My princess is so sweet

Chapter 333 Terrible Killing

Chapter 333 Terrible Killing

 "My lord, let's leave quickly, old man, don't worry, our lord just happens to be going to the Holy Heaven Gate, and we will definitely bring the news to you."

Jixiang didn't like this kind of gloomy place, and secretly cursed the person who gave her the news.

It is clearly said that this place is very special. At night, you can see glowing stones on the river beach beside the city, but now it is good.

Not only did he not see the beautiful stone, but it was even more terrifying here.

"This young master is a student participating in this year's selection of the Holy Heaven Sect, that's great, you guys leave quickly, don't forget to bring the news to..."

After learning that Yun Qi and Jixiang were going to Shengtianmen, the old man lost his guard a lot, and dragged the two of them out of the town.

"Uncle Li, these two are strangers, have you forgotten what you said this morning?"

Just when the three of them had just walked a few steps, there was a scolding sound from behind.

When Yun Qi looked back, he saw a familiar face: "Brother Wang."


Yun Qi didn't expect to see Wang Laoer here.

"Brother Wang, who is this?"

Seeing that Wang Laoer and Yunfei knew each other, the other party became less hostile and followed him.

"Mayor Li, this is Brother Yunfei. She also came to Shengtianmen to report, and she is the No.1 selection of this year's Shengtianmen. With her in our chances of winning will be even greater."

"No. 1?"

After Wang Laoer introduced Yunfei, the mayor's face was full of disbelief.

Yun Qi looked thin and frail, like a frail scholar, not a cultivator no matter what.

"Yunfei just won by luck, Brother Wang, why are you here?"

"It's a long story. I'll take you to the inn first, and we'll talk about it in detail. In the evening, I hope Brother Yunfei will give us a helping hand."

Now that Wang Lao Er and Yun Fei knew each other, those people no longer rejected Yun Qi.

Soon the group came to an inn in the small town. After making arrangements, Mayor Li, Wang Er Er, and Uncle Li came to Yun Qi's room and sat down, roughly talking about the cause of the incident.

"A month ago, I wanted to come to Shengtianmen with Brother Yunfei, but I didn't know where to find you. Later, Brother Wu left. After waiting for a few days, I also headed for Shengtianmen."

"I stopped and stopped along the way, and I only reached the boundary of Shengtianmen yesterday, because there is a distant cousin in this town, and it happened to be here before the report time, so I came here to have a look."

"I didn't expect that when I first entered the town, I found that the situation was unusual... The mayor said that a group of men in black arrived here a few days ago. For some reason, they suddenly went berserk and killed people in the evening..."

"They left in the morning, but after they left, a few people would disappear in the town every night..."

When Wang Laoer said this, Mayor Li and Uncle Li were full of pain. They both lost their relatives in this killing.

But because those people threatened none of them to leave here before they left, and they couldn't let outsiders know what happened here, no funeral was allowed in every family.

"Those bastards must die badly."

Mayor Li cursed bitterly. Originally, the town was very rich because there were stones that glowed at night on the river beach beside the town, which attracted many people.

The people living here are also very harmonious and live a very happy life.

But everything changed in that massacre...

"Now do you know what the purpose of those people is to kill?"

(End of this chapter)

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