Magical Cool Husband Story

Chapter 55 She is too naive

Chapter 55 She is too naive

"Even if you don't want me to pay back the money, I don't want to owe you." She has a lot of backbone and will never owe anyone anything.

"Why did you smash the glass window of the cafe with a rock?" Of course he knew that she didn't like to owe people, so there was no point in arguing with her on this issue.

"I..." Le Xiaocha bit her lips, lowered her head slowly, and twisted the hem of her clothes with her fingers. She didn't know how to answer him. Could she tell him that she saw him with another woman? together, and then she picked up a rock and threw it at the glass window in a flash of heat?No, she must not say it.

"Why didn't you say it? Don't you usually talk a lot? Or can't you even explain your behavior just now?"

Luo Huaixi said coldly with a sullen face: "Do you know that if I hadn't been there just now, you would have been arrested and taken to the police station?" Just thinking that she would offend Shangguan because of her childish behavior No, he couldn't help being angry.

"Even if I'm arrested and taken to the police station, even if I'm going to jail, so what? It's none of your business? You're not mine, so I don't care about my affairs." Why was he still with another woman just now? Talking and laughing together, with an ambiguous attitude, and now you are going to take care of her?As long as she thought of him with other women, she couldn't control her temper.

"You woman is really inexplicable and unreasonable." Where did he provoke her again?Luo Huaixi was so angry that she lost her usual elegance.

"That's right, I just like being inexplicable and unreasonable, so don't get close to me, you'd better go find your gentle and understanding confidante, I will work hard to make money for the money I owe you today I will give it back to you, and we will have nothing to do with each other in the future." She finally said these words, after saying these words, she thought that she would relax a little bit, but her heart seemed to be pressed by a big rock, and she gave up heavily. She could hardly breathe.

"You..." Looking at her flushed face with excitement, Luo Huaixi suddenly understood why she threw a stone at the glass just now, his upper body leaned towards her, his tense face changed into a relaxed expression: "It turns out that you saw Jiajia and I drinking coffee inside, that's why you threw stones at the glass in anger, little one, you are jealous, aren't you?"

This is not the first time. Last time at the ball, she misunderstood him and Xuan'er. This time, she must have thought that he had something to do with Jiajia. In fact, he came out today mainly to talk to her about the hospital's filming of advertisements. Things, obviously she misunderstood.

"Don't put gold on your face, who will eat your jealousy, Luo Huaixi, Mr. Luo, I solemnly tell you today, I have read my inspection report, my body is very healthy, a little There are no problems, so I hope you can abide by the agreement made more than a month ago, we will not meet again in the future, and finally I owe you the money, I will send it to you, goodbye, no, never see you again."

Le Xiaocha finished speaking breathlessly, before he could react, she had turned around and ran away quickly, because she was worried that if she stayed again, she would cry uncontrollably, this was her last dignity, She couldn't cry in front of that playboy.

"Little one, you obviously like me." Looking at her running away, Luo Huaixi did not catch up, but just sighed lowly, if she thought that after he knew that she cared about him, they would If she can really make a knife and two paragraphs, and never communicate with each other, then it can only be said that she is too naive.

(End of this chapter)

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