Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1022: Distributing Wealth

Chapter 1022: Distributing Wealth (132 More)
Wanxi also nodded: "I understand, you may also remember that I had such a conversation with the elder brother before. At that time, the emperor's grandson Miande elder brother was not born yet, and I promised to be like the fourth princess The lion was given to the little grandson. You can't help but think that I myself would like to get closer to the elder brother..."

Yuhan wept and bowed his head deeply: "Since the death of Master Huang, the servant has no one to rely on in this palace. Although Chen Guiren takes care of him, he is not his own master after all. Thanks to the master who asked the servant to come , so that the slaves can raise their heads again in this palace..."

"That's why the slave has already regarded the Palace of Eternal Life as his home, and regards the master as more important than the slave's own life. It's just that the master has been in favor for these years, and the emperor's favor has been constant, but the master still has no child after all."

"According to the usual practice in the palace, if the master does not have a prince, the concubine will reach the peak. Only if there is at least one more prince under the name, the emperor will be able to promote the master to be a concubine... the living at this time Among the princes, only the elder brother's biological mother passed away, so if the master is willing to accept the elder brother's wishes... then the emperor may agree to record the eldest elder brother under the name of the master, and the master can become a concubine. "

Wanxi also gently closed her eyes.

That's right, in the eyes of other people in the palace, no matter how much she is favored by the emperor, she still has no children after all.Youth is easy to age, now she is 22 years old, if she can't have another child, she will inevitably fade and fall in love with her.Only by taking advantage of this time to unite with Big Brother early can Xu Tu come to Japan.

Wanxi nodded: "So the elder brother is naturally determined, and I must accept his intention. That's right, if I join hands with him, I can be promoted to concubine, and the elder brother will also be promoted to concubine." But based on my good words in front of the emperor, I may even be able to aspire to the position of crown prince... This is indeed a good deal that benefits both parties."

Yuhan wept and nodded: "The slave is also thinking of the master."

Wanxi sighed softly: "Yuhan, I don't blame you, after all, everyone in this palace thinks so; and throughout the ages, all childless 'favored concubines' have to walk this way in order to have a future."

"But I don't want to. In my heart, the emperor's grace is given by the emperor, and it has nothing to do with anyone else."

Wanxi didn't want to embarrass Yuhan too much, so she specially smiled mischievously: "Besides, the elder brother is only one year younger than me, and now he has two children... Think about it, if he cares My name is Er Niang, so my whole body is still shaking!"

Yuhan was caught off guard, but also smiled.

Wanxi smiled slowly, and lowered her head: "Since you have received the gold leaf, you will accept it, but I will not accept it after all. Therefore, I will reward you with this box of gold leaf."

When Yuhan heard it, the tears that had just stopped were frightened again, and he knelt on the ground again: "How can this be done?"

Wanxi gently helped her up: "I know that you are also embarrassed by these golden leaves. How about this, you just said it well, the elder brother, together with the old concubine Zhemin and the concubine Huang's old family, take care of them, then you So I distributed all these gold leaves to them, saying that it was rewarded by the elder brother."

"In this way, they will all accept the elder brother's love, and it will not be surprising, and it will save us such embarrassment."

Yuhu smiled and clapped his hands when he heard this: "Exactly, since the elder brother has been taking care of these people, even if he rewards more this time, outsiders can't say anything."

Yuhan also smiled through his tears: "The slaves will be scattered to them. After all, the slaves are already from Yongshou Palace, so they will not keep them at all."

(End of this chapter)

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