Magical Cool Husband Story

Chapter 52 Baby, you have to hold on

Chapter 52 Baby, you have to hold on
"What's the matter?" Zhao Yi, who was feeling refreshed about what he said just now, asked nervously when he saw his expression was different.

"How come there are fish scales in the bowl?" Suddenly an ominous premonition arose in his heart, and he immediately picked up a spoon and smashed into the big bowl of muddy soup, only to see that the uncooked fish was lying on its body. It was dazzling, and the fish scales on his body were still very shiny. He was suddenly astonished as if he had swallowed a raw egg and said, "Damn it, you didn't remove the fish scales."

"Does fish have to remove their scales?" someone asked innocently.

"Idiot, when you eat fish, have you ever eaten fish with scales on it? Don't tell me, you haven't dug out the internal organs of the fish." Turn the fish over and look at the almost complete fish , Qin Ran's hands began to tremble, his eyes stared straight, and his body began to flutter in the wind.

"Oh, I forgot. I cooked this fish soup twice. When I cooked it for the first time, I remembered to dig out the internal organs, but I forgot it when I cooked it for the second time. There should be no problem." Zhao Yi bit his lower lip, like a student who did something wrong and was waiting for his teacher's punishment. He didn't intentionally not dig out the internal organs, he was just in a hurry and forgot.

"'re good at don't need to remove fish scales or ginger slices when you cook fish soup, and you don't even dig out the internal organs, you can do it..." Qin Ran was already so angry that he wanted to say something ironic, his face paled. The blood color is being drawn away bit by bit.

"Baby, I really didn't mean it, are you okay?" His face was so ugly, Zhao Yi looked at him worriedly, look, he even said that he has no talent for cooking, and he still dislikes it He orders takeaway every time, and now he finally knows that he was born rich and lucky, so he can't do it himself.

"I think I'm going to have a stomach wash." The bowl of fish soup had already started churning in his stomach, and Qin Ran didn't even have the strength to roll his eyes at this moment.

"What, it won't be that serious, baby, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I caused you." When someone heard this, he immediately screamed in horror.

"What the hell are you, I'm not dead yet, why are you howling?" He should have known long ago that he couldn't expect him, and now that he was fine, he was reduced to such a situation when his heart softened for a while, Qin Ran couldn't help but want to kick him Fly his impulsive roar.

"Um, I'm still full of anger when cursing people, it doesn't seem that serious." He didn't have the guts to say this, he just thought about it in his heart, and he hurriedly stepped forward and said with an apologetic smile: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'll send you off right now." You go to the hospital for gastric lavage..."

"Call Huai Xi." Only he knew his body secrets, and he couldn't let other doctors touch him except him.

"Understood, I'll help you to the coachman first, baby, you have to hold on." Zhao Yi hurriedly helped him out, leaving a house that had been messed up like a mass grave to the hourly workers to deal with.

"Baby, how are you? Are you feeling bad? You must be okay. If something happens to you, what do you want me to do? I can't live without you." Our suave Mr. Zhao looked at his The lover looks more and more fragile, suddenly anxious like ants on a hot pan.

"Can you drive more steadily?" Seeing that he lost his usual composure and even drove unsteadily, his internal organs were about to be knocked out. Qin Ran almost couldn't lift it up in one breath. Began to worry that if he was not poisoned by his fish soup, he would become an undead in his car.

(End of this chapter)

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