Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1015 Chapter 3 Farewell

Chapter 1015 Three Volumes 125 Farewell (3 more)
"Bee bees? It sounds so familiar, it seems to be a method used by the queen... Is it the bee bees that Concubine Jia and the eighth elder brother encountered back then?"

The emperor was not surprised at all when he heard this, but instead smiled lightly: "This time you should be glad that Concubine Jia didn't accompany me on the east tour because of her body. Otherwise, there must be another Concubine Jia on board tonight! Concubine Ling This bee should be released for Concubine Jia and Eighth Prince."

As the emperor said, he couldn't help pursing his lips into a smile: "Actually, you can't stand to say that your concubine uses bees to harm you. Empress, don't forget that this place is on an open boat with breezy winds, and it's not a closed place. How could it only go towards you? Besides, at this time of year, the flowers are blooming and the willows are green on both sides of the river. Even if the bees fly towards you, they must fly away for a while and then disperse. They should be more interested in those spring flowers."

The emperor paused slightly, "The reason why the empress was still frightened by the bees must be because she thought of the swarm of bees when Concubine Jia gave birth, right? So even if the bees didn't attack you, they just flew towards you, you She was still panicking with fright. Therefore, the real trouble is the queen's inner demon."

"Queen, don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts calling the door. If it were someone else, even if they saw the fourth princess running past in red, even if they looked at the bee, they wouldn't be so frightened as you are, would they?"

Inside the tent, the queen was already desperate.

Tears burst from the corners of her eyes, and she roared hoarsely: "Your Majesty! You, favor your concubine!"

"Are you partial?" Through the bed curtain, the emperor smiled faintly: "That depends on what method she used to treat you. But according to my opinion, whether it's this pinellia, the bee, or the fourth princess The clothes... and the sulfur and cinnabar of the Buddhist scriptures, which were all given by her thanks to the pimple... Aren't these all the methods used by the queen herself?"

"She also used this method against the queen today. It should be said that she learned it from the queen. It is the queen who taught and taught well!"

"I would like to thank the queen for teaching an innocent girl under 14 to learn this!"

When the emperor said this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it's okay, she is 22 years old now, and she should learn how to protect herself. Only in this way, can she have the ability to help me manage this harem well."

The emperor smiled slightly as he spoke, and patted the queen's hand: "Although she has methods, she is different from you. Her methods are only for self-protection and revenge, but they are not used for actively harming others."

"Queen, go with peace of mind. After you leave, there will naturally be people in the harem who you 'taught' to help me take care of it. She is capable of taking care of it, and I can trust her. The queen doesn't have to worry about it anymore."

Inside the tent, the queen twitched.Her hands were scratching in the air, as if she wanted to grab the emperor's hand more tightly, as if she wanted to grab her queen's position, and even more wanted to grab her life that had no return...

But the emperor was outside the tent, and gently let go of her hand.

"Queen, you are my wife, and your child is my child; but I can't just for you, and not give an explanation to the other concubines and emperor's heirs in the harem. Kill people to pay for their lives, and debts to pay for money. This is the most basic 'justice' in this world. I can't violate it."

"I will let everyone know that the empress died to save the fourth princess. In the end, I will complete your face as the empress of the main palace. I will also refer to the old rules of the empress of the Ming Dynasty for your mourning and glory after death."

"Go ahead."

 Some relatives may still not understand the meaning of "neiguanling". Let's put it simply, Neiguanling is "Huntuohe" in Manchu, which means "half Zuoling", also known as "Xinzheku Niulu". ", which means "the person who eats rations under the inner tube", and it is also the lowest in the coating~~~ Seeing the three words "Xinzheku", everyone is familiar with it, right?Kangxi once said something to Concubine Liang. It was once determined that only those of this background can be concubines if they have children. Have you heard of it? ——This is piercing, if it is not for feelings, nothing can be explained.

(End of this chapter)

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