The best playboy

Chapter 1708 Medicine Peak

Chapter 1708 Medicine Peak
At this moment, Ding Fan's eyes flashed a look of curiosity in the direction of Zhang Heng's finger. To be honest, Ding Fan is also a ninth-rank alchemy master. It's all a piece of cake. At this moment, Ding Fan looked at the mountain peak shrouded in clouds and mist in the distance, and there was a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Is it covered by the fragrance of medicine?"

At this time, Ding Fan's surprised voice came out of his mouth. He never expected that there would be such a treasure land in this wild wolf gang. After Ding Fan's observation, there are at least tens of thousands of stones stored on this mountain. The pill, and the level of the pill is very high every moment.

Only in this way can such a dense cloud of medicine be formed around a mountain peak.

At this time, Zhang Heng saw Ding Fan's surprised look, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled. To be honest, he had lived in this wild wolf gang for decades, but he had never felt that there was anything on this mountain before. It's the same, but there are a few clouds.

At this time, Ding Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, licked his lips lightly, then looked excitedly at Zhang Heng and asked:

"Have you ever gone up this mountain?"

Zhang Heng looked at Ding Fan suspiciously, then nodded numbly and said:
"Senior, I have climbed this mountain peak unintentionally, but there are only some exotic flowers and plants planted on this mountain peak, nothing else."

Hearing Zhang Heng's words, Ding Fan couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, cursing stupidity in his heart, to know that such a spectacle can be formed on this mountain, there must be some kind of treasure on this mountain.

It may be the energy released by a huge amount of elixir, or it may be an earth-shattering elixir, or even this mountain is a place of blessing.

However, based on Ding Fan's understanding of the Wild Wolf Gang, there must be a large amount of high-quality pills stored on this mountain. When he thought of this, Ding Fan couldn't help but get excited.

Although Ding Fan is also a ninth-rank pharmacist, wouldn't it be a good thing to be able to obtain such a huge amount of elixir all at once, not to mention that elixir is a rare thing in the world of comprehension.

Many cultivators would be beaten to death for a pill, and as a pharmacist, Ding Fan knew the value of the pill.

At this moment, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth twitched slightly, then he looked at Zhang Heng with burning eyes and said:

"Are you interested in playing big?"

Looking at Ding Fan's eyes, Zhang Heng felt a bad premonition in his body. However, Zhang Heng couldn't stand the drive of profit, and at this moment, a greedy arc was drawn at the corner of Zhang Heng's mouth.

At this time, in a dark corner of a magnificent palace, a middle-aged man in a black robe was sitting in the center of the palace. Around the person, there were exactly twelve gray-haired old men.

"Sect Leader, after we discovered the remnants of the Ocean Sect this time, we unexpectedly discovered that the current Sect Leader of the Ocean Sect is that brat Ding Fan."

At this time, the middle-aged man in black robe sat on the icy golden throne, let out a cold snort, and that metallic sound came out of his mouth.

"Ding Fan? Is that the kid who escaped from us?"

At this time, an old man with a stooped figure stood up slowly, with a sinister look emanating from his cloudy eyes, he looked at the middle-aged man sitting on the top of the hall and gave a strange smile, with a sinister look said:

"Jie Jie... That brat Ding Fan is not what he used to be now, let's not mention his strength now, this kid recently got mixed up with Long Ren, the lake owner of the 36th hole, and Long Ren even took care of that brat Ding Fan." It’s a joke that the boy is called Big Brother.”

At this time, the middle-aged man sitting on the top of the hall listened to the words of the rickety old man, and gave a light sigh, then looked at the surrounding old men and said quietly:
"Longren, the lake master of the 36th hole? That kid's strength is extraordinary! I really didn't expect that this Ding Fan is not simple."

At this time, the twelve old men sitting around nodded slowly when they heard the middle-aged man's words, and then everyone stood up one after another, clasped their fists at the middle-aged man and said:
"Master, I think that this son of Ding Fan is really extraordinary. We can't give him time to discover it. In just a few years, this son has developed to this level, but his personal strength is probably enough. Compete with masters in the distraction stage."

At this time, the middle-aged man also stood up slowly. After he stood up, the whole hall seemed to be brighter, and an extremely sharp voice suddenly resounded in the empty hall.

"Hmph, I never expected that the fish that slipped through the net at that time has become a big deal today, but did he think that after climbing the 36th hole, he would be able to help my wild wolf? Naive!"

At this time, the senior elders who were in the first place listened to the middle-aged man's words, cupped their hands slightly, and said to the middle-aged man very respectfully:
"What the leader said is very true, but these 36 holes are not easy, and the cultivation of the lake leader Longren is even bottomless. If we don't deal with it as soon as possible, we may become a serious disaster!"

At this time, the elders in the entire hall immediately became quiet after hearing these words. To be honest, everyone knows that the strength of the 36th hole is tyrannical. I'm afraid it took some effort.

"Hahaha, it's a joke, it's just a bunch of rubbish, don't take it to heart, elders, is there anyone who is willing to arrest that boy Ding Fan?"

At this time, the middle-aged man standing in front of him laughed loudly, his eyes were full of domineering, he glanced at the elders below, and then asked them quietly.

At this time, the old men sitting below were all speechless after listening to the middle-aged man's words. Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and their eyes were full of fear.

"Elder Wang, I think you are the most suitable for arresting Ding Fan. You, Elder Wang, have profound cultivation and superb skills. Isn't it easy to capture a kid?"

"Fart! Wouldn't it be better for you to go to such a beautiful thing? That Ding Fan is just a kid, I think it's most suitable for you, Elder Qian, to take the lead."

"Wang He! Don't push this kind of thing on me! Let me tell you, this matter is all yours!"

At this moment, all the elders around were evasive one by one, and no one dared to say this easily. After all, Ding Fan is no longer what he used to be. Among the many 36-hole elders, who can guarantee that Ding Fan will be caught.

At that time, if you don't put yourself in it, it will be regarded as burning incense. At this time, the middle-aged man standing on the temple saw this, and his brows could not help but frowned fiercely. The confusion subsided.

"Shut up! It's just a little Ding Fan, you're just pushing back and forth here, what use is it for me, the Wild Wolf Gang, to have you elders!"

At this time, after all the elders listened to the words of the gang leader, the whole hall became quiet for an instant, and a look of fear flashed in one of their eyes.

"Guild Master, it's not that we don't want to wait, but that Ding Fan's current strength is strong, and there are 36 elders around to protect him. We really can't do anything!"

"It's the gang leader. You know our strength. It's no different from those old guys in the 36th hole. With such strength, you think we can arrest Ding Fan?"

At this time, the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang listened to the words of the elders, and his brows could not help but furrowed fiercely. After a short time, a furious voice came out of his mouth instantly.

"Hmph! I really underestimated this Ding Fan. Anyone who dares to oppose our Wild Wolf Gang will die! Ding Fan is no exception! Starting today, I will announce that Ding Fan is the number one enemy of our Wild Wolf Gang , Whoever can hand over the head of Ding Fan to me will be rewarded with great rewards!"

At this time, the elders standing under the main hall listened to the words of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, and there was a look of excitement in the eyes of each of them. You must know that the rewards of the leader have never been universal. After each of them took a elixir, their realm loosened a little.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. At this time, the eyes of all the elders burst into flames of desire. It didn't take long. After the elders looked at each other, they clasped their fists at the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang and said:
"I am willing to share the worries and solve the problems for the gang leader. Now that my wild wolf gang has something to do, I will naturally do my best and die!"

After speaking, they gave a deep salute to the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang.

At this time, after the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang listened to everyone's voices, a cold arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Just when everyone in the Wild Wolf Gang was planning how to capture Ding Fan, Ding Fan was leading Zhang Heng to the foot of the medicine peak. Looking at the cloud of medicine fragrance above the mountain peak, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth also crossed A hint of excitement.

"This Yaofeng is really a place where people can kill people and seize treasures!"

Ding Fan looked at the wonderful scene in front of him, a smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and said with a sigh. At this time, after Zhang Heng heard Ding Fan's voice, his body couldn't help but tremble twice. You must know that this medicine peak is wild. For the forbidden area of ​​the wolf gang, there must be powerful guardians on the mountain.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng looked at Ding Fan carefully, seeing the indifference and confidence on Ding Fan's face, the fear in Zhang Heng's heart could not help but reduce a bit.

"Senior, now that we have reached the peak of medicine, what should we do now?"

At this time, Ding Fan didn't seem to hear Zhang Heng's words, his eyes looked deeply at the mountain peak, and Ding Fan's spiritual consciousness was released at once, covering the mountain peak in a few minutes.

"Sure enough..."

At this time, Ding Fan's mouth curled up into a sneer, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"Ex...Senior, did you find something?"

Ding Fan nodded slowly, then said quietly to Zhang Heng:
"Above this medicine peak, there are no treasures at all on the surface."

After hearing Ding Fan's sudden words, Zhang Heng was stunned for an instant. After looking at Ding Fan suspiciously, he asked Ding Fan suspiciously:
"Senior, are you saying that there are no treasures on this medicine peak? But didn't you just say that? Only places where heaven, material and earth treasures gather can produce such a phenomenon."

After Ding Fan glanced at Zhang Heng, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he said quietly to Zhang Heng:

"Those are appearances, the real treasure is here!"

While talking, Ding Fan pointed at the feet of the two of them. At this time, Zhang Heng looked at Ding Fan in horror and said suspiciously:

"Senior, do you mean that the treasure of our wild wolf gang is under the feet of the two of us?"

(End of this chapter)

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