The best playboy

Chapter 1710

Chapter 1710
After the captain in black flashed into the tunnel, Ding Fan's eyes began to close slowly. To be honest, it was useless for Ding Fan to observe the surrounding environment now. With the spiritual imprint on his body, he could see everything that the captain in black saw.

At this moment, the captain in black entered the tunnel, and the entire tunnel became pitch black, but at this moment he took out something from his clothes, almost instantly, the entire tunnel became brightly lit, like Daytime is normal.

At this moment, Ding Fan discovered through his spiritual consciousness that after entering the tunnel, the black-clothed captain did not rush on his way, but stopped in place, muttering something in his mouth.

Just when Ding Fan was extremely puzzled, the eyes of the captain in black suddenly opened, and a red light flashed out from the eyes of the captain in black for a moment. However, what appeared in front of Ding Fan at this moment turned out to be a large formation.

This large formation is composed of many runes that Ding Fan can't understand, and each rune seems to be an ancient language that Ding Fan has seen in the secular world. At this time, the captain in black slowly pinched out a Dao said strangely, and after a short time, the blood-red formation started to move bit by bit.

"This wild wolf gang is really calculating!"

At this time, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth drew a icy arc, and at the same time, Ding Fan began to secretly rejoice in his heart. If Ding Fan had just walked into this big formation, it is really uncertain what would happen next.

Ding Fan also has a lot of research on formations. Looking at the formation that appeared in his head at this time, Ding Fan knew that this formation was beyond imagination, even stronger than the formations he could display. Laws are several times stronger.

However, the captain in black did not stop his movements at this moment, and his whole body twisted irregularly at this moment, and as the captain in black twisted his body, the changing formation in front of him gradually has changed.

Arms suddenly appeared in the entire formation, and with the appearance of these arms, they slowly pushed up the tunnel.

"what's going on?"

At this time, Ding Fan was also shocked. To be honest, Ding Fan had never seen such a situation before, but fortunately, Ding Fan was still calm and didn't cry out in surprise. All his energy was concentrated in the formation .

When the captain in black saw the many arms appearing, his spirit seemed to be excited. At this moment, the arms began to push towards the soil layer in the tunnel, and as the arms pushed, there seemed to be a side The huge wall was pushed away violently.

When Ding Fan saw this, he was shocked beyond words. To be honest, even with Ding Fan's wisdom, it was hard for him to think that there is still a hidden space in this underground.

At this moment, a huge stone gate was pushed open by the big hand in the formation. The black-clothed captain saw this scene, a smile flickered on the corner of his mouth, and then his figure flashed, and he dodged into the space behind the stone gate.

Ding Fan's spirit possessed the man in black, so no matter where the man in black went at the moment, Ding Fan could observe clearly through his spiritual sense. After a short time, Ding Fan found that he was into another space.

At this time, behind the stone gate, there is another space. Outside the entire stone gate, there are bursts of light shining, and what appears in front of the captain in black is a tower with a height of three floors. There is a faint medicinal fragrance in it.

And above the tower on the third floor, Ding Fan could clearly feel the strong vitality. At this moment, after the captain in black looked around, he walked slowly to the front of the tower with seven-star steps. There are countless pills and spiritual materials inside, and a greedy look flashed in the eyes of the captain in black.

"Hey, every time I come here, the boss will let me get some benefits, this time let me see, what should I pick?"

The big man in black laughed twice, then kicked open the door of the tower building, and walked in with one step. Looking at the countless medicinal herbs inside, the big man in black began to frantically choose.

"This Spirit Aperture Pill is not bad. It is an extremely rare pill in the world of comprehension. If you take one, it cannot be discovered by the gang leader."

"And this time Qi Pill, get a few more, and you can use it in battles with others in the future..."

Through Ding Fan's discovery, the black-clothed captain is still a money-grubbing guy. From the moment he came in, the black-clothed captain picked and picked several herbs and elixir that he was interested in, and only then went to find the wild wolf contentedly. Help the boss to give him the task.

After about half a stick of incense, the captain in black slowly came out of the tunnel. At this time, Ding Fan had already learned the captain in black's way of entering and exiting.

As for what the captain in black did later, these were not within the scope of Ding Fan's attention.

Looking at the black-clothed captain who had already stepped out, a smile slowly crossed the corner of Ding Fan's mouth, and quietly stretched his body, Ding Fan turned his spiritual sense to investigate Zhang Heng's situation .

At this moment, Zhang Heng was crouching on top of the big tree with a face full of despair, looking at the man in black walking back and forth under the big tree, Zhang Heng felt extremely nervous.

At this moment, Zhang Hengsheng was afraid that his whereabouts would be discovered by others, and he was even more afraid that his plan with Ding Fan would fail this time. You must know that this time Zhang Heng wanted to hold Ding Fan's thigh and escape from the Wild Wolf Gang. He knew that he could no longer survive in the Wild Wolf Gang, and if he didn't take advantage of this to make a fortune, it would be a great loss.

"Fifth, tell me, what has our captain been doing for so long?"

At this time, a strong man with a beard said to another thin young man.

But at this time, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the thin and small young man. After pondering for a while, he said angrily to the bearded man in black:

"What else can you do? You don't know where this is, do you?"

After the bearded man touched his chin twice, he also showed a dazed look on his face. He glanced at the thin young man in surprise, and then said to him:
"You mean... the captain went to fetch the treasure by himself?"

Hearing the voice of the bearded man, the thin young man stared at him suddenly, and then said to him very seriously:
"Third brother, don't talk nonsense, if you talk about this kind of thing, it will kill you, but..."

While talking, the skinny young man especially gave a look you know to the strong man with the beard. At this time, the bearded man instantly understood, and then a look of displeasure appeared on his face.

"Old Five, you said that the captain didn't take us with us for such a thing. This is simply too much, and he took all the benefits by himself!"

The bearded man is a straightforward person, and he has to speak out when he feels uncomfortable. At this time, the thin and shrewd young man's aura has become gloomy. He took a deep look at the bearded man, and then put him Pulled aside, said in a low voice:
"You should keep your voice down, whoever called him the captain, who called him the confidant of our gang leader, what's the use of disobedience at this time, can a small arm twist a thigh?"

After the bearded man heard the words of the thin young man, the flames on his whole body were annihilated in an instant, and he looked at the thin young man helplessly and said:

"Then fifth, do you think there is nothing we can do? Our brothers finally came here, but we didn't get any benefits. This is really a loss!"

At this time, Ding Fan, who was crouching on the big tree, heard the conversation between the two people clearly. After a short time, a bold idea flashed in Ding Fan's mind.

Ding Fan had just seen clearly what the black-clothed captain got in the tunnel through his own gods. At this time, all these things should be placed on the black-clothed captain. As long as Ding Fan makes use of the surrounding black The man in black threatened the captain in black.

At that time, it will not be easy for Ding Fan to want the treasure in this tunnel. Thinking of this, a strange smile crossed the corner of Ding Fan's mouth.

At this time, the two men in black were still complaining to each other, and the resentment towards the captain in black had reached the extreme in their hearts. Just when the two of them were secretly planning how to get some benefits from the captain in black, at this moment A young man in a white robe came slowly.


At this time, the faces of the two men in black were instantly filled with panic. You must know that no one else is allowed to know about the two people's conspiracy just now, not to mention that the place where they are now is the forbidden area of ​​the Wild Wolf Gang. The members of the Wild Wolf Gang who appeared here are the elders of the gang, who are the gang leaders.

At this time, the white-robed boy appeared here, and he already revealed an unusual smell.

"Hehe, I don't know what you two are talking about, can you bring me one?"

The quiet voice of the young man in white robes slowly reached the ears of the two. At this time, the two disciples of the Wild Wolf Gang looked at each other, a murderous look flashed in their eyes, and then raised their hands in a very tacit understanding. The steel knife in his hand slashed at the white-robed boy without saying a word.

Seeing this, the white-robed youth twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and a faint voice came out of his mouth again:

"I wonder if the two of you are discussing how to threaten the captain in black?"

At this time, when the two men in black heard the words of the white-robed boy, they were shocked. You must know that this was a matter discussed by the two of them just now, how could the white-robed boy know.

Thinking of this, the bearded man glared fiercely at the white-robed boy, his tone full of murderous intent:
"Brat, you know a lot, but since you know so much, you must not be killed today."

As he spoke, the big man with the beard wanted to stab the young man in white robe, but when the bearded man raised the steel knife in his hand, the thin young man at the side stopped him, and looked at the young man in white robe with doubtful eyes Quietly asked:
"Brother, may I ask why you are looking for the two of us?"

The young man in white robe took a deep look at the thin man, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said quietly to the thin man:
"I came here just to advise the two of you. Your methods are extremely stupid. If you dare to threaten the captain in black, your lives will be lost."

When the cheeky man heard this, his whole body became tense. He glanced at the white-robed youth with a little vigilance, and then said suspiciously:
"You... how do you know? What if we succeed?"

At this time, the young man in white robe couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the words of the big man with cheeks, his eyes were full of smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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