side, which made Elder She feel very comfortable, and this matter became very simple.

"Hahaha, I love to hear Senior Ding's words, and it's also about this matter. If my old She is not involved, I really don't feel at ease if someone else goes. If this is the case, let me deliver this news!"

As he spoke, Elder She's face was instantly covered with a smile, all the creases on his face were almost gathered together, he slightly straightened his chest, and then walked away triumphantly into the distance.

Ding Fan looked at Elder She who was drifting away, the corner of his mouth curled up, his body paused slightly, and then he turned to look at the many 36-hole elders standing beside him.

"Elders, now that Elder She has returned to pass on the news, would you like to go to the Wild Wolf Gang with me to find out?"

After the elders heard Ding Fan's words, they clasped their fists slightly, and said to Ding Fan very respectfully:
"I'm waiting to go!"

After Ding Fan nodded in satisfaction, his eyes narrowed into crescents in an instant, and he turned his head to look at Cheng Xu who was beside him, with a weird smile on his lips.

"Let's go! Take us to see the style of the Wild Wolf Gang. The Wild Wolf Gang and I are also old friends who haven't seen for a long time..."

As he spoke, Ding Fan grabbed Cheng Xu's feet and began to move quickly, while the little girl who was chased by Cheng Xu just now was looking at the direction Ding Fan and the others were walking away with admiration.

Tianyin Mountain is a very hidden mountain range in the world of comprehension. There are many powerful and strange Yuan beasts living in this mountain range. A monk once said that he saw a powerful Yuan beast with four heads and eight claws in Tianyin Mountain. beast.

At this moment, Ding Fan and the others were standing in the Tianyin Mountains, looking at the majestic and broad green mountains in front of them, Ding Fan felt a sense of yearning in his heart.

I don't know why, but there seems to be some mysterious force in this lush mountain range that is attracting Ding Fan, making Ding Fan and others unconsciously want to enter the mysterious mountain range in front of them to find out.

"Wild Wolf Gang is near here?"

At this time, Ding Fan looked at Cheng Xu in his hand and asked suspiciously. To be honest, Ding Fan really could not have imagined that the prestigious Wild Wolf Gang would establish their sect in this deep mountain. Yin Mountain is not an ordinary mountain range. Once upon a time, Tianyin Mountain was known as the grave of cultivators outside.

It can be seen that the Tianyin Mountain is full of dangers. At this time, Ding Fan's eyes are like frost, staring at the distant mountains, and the powerful spiritual sense can only detect the distance of about ten meters nearby, and a little further. , relying on Ding Fan's super spiritual sense, he didn't even gain anything at all.

"Senior Ding, there are strange things in this mountain range."

At this time, the elders standing beside Ding Fan looked at Ding Fan with serious expressions in their eyes. To be honest, all the people present were monks with powerful cultivation bases and many means, but just now they released their spirits. When they were soldiers, they found that they couldn't detect too far away.

At this time, Ding Fan's brows were also congealed. For some reason, in the Tianyin Mountains, there was always a bad premonition flooding Ding Fan's heart, which made Ding Fan's mood very irritable at this moment.

"Everyone, be careful. This place is getting closer and closer to the Wild Wolf Gang. Before Longren and the others arrive with a large army, everyone should act carefully and avoid unnecessary troubles as much as possible!"

The elders nodded slowly after listening to Ding Fan's words. To be honest, when they entered the Tianyin Mountain Range just now, all the elders became nervous. After all, they were already extremely close to the wild wolf. In the hinterland of the gang, if you let your guard down at this time, you really don't know how to die.

"Cheng Xu, tell me, how should Xiang join the Wild Wolf Gang?"

After Cheng Xu heard Ding Fan's words, the corners of Cheng Xu's mouth twitched for a while. To be honest, in fact, bringing Ding Fan and the others to the Wild Wolf Gang was something he was very unwilling to do, not to say how much Cheng Xu loved Zong However, once the members of the Wild Wolf Gang know about it, his fate will be very miserable.

At that time, even if Ding Fan won't ask for his nickname, all the elders and disciples in the Wild Wolf Gang will desperately kill him.

Thinking of this, Cheng Xu looked straight at Ding Fan with a pair of eyes, but at this moment Cheng Xu just didn't speak, as if he was dumb.

"What are you doing? Cheng Xu, I'm talking to you? Are you pretending not to hear me? Let me tell you, don't force me to do it."

As he spoke, Ding Fan couldn't help but increase the strength in his hands, and for a while, he pinched Cheng Xu's bones.

"Don't...don't, I was wrong, I just told you, but when you get to the place, you must release me!"

(End of this chapter)

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