Magical Cool Husband Story

Chapter 50 I have a heart for you

Chapter 50

His clothes were crumpled and casually hung on the back of the chair, and it seemed that he could no longer wear them. Just as he was worrying, there was another unusual sound from the kitchen, and it sounded a little frightening.

"Could he be cooking?" Qin Ran casually brushed his messy hair with his hands, and walked towards the kitchen full of doubts. Didn't he just say last night that a gentleman should stay away from the kitchen? Before he reached the door of the kitchen, he heard another frightening sound. When he appeared at the door of the kitchen with the corners of his mouth twitching, three black lines immediately appeared on his face.

At this moment, a tall and beautiful man wearing an apron with a cute cartoon pattern on his body is fighting with a pile of meat and vegetables with a knife. Many broken vessels.

"You idiot, what are you doing?" Kieran crossed his arms, his usually calm face was already turbulent.

"Honey, you're awake, I'm cooking, my God, this onion is so spicy..." Zhao Yi raised his cheeks that were full of tears from the onion's spiciness. Poor him, he never knew Onion actually has such a great ability, it can make him cry.

"Are you sure you are cooking, not destroying the kitchen?" Looking at the messy kitchen, he felt sorry for the hourly workers who would come to clean up later.

"I'm cooking with all my heart, and I'm sincere to you, how can you say that about me?" He continued to pour out his face, woo, what a spicy onion.

"Don't force yourself to do things you can't do." With him like this, can you still eat the cooked food later?He was considering whether to take advantage of his failure to do a 36-count move as the best strategy.

"Don't look at me less, as long as it's what your Brother Xiaoyi and I want to do, and I haven't failed yet, you can just sit and wait for the food, lest you say, I have no sincerity to invite you to dinner, and I order takeaway every time. "This time he did it himself. He should be very moved. He can't wait to see how moved he is.

"Really? Then I'll wait to see your results." Glancing at his beautiful face full of introverts, Kieran said nonchalantly, and then left.

"Shouldn't you be very touched when you see someone you like getting up so early to cook for yourself? What kind of expression is that? It's so cold-blooded and heartless, it breaks his fragile heart." Woo, this damn onion is so spicy, even if you want to help him detoxify, you don't have to be so violent, so the poor man continued to cut the onion, and continued to pour out his face.

In order to show his sincerity in the kitchen, Zhao Yi did not hesitate to break the principle of not being in the kitchen, and tried his best to deal with a group of disgusting meat and vegetables, while Qin Ran rummaged through his room very unceremoniously, looking for clothes that suit him. Clothes, but after searching for a long time, none of them satisfied him. It was not a problem of quality, but a problem of SIZE.

Zhao Yi is a hedonist, he will not be troubled by worldly things, and he will not treat himself badly. All the items he uses are the best. In order to make his life more interesting, he will spend a lot of money and spend money. In the eyes of others, he is very smart and powerful, because he knows how to make money, but his almost profligate habit makes many people keep their eyes open and look forward to when he will decline.

Dear friends who like Qin Ran and Zhao Yi can watch: [Magic Cool Husband: Loving Naughty Wife] episode
(End of this chapter)

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