School grass's runaway sweetheart

Chapter 446 Rescue Song Luoyin

Chapter 446 Rescue Song Luoyin

Sure enough, she escaped, how did she manage to dig such a big hole here, but was never found out? !

And a group of security personnel standing behind her gasped in unison when they saw this scene in front of them!
"You bunch of trash! You are all trash! Find it for me, what are you doing in a daze, go find it! If you can't find it, get the hell out of the Song family one by one!!!"

Everyone was trembling, and they all rushed away immediately...

Song Zhixin looked at the entrance of the cave where the wind was blowing in, her heart fluctuated violently.

Song Luoyin stayed at home obediently for two years, despite her various physical and mental humiliations, she never complained, nor tried to escape, what happened this time, unexpectedly...

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Song Zhixin's expression quickly revealed a layer of panic!
Press conference... Press conference!

She didn't run away early or late, but she escaped when she was about to hold a press conference. She must have gone to file a complaint, and she must have gone to Jie to file a complaint!
She shouldn't have been soft-hearted to her in the first place, she should have let her die instead of just being imprisoned!
"It's going to be earlier, the press conference must be earlier, before Jie gets the news from Song Luoyin, it must be held..."


When Tong Luoluo opened her eyes, it was already bright outside the window.

While eating breakfast, I heard that Mama Wu was going to the city to buy something. She hadn't gone out for a long time and immediately asked happily to go with her.

Wu Ma has always liked Tong Luoluo, so she agreed without hesitation.

What the two of them went to was not a supermarket, but one of the largest vegetable markets in the city.

The buildings around the vegetable market are not gorgeous, they are all ordinary buildings where residents live. Because they are close to the vegetable market, the walls outside the house do not look very clean.

"Luoluo, help me get my wallet in the car, I'm old, and I forget even my wallet when I'm shopping for groceries!"

Wu Ma stood in front of a small peddler, looked at the peddler apologetically, and hurriedly said to Tong Luoluo.


Tong Luoluo readily agreed, and immediately ran towards the outside of the market.

Holding the money, she ran all the way to the vegetable market, afraid that Mama Wu would not be able to wait, so she deliberately found a road that she thought was very short, and turned into the vegetable market from the left.

However, just as she was about to turn into the vegetable market from the path on the left, she suddenly heard a burst of children's laughter. The laughter was not the innocent kind, but the kind of laughter that succeeded as a prank.

Tong Luoluo couldn't help frowning, curiosity drove her to walk over there.

As a result, after walking a few steps, he saw in an alley, a group of children surrounded a person in the end, and kept throwing small stones and rotten leaves.

They yelled "stinky beggar" as they threw it, and they continued to burst into laughter, and one or two children even stepped forward and kicked it!
Through the gap between them, Tong Luoluo saw that the person kept trying to block the things they threw, but showed no sign of resistance.

Tong Luoluo's righteous anger suddenly burned, and he rushed forward, shouting: "Hey, what are you doing!"

The sudden roar made the children's movements stop, and they all turned to look at Tong Luoluo.

After all, children are always bullying and afraid of being tough. When they saw Tong Luoluo's vicious look, they immediately ran away in fright, and quickly disappeared...

"Are you okay?" Tong Luoluo hurriedly stepped forward to hold the girl back: "Why didn't you resist the little girl just now? They are all children, if you scare them a little bit—"

Before she finished speaking, Tong Luoluo looked at the veiled girl and froze suddenly.

After a long pause, she said happily, "So it's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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