The best playboy

Chapter 1712

Chapter 1712
At this time, after the people standing behind the giant man and the giant man heard Ding Fan's words, everyone's face showed a look of surprise, and a greedy look flashed in their eyes involuntarily, but very soon. Soon, this look was all restrained by them, and they looked at Ding Fan with righteousness and said:

"Hmph, you are He Fangxiao, we are all the villains you talk about, let me tell you! It is absolutely impossible for us to fall in love with the baby of the Wild Wolf Gang."

"That's right! Who do you think you are! Let me tell you, we are loyal to the Wild Wolf Gang, so don't try to get our hands on the Wild Wolf Gang. The most important thing is, kid, you have broken into the forbidden area of ​​our Wild Wolf Gang , suffer death obediently!"

"Stinky boy, go to hell! Say such things again in your next life!"

At this moment, after Ding Fan saw the hypocritical expressions on their faces, he couldn't help but sneered, and then vigorously slapped his hands.

"Okay! It's really good, everyone is loyal, everyone is a hero, and you don't move for profit. I am so touched!"

After Ding Fan's words, the big men in black who were standing opposite Ding Fan couldn't help but blush, but they quickly restrained them, roared at Ding Fan, and slapped Ding Fan fiercely. said:
"Stinky boy, you dare to insult us, you are really arrogant, let me tell you, boy, you are dead!"

At this moment, all the men in black took out their weapons from their pockets one after another, looking as if they were going to fight Ding Fan desperately. The deputy looked very regretful and said quietly:

"It's such a pity. I originally wanted to cooperate with you and share the treasures of the Wild Wolf Gang. Since no one has this idea, it seems that I can only do it myself."

At this time, after listening to Ding Fan's words, all the men in black showed a look of uncertainty on their faces. After looking at Ding Fan suspiciously, they all fell silent. What is thinking in my heart.

After a short time, the nine-foot giant man pondered for a while, then slowly raised his head, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said to Ding Fan in a deep voice:

"How sure are you?"

When the nine-foot giant man said these words, the men in black around him immediately boiled up. They all looked at the giant man in disbelief, and opened their mouths wide and said in shock:
"Huang Feng, are you crazy? That's the treasure of the Wild Wolf Gang. You don't want to die? If the gang leader or captain hears this, all of us will lose our lives!"

"That's right, Huang Feng, I think you're really blinded by profit."

Just when everyone was criticizing the nine-foot giant, it seemed that the nine-foot giant didn't hear half of it. With a wave of his big hand, he calmed down the atmosphere around him. Ding Fan said:

"Are you sure?"

Ding Fan looked at the reaction of the nine-foot giant man, and a smile crossed the corner of his mouth, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and a flash of firmness flashed in his eyes and said to the giant man:
"I'm [-]% sure!"

At this time, after Huang Feng heard Ding Fan's firm voice, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but tremble twice, his body trembled slightly, and his eyes began to turn red. From the mouth of the wind came out:

"What did you say? [-]% sure? How is that possible? You know, this is the treasure house of the Wild Wolf Gang. We don't know how many organs there are. What's more, our captain will never let you in!"

However, Ding Fan still didn't react at all after hearing Huang Feng's doubtful words at this moment. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he said to Huang Feng with certainty:
"I'm [-]% sure. Not only can I steal all the treasures, but most importantly, I can escape perfectly."

After listening to Ding Fan's words, everyone showed disbelief on their faces. At this moment, they absolutely couldn't believe Ding Fan's words. They must know that the black-clothed captain alone is not something they can deal with.

"You're lying, it's impossible for you to do it. Our captain is very powerful. I think you are so young, maybe you don't even have the strength to deal with our captain?"

"Exactly! What do you use to convince us? Is it too simple to make us work for you just by your mouth?"

At this time, Huang Feng also said in a deep voice, although he has been completely persuaded by Ding Fan now, I still can't believe that Ding Fan can have such strength.

"It's up to us!"

Just as Huang Feng finished speaking, Zhang Heng and Du Quan also slowly came out from behind Ding Fan. After taking a deep look at Ding Fan, they said to the men in black around them. :
"I believe Brother Qian has such ability. Brother Qian has demonstrated his great strength in front of us just now. I believe Brother Qian will definitely be able to lead everyone to obtain the benefits they want."

When everyone saw Du Quan and Zhang Heng who came out, everyone had a shocked expression on their faces, and stared blankly at Ding Fan and the others.

"What's the situation, Du Quan, why did you go to his side? And isn't that Zhang Heng? Why did you go to that kid?"

"There's also Zhang Qiang, that stupefied guy. How could he choose to follow this kid? It's really scary."

At this time, everyone looked at Ding Fan, Du Quan and others in disbelief, and the doubts in their hearts had reached a peak.

At this time, Ding Fan saw that the matter was almost ready to be resolved, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, and then he said quietly to the crowd:
"I know that everyone doesn't believe that I have such ability, but what if I say that I can bring your captain to my side?"

As soon as Ding Fan finished speaking, the many men in black around him were all stunned. Ding Fan even said that he could pull Captain Black in. It is common for a confidant of the leader to come into contact with this kind of thing, as long as he wants to take it, he can take as much as he wants.

It was impossible for the captain in black to take such a risk with them. Thinking of this, everyone looked at Ding Fan like a fool, with disbelief in their eyes.

"It's impossible, how could our captain be willing to take this risk with us, it's simply impossible, don't try to lie to us!"

"That's right, this is just nonsense! The captain can go in whenever he wants, what kind of baby can't he touch?"

Ding Fan looked at the expressions of disbelief on everyone's faces, and a strange smile crossed the corner of his mouth. After a slight nod, Ding Fan said quietly to everyone:
"What if I can win him over to my side?"

After listening to Ding Fan's words, everyone still shook their heads with expressions of disbelief. From that look, Ding Fan was as far as you could possibly do it.

At this time, the giant man Huang Feng who was the first one came out slowly, looked at Ding Fan carefully, and then said quietly to Ding Fan:
"If you can do it, I, Huang Feng, will be the first to follow you!"

"Yes! No, as long as you can pull the captain to your side, we will follow you!"

"That's right, then we'll play big!"

After Ding Fan listened to everyone's words, a smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth, and after he nodded fiercely, Ding Fan's figure walked down the Yaofeng mountain.

"Okay! Then you just wait for my good news!"

As he spoke, Ding Fan's figure gradually disappeared. When everyone saw Ding Fan's disappearing back, a look of greed and anticipation flashed in their eyes. To be honest, none of the people wanted to get this wild wolf. The treasures of the gang, but due to the lack of strength of everyone, they didn't dare to make any plans for the treasures. Now someone jumped out and said that they could make everyone rich.

All the small thoughts in everyone's hearts burst out at once. At this moment, Ding Fan's figure flickered, and Ding Fan had already arrived at the entrance at the foot of Yaofeng Mountain.

Looking at the turned marks on the ground, the corner of Ding Fan's mouth was raised slowly, the true energy gathered in his hands, and a fierce momentum was released from Ding Fan's body in an instant.

It didn't take long before Ding Fan's fingers were firmly on the ground, only to hear that there were bursts of bangs on the ground at this moment, stimulating the ears of the people around him all the time, and at this moment, The ground began to tremble slightly.

In just a few breaths, a bottomless tunnel appeared above the ground. Ding Fan couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

"right here……"

As Ding Fan spoke, he leaped in and jumped in. Seeing the sky-high flames inside, Ding Fan was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that the black-clothed captain had specially lit up here when he came in.

Thinking of this, Ding Fan stared straight ahead, and began to recall slowly in his mind. To be honest, Ding Fan has not felt this way for a long time.

The spiritual imprint left by Ding Fan on the captain in black before played a big role. Now Ding Fan opened his mouth following the memory, and the unknown instructions began to slowly condense in his hand.

And as time went on, the speed of Ding Fan's finger art began to become faster and faster, becoming abnormally fast, and his body also began to twist irregularly at this time.

After a short time, streaks of blood-red light appeared in front of Ding Fan, the light flashed past, and an extremely strange formation appeared in front of Ding Fan.

At this time, the movements in Ding Fan's hands did not stop for a moment. After hearing Ding Fan's discovery of following the captain in black before, Ding Fan knew that there was still room after this formation, and the treasure of the Wild Wolf Gang was stored in a In the small three-story tower.

At this time, Ding Fan's fingers also began to change. After a short time, huge arms began to slowly form in the formation, and as the arms formed, they began to lift upwards slowly. past.

When Ding Fan saw this, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and the knuckles in his hands became messy, and afterimages formed in Ding Fan.

"Break it for me!"

At this time, Ding Fan let out an angry cry, his eyes were bloodshot, and after Ding Fan's voice was released, the countless huge arms in the formation began to exert force slowly.

There was only a roaring sound, and at this time a huge door in the soil layer was slowly pushed open. The black-clothed captain who had been hiding in the soil layer at this time felt nervous after hearing this sound. up.

(End of this chapter)

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