Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1007 Volume 3 117 Pink Sweet

Chapter 1007 Three Volumes 117 Pink Sweetness (5 More)
Huichun tasted it, and although he was a little reluctant, he had to answer truthfully: "...this pastry powder is sweet and delicious, and it has a refreshing aroma of elm money, very delicious."

Wanxi giggled, and turned to look at the two women outside the door: "Everything in this world always has two sides, just like the so-called 'poison', if it is right, it can save lives, if it is not right, it is arsenic. It is like cinnabar, ancient and modern. Everyone loves it as precious as a treasure, and the emperor's imperial pen and vermilion criticize her, and literati and inkmen paint paintings and seals are indispensable. Cinnabar is used as medicine, which can detoxify and antiseptic, especially when there are pimples on the skin, smearing can also kill insects. "

"Dansha is used for this. I got pimples at that time, but I experienced it myself. But it was also that time that I realized that although cinnabar can detoxify and kill insects, if it encounters high temperature, it can poison people! Zifu smoked sulfur and motan sand have been slightly poisoned."

Upon hearing the good and evil sides of cinnabar and sulfur, the queen's complexion could not help but change.

Wanxi said quietly: "Then this is the same principle. Perhaps the poison I put in the pastry is just to make Huichun unable to eat it, but if it is the master and empress, she will die of poison immediately... Therefore, for the sake of Mistress Mistress, I suggest that you, Zhuchun and Huanchun, come and taste it for Mistress Mistress. One more person has tasted it, so Mistress Mistress can rest assured."

Both Zhuchun and Huanchun couldn't help but change color.

It was also the first time for them to see someone blatantly insisting that they used poison in such a way, and insisted that everyone try it.

The queen's complexion couldn't help but turned even paler. She quietly glanced at the light on Wanxi's face, and couldn't help but raise her voice: "You guys, come in and taste it too!"

Zhuchun and Huanchun had no choice but to bite the bullet and go in to taste it.

Wanxi stared at the two of them after they had finished eating, and then asked with a smile, "How does it taste?"

Zhuchun and Huanchun looked at each other and had to nod: "It really is sweet and delicious."

Wanxi raised her voice and smiled, and brought the food box back to the queen: "Master, you can rest assured now. Please."

A cold light flashed in the queen's eyes, and she had no choice but to grab it and eat it.

Wanxi smiled and said: "The emperor ate a plate, why should the empress have to eat at least half of the plate. I will count for the master, and I will eat at least five."

The queen had to keep a cold face and ate five in a row.

Wanxi smiled in satisfaction, turned around and walked back, glanced at Concubine Chun and Yuqin, then nodded quietly.
"The pastry has been eaten, so you can kneel down!"

Even if the queen looked at Wanxi's back, she could see Wanxi's pride, so she became impatient and raised her voice to see off the guests.

Wanxi also nodded, and turned back to pat Yuhu's hand: "If you have something to say, please tell the master first, I will wait for you outside."

Wanxi, Concubine Chun, Yuqin, and Xiaobai all retreated to the outside room first.

Zhuchun and the other three women also came out and closed the cabin door tightly, leaving only the queen and the jade pot inside.

Naturally, even the three newly promoted women would not want to hear about that part of the past before entering the palace.Wanxi glanced at the three women, then smiled faintly at Concubine Chun and Yuqin.

When a concubine travels, there is a quota of women to bring with her, and the queen can only have three by her side.Therefore, as long as these three women are all restrained tonight, the queen will be doomed to be isolated and helpless.
In the cabin, the queen narrowed her eyes and stared at the jade pot: "You are no longer the Xianchun who was by my side back then. What do you want to say to me tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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