Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1032 Volume 3 142 Ear Chamber

Chapter 1032 Volume Three 142 Ear Chamber (5 More)
What Xiaobai said... even Wanxi was a little confused for a while.

Xiao Bai lowered her head and smiled lightly: "My concubine also heard that when Empress Xiaoxian stayed in bed, she lived in the east ear room of the back hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. On March 22, the emperor had already decreed that the west ear room The renovations were moved to the east ear room... To tell you the truth, although the treasurer and eunuchs in the Hall of Mental Cultivation are responsible for this matter, if you want to make new objects, you always have to go to the internal construction office to handle it."

"My concubine's elder brother is also the doctor of the internal construction office, and all daily affairs have to go through his handwriting to be registered in the register."

Wanxi understood.

Since Bai Yongji was undertaking such an errand, it was natural that Bai Yongji would be the first to know whose belongings were moved to the east ear room.

Wanxi stretched out her hand and gently shook Xiao Bai's hand: "I understand, thank you for coming to breathe with me."

Only then did Xiao Bai smiled reassuringly: "It's just that at this moment, my brother also said that the emperor's mind has not yet been made up. I only said that April is going to the garden anyway, and the whole Hall of Mental Cultivation is empty, so I am not in a hurry Regarding this matter, the emperor only ordered that when we return from the garden in June, all the relocation and arrangement of the east wing room will be completed."

Wanxi smiled and lowered her head lightly.

Mrs. Xiaobai sighed softly: "Here, there is a contradiction: Empress Xiaoxian only returned to the palace on March 22th, and on March [-] the emperor was in a hurry to order to move the house... It can be seen that the emperor was anxious to move the house. I'm going to do this. But now I'm not in a hurry anymore, and I'm going to the garden, and I have to wait until June to make a final decision..."

Xiao Bai glanced quietly at Ling Concubine: "I'm afraid that the emperor wanted to move it, but he failed and was stopped by someone. The concubine thinks that the only one who can do this is the empress dowager, right? The empress dowager must have given the emperor another candidate, but unfortunately the emperor is also unwilling, so I have to wait until June to talk about the delaying formula."

Wanxi nodded and smiled: "You are right, I think so too."

Xiao Bai's eyes sparkled brightly: "...Although even my elder brother doesn't know the emperor's final decision at this moment, since he is in this position, he must be able to know it early. If I stay in June, if my elder brother If you have the letter, I will be the first to report it to Ling Niangniang!"
Wanxi's heart trembled slightly.

After all, her own family members are under the leadership of the internal management, which is equivalent to Xin Zheku's status, so the family members cannot get higher official positions, and she can't count on everything in the palace.It would be good if we could get more benefits.

What's more rare is that Xiao Bai took the initiative to sue, and besides, she once had such a quarrel with the Bai sisters... so she felt that this moment was precious.

Wanxi got up herself, took out a silver bottle from her small cabinet, and put it in Xiao Bai's hands.

"This is deer blood wine. I know that you Han people in Jiangnan don't like bloody wine, but this deer blood wine is probably the best for relieving cold and cooling. This deer blood wine is what I use on a daily basis, so don't worry. Pass your hand to Yipin, the root cause of her illness is also cold syndrome, you should be able to benefit from this."

Xiao Bai got up hurriedly: "My concubine is my elder sister, thank you, Madam Ling."
Not long after Mrs. Xiao Bai left, she saw Li Yu outside the palace gate.Li Yu has always been a cheerful person, but now he hesitated a little, as if he hadn't made up his mind whether to come in or not.

Wanxi saw it, and hurriedly called to come in.

Li Yu hesitated like this, it must be that the emperor has something embarrassing again.

 You can still see this east side room when you go to the Forbidden City. It is the "Tishun Hall", where Longyu once lived.Of course the name came later~~
(End of this chapter)

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