Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1009: Toxic

Chapter 1009: Toxic (119 more)
Something happened to the queen at this moment, and the three women outside who had also eaten the pastry also felt numbness in their tongues and burning in their throats.All three covered their throats, hoarse but unable to speak.

The six eyes of the three of them seemed to protrude from their sockets, staring at Wanxi firmly.

Wanxi greeted the three of them, and smiled lightly: "That's right, it's poisonous. I just intentionally induced you all to eat it. Now it's too late to regret it."

"But then again, you are just women who were promoted later in the Changchun Palace. You were not originally the queen's dowry, let alone your confidantes. Therefore, I have no grudges against you in the past, and naturally I have no grudges in the near future. There is no need to kill your lives!"

"It's just this moment... I don't want to ask you to make a noise, lest you spoil my business. You can't shout at this time. As long as you are obedient and sit obediently at this time, then wait for me to do it." After the matter is over, I will naturally teach you how to get rid of the poison."

"You guys ate less of that pastry, don't worry, it won't kill you for the time being."

The three of them looked at each other, clutching their throats, not daring to move.

As soon as the cabin door opened, the jade pot had already come out.

The tears that should have been shed have already flowed, and the expression on Yuhu's face now is relief after venting.Yuhu nodded towards Wanxi, with a slight smile on his face.

Wanxi turned her head to look at Concubine Chun again, and then grabbed the hands of Yuqin, Yuhu and Xiaobai: "I will leave these three women outside the door to you. You one by one, watch them closely. But they They all cherish their lives, and they can't shout out at this moment, forgive them for knowing their identities, and they dare not do anything at this moment."

All three nodded and said, "Don't worry."
Then Wanxi went back to the cabin again.

The queen covered her throat, her face was pale, and she stared at Wanxi.

Wanxi smiled softly: "I just heard the hoarse roar of the master's empress outside the door. But now, I believe that the empress wants to roar, but I'm afraid she won't be able to."

The queen tried her best to speak out, but the voice was even deeper and hoarse, it wasn't that the two of them lived so close to each other in the same room, no one outside could hear them.

"Concubine Ling, you poisoned me!"

Wanxi giggled: "I just said it a long time ago, I was poisoned, and I didn't hide it from you. You insisted on eating...you don't have to. In order to save your life, even if I told the emperor that you would not Eat, so what? Who told you that you can't let go of this pair of 'virtuous queen' skins, and you have to eat even if you hold on, and once you eat, you will get five!"

"You...you pick a hoof!" The queen's voice became hoarse, as if her throat was blocked by cotton wool.

Wanxi raised her eyes to look at the cabin roof.

Although this is a cabin, because it is a royal boat, this cabin is like a palace, with carved beams and painted buildings, brackets and cornices.It is not crowded at all, and it still shows the royal dignity all the time.

"I'm afraid the empress can't do anything else besides swearing at people right now? I can't help but think back to the empress I knew before, who was so high in the middle palace, calmly controlling everyone in the palm of my hand. Even when dealing with the empress dowager and the emperor, you have your own way. You have always been so comfortable, you have always been so confident and graceful, and you have never... like this, you jump over the wall in a hurry, and you can only curse people!"

There was a roar in the queen's throat, but it was already a bit incomplete.

Wanxi was more calm, and smiled: "Does the empress remember? How did you poison me back then, how did you hurt the foundation of a 14-year-old girl like me?"

(End of this chapter)

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