Magical Cool Husband Story

Chapter 37 Of course I have to be responsible to you

Chapter 37 Of course I have to be responsible to you

"That's right, I'm going to carry you on my own, you don't have to be grateful to me." I easily carried her who didn't weigh much, and then walked towards the nearby clinic. I already felt that she was very light, and now it seems to be light again. Is she eating properly on time?Luo Huaixi couldn't help frowning.

Hearing what he said, she fell silent. His back was spacious, warm, and damn safe, which made her feel as though she would never want to get off it when lying on it.

Le Xiaocha, how could you think like this?You gave him your first kiss, and you have already felt sorry for your senior, but now you have this kind of thought, how can you be so half-hearted?

But why does Luo Huaixi give her a completely different feeling from her senior?It's messed up, her heart is already in a mess, and she doesn't know what to do.

"Little one." Just as Le Xiaocha was thinking wildly, he heard his call, and she hummed naturally.

"Are you so poor that you can't even afford food?" Luo Huaixi frowned and asked.

"Uh, why do you ask that? Although I'm poor, I still have three meals a day." She just ate a little worse than others.

"Really? Then why are you so light? You must have not eaten well, so you are stunted, making others think you are underage." Remembering that every time he met a friend, he had to explain that she was an adult, and he I feel nauseous. After tonight, his group of bad friends must have thought that he had changed his taste and started attacking underage girls.

"I don't. I'm full every meal. It's because of their eyes that they think I'm underage." Their eyes must have been glued to shit, so they thought she was a [-]-year-old girl. The person is still a fifteen or sixteen-year-old underage girl.

"Really? But why do I feel that you are lighter on your back than when I hugged you last time?" Luo Huaixi continued to ask disapprovingly.

"Oh, that's because I have to prepare my thesis, because I'm too busy, so sometimes I forget to eat." Everyone said that the junior year was easy, but she didn't feel it at all, the courses were full, and She has to write a thesis, she is going crazy.

"Are you fucking yourself?" He has never been a busy person. He has excellent medical skills, but not everyone can please him. He sees a doctor depending on his mood. He would make himself hungry, and knowing that she was ravishing himself like this, he was a little angry, angry that she didn't cherish his body.

"I didn't, I just forgot." From his tone, he could hear his displeasure. It was strange, what business did she have to do with him?

"In the future, you are not allowed to rape yourself like this. You have to eat three meals on time, and you have to eat better, you know?" Luo Huaixi said in a very serious tone.

"Why should I listen to you? You are not mine." When he said this, others would think he was her boyfriend if they didn't know, bah, she wouldn't be his girlfriend, she already had a senior , Le Xiaocha kept reminding himself.

"I took your first kiss away, of course I have to be responsible to you." Luo Huaixi made a very magnificent excuse, God knows he never knew what it was to be responsible, but this time he really wanted to Take responsibility for her.

(End of this chapter)

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